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It's called attaining divinity
  • C was originally created as a "high-level" language, being more abstract (aka high-level) than the other languages at the time. But now it's basically considered very slightly more abstract than machine code when compared to the much higher level high-level languages we have today.

  • Does anyone know when can we expect to communicate with whatsapp or facebook messenger users on element?
  • I am still interested to know the details of how they came to this decision. Why Signal instead of Matrix.

    AFAIK, signal doesn't federate, There is no "signal server-to-server" protocol. When people say "The Signal Protocol", they are talking about a cryptographic protocol, not a network protocol.

    As for why they wouldn't use Matrix, I would assume it's just too heavy of a protocol for the scale they operate at. IIRC, Matrix isn't just a chat protocol. It's a multi-peer cryptographic state synchronization protocol. Chat is (was?) just the first "easy" application they were going to apply it to. (Now I'm curious if they still have plans for that at some point.) They've been making great strides in improving the efficiency, at least in the client-server API (I haven't been paying attention to the server-server API at all), but it's still going to be a heck of a lot more compute heavy than whatever custom API they're providing.

  • Is it possible to "manage up" on customer expectations? Or am I doomed to unreasonable SLAs? (Database as a Service Company)
  • I've never been an SRE nor had to deal with super demanding giant corporate customers, but that seems exceptionally insane.

    Serious suggestion: would the terms of your SLA allow you automate those emails to customers? Then you'd only have to actually deal with replies from customers. (Who I assume aren't replying in the middle of the night.)

  • Bridge WiFi to Switch for other devices to connect to?
  • Interesting, I swear I've done exactly this before and didn't have DHCP troubles, but that was like a decade ago, so I might be misremembering.

  • Bridge WiFi to Switch for other devices to connect to?
  • You'll want to bridge your WiFi and Ethernet interfaces. As always the Arch Wiki has instructions for setting up a bridge interface, there's multiple options depending on how you have your network setup on your system:

  • GTA 6 Devs Slam Rockstar Games For Return-To-Office Mandate
  • Tell them if you have to go back to the office, you quit.

    Nah, never say "or I'll quit", you just say you won't go to an office. End of statement. You don't make any sort of threat or give them an ultimatum, just set your boundaries. Make them fire you, if you're valuable and/or well liked odd are they won't and you just get to keep working remote.

  • GTA 6 Devs Slam Rockstar Games For Return-To-Office Mandate
  • Tell them if you have to go back to the office, you quit.

    Nah, never say "or I'll quit", you just say you won't go to an office. End of statement. You don't make any sort of threat or give them an ultimatum, just set your boundaries. Make them fire you.

  • which dynamic dns hoster?
  • IMO, the best free option is The biggest downside of that one is that you have to login a couple times a year (IIRC?) to keep it active. I actually still use this even though I have a paid domain, I just CNAME my real domains to the afraid dynamic name. That was easier than changing the config every time I become unhappy with my domain registrar and have to reconfigure everything after swapping.

  • Purism (creator of FOSS friendly laptops and phones) offers buying shares of the company, reports revenue of 8M in 2022 and 5M in 2021
  • I'll start off with a proviso, I haven't s much touched my Librem 5 in at least a year (maybe even 2?), so if they've had some massive turn around in that time I don't know about it. All of this post is just what I think I remember, if you want actual facts go dig around in the wayback machine or something.

    The promise of the L5 was super grandiose. They were going to create this mobile device that could completely replace your android device. It was going to launch with a custom matrix client that would let you make voice and video calls, which no other matrix client at the time could do. It was gonna be great and it was going to be delivered in a year.

    Now clearly that was never going to go off without a hitch. I don't blame them for being late nor for not delivering all their promises right at launch. But when things started getting delayed they seemed to be doing everything in their power to not communicate with backers. And anytime they would say something, they would say "well we didn't hit that deadline, but we promise we're totally super duper close now". And then they'd blow through that deadline without a word too.

    I did eventually get my phone, obviously, but it wasn't anything like a usable device. The battery that it came with was smaller than advertised and it didn't have any power management so you got a few hours of battery life. The cameras just didn't exist as far as the software was concerned. The privacy switches would randomly kill power to the modem when you lightly brushed against them without the switch moving out of the 'on' position. Which was super annoying since you had to reboot the phone any time you wanted to turn the modem back on. And rebooting took ages.

    Even at this point I was still rooting for them to succeed. I really want a proper Linux phone and have since 2008.

    But ever since then, I really haven't seen much of anything change with the software, at least for as long as I was paying attention to it. One of the cameras got support added by a community member at some point, but the pictures it was taking were so bad it looked like some 1999 digital camera taking pictures in a dimly lit room even in full sunlight. There was no way to know if an application in their store was going to work or not, most didn't, mostly because they were meant for a larger screen & a mouse.

    I pulled it out a few times on and off over the years, but the last time I did, I couldn't even figure out how to get it to update. So, I haven't really even touched it since then. (I've got it out connected to power to see what it's like now. Though, I'm not sure it's charging, is flashing green (with an occasional flicker of red) a good thing?)

    Since receiving it, the only communication I've gotten from Purism has been "Investment Opportunities". I'm not sure why I'd invest in a company that still hasn't delivered what it promised me over 5 years ago.

    I absolutely want them to succeed, and I hope they prove my pessimism wrong, but at this point I absolutely would not put my money on that happening.

  • Why is TikTok seen as privacy invading and bad, but Facebook is fine?
  • For the purposes of data collection, the US basically isn't foreign for AU:

  • the encryption keys, why can't the government just sneak on them?
  • You're not mistaken, it is definitely possible with at least RSA, though, I would guess it may not always be possible. It also sounds like it's still a bad idea unless you know all of the parameters used to generate the keys and can be sure what information is actually encoded in the keys.

  • Haier response to my feedback after Louis' YT video.
  • That doesn't mean the issue wasn't/won't be escalated. It might even mean it's more likely since someone bothered to make a response macro for it, they presumably got more than one or two emails about it. So it's probably more likely to make it on a "list of issues we saw this week/sprint/month/quarter".

  • Why docker
  • Less commercial interest means only hobby level development

    Podman is developed by RedHat:

  • How good/bad is Firefox sync.
  • As others have said, it's quite good on privacy. For the truly paranoid, IIRC you can even self-host the sync server.

    From the security perspective of privacy, do make sure to use a good password for the Mozilla account, the account password is also the encryption key for the E2E encryption.

  • The fall of Firefox: Mozilla's once-popular web browser slides into irrelevance
  • The day Firefox shutters its doors is the day the internet truly dies.

    *the web

    The internet has so far been doing a much better job surviving as a proper decentralized system than the web.

  • Surgeon Simulator and Lost Skies devs Bossa Studios lay off a third of staff due to "perfect storm of events"
  • Oof, that's rough. I really hope they're able to recover. I Am Fish is my all time favorite game, I really hope they survive to make an 'I Am Gull' (or w/e).

    (P.S. to a mod: English seems to be blocked as a language on this community.)

  • Quad9 Turns the Sony Case Around in Dresden Quad9 Turns the Sony Case Around in Dresden | Quad9

    Today marks a bright moment in the efforts to keep the internet a neutral and trusted resource for everyone. Quad9 has received word from the courts in Dresden, Germany in the appeal of our case versus Sony Entertainment (Germany). The court has ruled in favor of Quad9, clearly and unequivocally. ...

    Quad9 Turns the Sony Case Around in Dresden | Quad9
    Reducing kernel-maintainer burnout

    > What is really needed, [Linus Torvalds] said, is to find ways to get away from the email patch model, which is not really working anymore. He feels that way now, even though he is "an old-school email person".

    Good Times

    So long limited edition OLED deck.

    The Escapist staff resign following termination of editor-in-chief Nick Calandra The Escapist staff resign following termination of editor-in-chief Nick Calandra

    Journalists from The Escapist have resigned in response to the termination of its editor-in-chief Nick Calandra. On Mon…

    The Escapist staff resign following termination of editor-in-chief Nick Calandra

    > Calandra shared more information on Discord, revealing that the "entire video team" has resigned in response. > > This includes Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw, who created the video review series Zero Punctuation.

    Confirmation from Yahtzee:

    > Today, I formally resigned from The Escapist and Gamurs. I don't have the rights to Zero Punctuation, but whatever happens you'll be hearing my voice again soon, in a new place. Join this discord for updates in the coming days:

    From the linked Discord:

    > nickjcal24 — Yesterday at 5:47 PM > @everyone since things are happening fast, the entire Escapist video team has either been fired or resigned as of tonight / tomorrow. > > This Discord will become the place for what's coming next. > > More news tomorrow.

    > nickjcal24 — Yesterday at 6:22 PM > Resignations and firings pinned here: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

    > nickjcal24 — Yesterday at 8:28 PM > @everyone we're going to set the Discord to read-only for the rest of tonight so we can get other work done that we need to do. > > Tomorrow you will know more about what our plans are for the future, along with a livestream on Wednesday at 11 AM CT. > > We'll share the links to where all that will be tomorrow afternoon. > > Thank you SO MUCH for the support. It means a lot to the whole team and we're excited for what we're cooking up next. > > Please be good to one another and keep the positivity up. What happened happened and if you've been with the new version of The Escapist since 2019, you know we just keep moving forward. > > We're excited and you should be too.

    How can I spy on myself?

    I'm curious to see what information I'm blasting out to the various services I depend on for internet (ISP, DNS, probably Cloudflare, etc.).

    Are there any easy to setup, entirely self-hosted tools I can run on my home network that would allow me to snoop on my own traffic.

    I want more than just DNS, so I'm not just looking for pihole and its ilk. I want to see things like SNI and any non-protected traffic that any of the devices on my network might be sending that I just don't know about.

    Ideally, it would be something I could leave on without affecting my speed/latency, but something to turn on occasionally and spot check would be better than nothing.

    My router runs VyOS, so I should have quite a bit of flexibility in what I do with my traffic, though I never have figured out if/how to deploy custom software to it...

    Sad - Poorly Drawn Lines

    FDA approves multiple generics of Vyvanse FDA approves multiple generics of ADHD and BED treatment

    FDA approves multiple generics of ADHD and BED treatment

    FDA approves multiple generics of ADHD and BED treatment

    I count 13 generic manufacturers: search lisdexamfetamine on

    Web Based Static Site Generator?

    That may seem like an oxymoron, but I'm looking for some sort of server that I can self-host where I can edit blog posts and whatnot, but that then deploys to something like neocities (or any other pure static host).

    I'm not finding anything, but maybe it's a thing and I just don't know what it's called?

    FDA, DEA Blame Manufacturers For Meds Shortage

    The important part:

    The current shortage of stimulant medications is the result of many factors. It began last fall due to a manufacturing delay experienced by one drug maker. While this delay has since resolved, we are continuing to experience its effects in combination with record-high prescription rates of stimulant medications. Data show that, from 2012 to 2021, overall dispensing of stimulants (including amphetamine products and other stimulants) increased by 45.5 percent in the United States. According to a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report, particularly during 2020-2021, when virtual prescribing was permitted on a widespread basis during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, the percentages in certain age groups grew by more than 10 percent. We are calling on key stakeholders, including manufacturers, distributors, pharmacies, and payors, to do all they can to ensure access for patients when a medication is appropriately prescribed. We want to make sure those who need stimulant medications have access. However, it is also an appropriate time to take a closer look at how we can best ensure these drugs are being prescribed thoughtfully and responsibly.

    Stimulants are controlled substances with a high potential for abuse, which can lead to addiction and overdose. Therefore, there are limits (also known as quotas) set by DEA for how much of these drugs can be produced. However, for amphetamine medications, in 2022, manufacturers did not produce the full amount that these limits permitted them to make. Based on DEA's internal analysis of inventory, manufacturing, and sales data submitted by manufacturers of amphetamine products, manufacturers only sold approximately 70 percent of their allotted quota for the year, and there were approximately 1 billion more doses that they could have produced but did not make or ship. Data for 2023 so far show a similar trend.

    We (DEA and the FDA) have called on manufacturers to confirm they are working to increase production to meet their allotted quota amount. If any individual manufacturer does not wish to increase production, we have asked that manufacturer to relinquish their remaining 2023 quota allotment. This would allow DEA to redistribute that allotment to manufacturers that will increase production. DEA is also committed to reviewing and improving our quota process.

    The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor

    A room-temperature superconductor would be the single biggest discovery since the transistor, so take this with a grain of salt until we get some independent reproductions. But, if true, this is world-changing.

    azdle azdle
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