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Do you recognise any usernames on Lemmy?
  • I also pick this man's wife -_-

  • Are there any forks for Eternity yet?
  • The official one.

  • What a time to be alive
  • Can you explain? I've never heard of them before.

  • Is Eternity still being maintained?
  • Not officially. It still works though, and I'll use it until it breaks.

  • Throwing a whole tech stack at this problem...
  • Containers maybe?

  • I'm reverting from Linux to FreeBSD
  • What's the Rootless Root?

  • Noob Question Thread: Ask Any Questions About Linux!
  • They are TTYs, they're like terminals your computer spawns at boot time that you can use. Their intended purpose is really whatever you need them for. I use them for if I somehow mess up my display configuration and I need to access a terminal, but I can't launch my DE/WM.

  • Noob Question Thread: Ask Any Questions About Linux!
  • Ctrl+shift+V is what you should do. Ctrl+V is used by shells for I believe inserting characters without doing some sort of evaluation. I don't remember the specifics though, but yes Ctrl+shift+V to paste.

  • that ain't legal either
  • Backdoors are bad for security 😆😆

  • Backdoor found in widely used Linux utility breaks encrypted SSH connections
  • If it was closed source software you wouldn't even know this was happening.

  • Even paper glows
  • The link you sent has a period at the end so it doesn't work when clicked.

  • Lemmy Babies of the Rexodus - it's been 9 months, how has Lemmy changed you?
  • I've moved on, I only use reddit when I want to find already existing stuff.

  • It's Not Safe to Click Links on X
  • It's mostly places that carry the sound from old Spanish, as most old Spanish words with X's changed to J's.

  • Missouri law bars divorce during pregnancy – even in cases of violence
  • I'm embarrassed for my state.

  • Freedom of Sex - The moral case for letting trans kids change their bodies.
  • So question, if in a hypothetical situation someone was on puberty blockers until they were 21, what would happen with their body once they go off them?

  • Trump Apparently Has a List of Things He Loves About Adolf Hitler
  • Y'know on first glance I thought this article was from The Onion but no...

  • What's your favorite terminal?
  • And your default shell is a POSIX compliant shell, usually dash or ash, so that's what I mean by sh. You can set it in ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.toml with:

    program = "/bin/sh"
  • meta Elsie
    Dormant moderator

    Is there a way to take over a community made by a dormant user? I'd like to be a moderator of ! but the moderator has made 2 posts and 2 comments in 3 years, with the last one being 3 years ago.

    Plasma Elsie

    I'm Elsie, 18 year old programmer! I've been programming since I was 9 years old when I got a Raspberry Pi.


    Posts 3
    Comments 51