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How heat pumps can turn wasted energy into low-carbon whisky :A century-old Scottish distillery has halved its CO2 emissions with waste-heat recovery tech.
  • Nice, I have much the same setup in my house!

    I visited the recently Passive House certified student residence buildings at the University of Victoria, and the heat recovery there is quite interesting. Passive House requires a very low heating load, so they recover all the heat they can from the commercial kitchen (the presence of which is rare in a Passive House because of high ventilation requirements) processes such as ventilation hoods and refrigeration systems and put it into the DHW system.

    They had to get a bit creative with the design, but it's really not that complicated. More just not doing things the way they've always been done.

  • How heat pumps can turn wasted energy into low-carbon whisky :A century-old Scottish distillery has halved its CO2 emissions with waste-heat recovery tech.
  • I think there's a lot of opportunity for reducing wasted energy in many buildings. Even the term "waste heat" is indicative that energy is typically exhausted when it could be used for space or water heating. Obviously mechanical modifications would be needed, sometimes extensive, but it's a good option for reducing energy use.

  • This house in between two runways at Narita International Airport in Tokyo
  • "Ground, it's Fred. Off to work. Request taxi to the road."

    "Fred, Ground, roger. Taxi bravo three, left on Juliet, cross runway 34 right, right on foxtrot to the gate. I'll let security know you're on the way. Have a good day."

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • It starts early in the design process. But at that stage, it would be best to pause installation, have a mechanical engineer do the mechanical design (including equipment selection) based on an energy model and install the recommended equipment.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • I work in building science. It's obscene how little actual design and quality control goes into residential homes.

    The typical design is just one step above being illegal, and people are often scared off of doing anything more than that by the threat of increased cost. However, they don't realize that they pay for it either way; either on their mortgage, or on utilities. Only one of those you can actually own in the end.

  • More details on MS Flight Simulator 2024, including full 3D landscapes in 30 biomes
  • I perhaps haven't played since the ground handling update, but tailwheel aircraft never behaved like actual tailwheel aircraft. Their steering seemed coupled to the rudder, similar to nose wheel aircraft, instead of having any of the momentum effects of a tailwheel with just a loose steering influence.

    I believe the airport was a mid-sized towered airport in Idaho. I forget exactly which though. I selected it as my home base for Neofly because of the scenery and was disappointed when it seemed rather incomplete.

    I feel it would've been ahead of where it was if it took the aviation side of FSX and paired it with the scenery, weather, and online features of MSFS.

  • More details on MS Flight Simulator 2024, including full 3D landscapes in 30 biomes
  • I had FS2020 working well with yoke and pedals and a streamdeck, but it just didn't feel like a complete sim. Many airports just weren't there or had incorrectly labeled taxiways, which threw off taxi instructions and obviously made real world charts useless. Tailwheel aircraft didn't really work properly at all.

    Sure, it was a beautiful sim, but was quite lacking on the technical side. I'm doubtful a whole new product is going to solve any of those issues.

  • Mozilla Did a Reddit AMA About Their 2024 Firefox Priorities… See What You Missed
  • I was going to also post the direct AMA link, but the OP is a nice concise summary of many of the key discussions, provided without having to go to that site. I'd recommend reading that instead and follow links as you see fit.

  • Networking Dilemma
  • Sorry, four of the power to ethernet plugs. You put one near your router to essentially supply internet to your house's electrical circuits, then distribute the others where you need them, such as office, living room if you want to connect a TV or console, etc.

  • Networking Dilemma
  • I had a set of four for getting ethernet around the few places I rented. There was maybe the odd quality decrease when there was a lot of electrical load, but they worked great otherwise.

  • finally found time to brew, choc hazelnut porter
  • Yeah, I use a hop spider and whirlfloc with the whirlpool arm to limit the solids transferred and it works quite well.

  • finally found time to brew, choc hazelnut porter
  • You should be able to get a bit more volume if you transfer using the pump instead of the spigot. Not a whole lot but makes a difference on the lower volume brews. You can even tilt it a bit toward the pump inlet to get the last little bit out.

  • 46 members of Congress have violated a conflicts-of-interest law
  • The cost of doing business.

    Income-based fines should really be more commonplace.

  • Leaded fuel still used in small private planes in UK (2022)
  • What's your alternative for access and supplies to many remote communities?

  • Does the form factor between 3.5" and 2.5" matter in a NAS server?
  • Oh man, I remember a Philips mp3 player I had for the longest time as a kid. You could hear the little clicks of the hard drive. Lost it on a hike, unfortunately.

  • Leaded fuel still used in small private planes in UK (2022)
  • Right, hopefully G100UL can replace 100LL reasonably quickly, but there's a big difference between "commercially available" and actually available. I imagine it will be quite some time until it's commonplace for GA aircraft, unfortunately.

  • Leaded fuel still used in small private planes in UK (2022)
  • Leaded fuel is still used in piston airplanes everywhere. While there are ongoing efforts to develop an unleaded alternative, there is none currently available to the market.

  • what's a good ip camera for home assistant?
  • It might not be original quality, but this should be fairly straightforward with a tunnel or VPN connection to your parent's house. You'd also lose quality in having a WiFi camera instead of wired.

  • Network loss after 24hrs on Docker LXC

    Fine folks of c/selfhosted, I've got a Docker LXC (Debian) running in Proxmox that loses its local network connection 24 hours after boot. It's remedied with a LXC restart. I am still able to access the console through Proxmox when this happens, but all running services (docker ps still says they're running) are inaccessible on the network. Any recommendations for an inexperienced selfhoster like myself to keep this thing up for more than 24 hours?


    • Pruning everything from Docker in case it was a remnant of an old container or something.
    • Confirming network config on the router wasn't breaking anything.
    • Checked there were no cron tasks doing funky things.

    I did have a Watchtower container running on it recently, but have since removed it. It being a 24 hr thing got me thinking that was the only thing that would really cause an event at the 24 hr post start mark, and it started about that same time I removed Watchtower (intending to do manual updates because immich).

    ...and of course, any fix needs 24 hours to confirm it actually worked.

    A forum post I found asked for the output of ip a and ip r, see below. Notable difference on ip r missing the link to the gateway after disconnecting.

    Update: started going through journalctl and found the below abnormal entries when it loses connection, now investigating to see if I can find out why...

    Apr 16 14:09:16 docker 922abd47b5c5[376]: [msg] Nameserver has failed: request timed out. Apr 16 14:09:16 docker 922abd47b5c5[376]: [msg] Nameserver has failed: request timed out. Apr 16 14:09:16 docker 922abd47b5c5[376]: [msg] All nameservers have failed

    Update 2: I found using systemctl status networking.service that networking.service was in a failed state (Active: failed (Result: exit-code)). I also compared to a separate stable Docker LXC which showed networking.service was active, so, did some searching to remedy that.

    ``` x networking.service - Raise network interfaces Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/networking.service; enabled; preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2024-04-16 17:17:41 CST; 8min ago Docs: man:interfaces(5) Process: 20892 ExecStart=/sbin/ifup -a --read-environment (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE) Process: 21124 ExecStopPost=/usr/bin/touch /run/network/restart-hotplug (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 20892 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE) CPU: 297ms

    Apr 16 17:17:34 docker dhclient[20901]: DHCPACK of from Apr 16 17:17:34 docker ifup[20901]: DHCPACK of from Apr 16 17:17:34 docker ifup[20910]: RTNETLINK answers: File exists Apr 16 17:17:34 docker dhclient[20901]: bound to -- renewal in 37359 seconds. Apr 16 17:17:34 docker ifup[20901]: bound to -- renewal in 37359 seconds. Apr 16 17:17:41 docker ifup[20966]: Could not get a link-local address Apr 16 17:17:41 docker ifup[20892]: ifup: failed to bring up eth0 Apr 16 17:17:41 docker systemd[1]: networking.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE Apr 16 17:17:41 docker systemd[1]: networking.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Apr 16 17:17:41 docker systemd[1]: Failed to start networking.service - Raise network interfaces. ```

    A reinstall of net-tools and ifupdown seems to have brought networking.service back up. apt-get install --reinstall net-tools ifupdown

    Looking at the systemctl status return, I bet everything was fine until dhclient/ifup requested renewal about 24 hours after initial connection (boot), found that networking.service was down, and couldn't renew, killing the network connection.

    We'll see if it's actually fixed in 24 hours or so, but hopefully this little endeavour can help someone else plagued with this issue in the future. I'm still not sure exactly what caused it. I'll confirm tomorrow...

    Update 3 - Looks like that was the culprit. Container is still connected 24+ hrs since reboot, network.service is still active, and dhclient was able to renew.

    Update 4 - All was well and good until I started playing with setting up Traefik. Not sure if this brought it to the surface or if it just happened coincidentally, but networking.service failed again. Tried restarting the service, but it failed. Took a look in /etc/networking/interfaces and found there was an entry for iface eth0 inet6 dhcp and I don't use ipv6. Removed that line and networking.service restarted successfully. Perhaps that was the issue the whole time.

    Proton Drive Camera Backup has Arrived! How to enable photo backup | Proton

    We explain how you can enable photo backup so that Proton Drive automatically backs up all your photos from your smartphone.

    How to enable photo backup | Proton

    This has been one of the key features I've been waiting for to finally be able to move away from Google Photos and OneDrive for mobile photos backup.

    Proton Drive Camera Backup has Arrived! How to enable photo backup | Proton

    We explain how you can enable photo backup so that Proton Drive automatically backs up all your photos from your smartphone.

    How to enable photo backup | Proton

    This has been one of the key features I've been waiting for to finally be able to move away from Google Photos and OneDrive.

    Proton Drive Camera Backup has Arrived! How to enable photo backup | Proton

    We explain how you can enable photo backup so that Proton Drive automatically backs up all your photos from your smartphone.

    How to enable photo backup | Proton

    This has been one of the key features I've been waiting for to finally be able to move away from OneDrive.

    Old PC Homelab Motherboard Replacement Considerations?

    I'm fairly green at self-hosting, recently upgraded to running Proxmox on an old PC from OMV. A fairly simple setup for Plex, Nextcloud, PiHole, and some docker containers. I have an old Ryzen 5 2600 I'd like to replace the current CPU with (an even older FX-8350), but I'll need a new motherboard with an AM4 socket.

    In sourcing a new mobo, are there any features or other considerations I should keep in mind, given its sole purpose of being a server now, rather than a general purpose PC? Or just try to find something relatively inexpensive that'll get the job done?

    Another patio sectional, fresh out of the shop.

    Just made this sectional following the plans from Ana White.

    Roughly $900 CAD in materials, $750 of that being the cushions. I used Duvholmen cushions with Jarpon covers from Ikea, accent pillows I found at Home Sense. All 2x4 lumber and I used pocket holes where screws would be visible. Finished with Ready Seal natural cedar.

    Quite happy with it overall. It's really comfortable and will last far longer than (and was cheaper than) those plastic weave ones from big box stores.

    OminousOrange OminousOrange
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