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what's your experience washing sneakers in the washing machine?
  • I'm really not sure what material they are (dozens of randoms pairs), but I'll keep this in mind next time I need socks. Thank you

  • what's your experience washing sneakers in the washing machine?
  • The ones I've had in the past were even worse, made my feet sweat a lot. These days I usually wear slip on shoes, they're more breathable and seem to dry out better overnight. That or just sandals.

  • what's your experience washing sneakers in the washing machine?
  • If I could go barefoot 100% of the time I would. I really don't know what else I can do.

  • Lemmy is the best social media
  • SMCF is one of the comfort usernames that I've seen around ever since joining Lemmy

  • Dark art drawn from nightmares I’ve experienced
  • Yes, and those are the most normal ones tbh.

  • do humans shed more skin when sunbathing?
  • It has not happened to me unless I was already burnt. My guess is maybe some skin was burnt from the previous day and is peeling off because of rubbing there?

  • Look what I got to spend my birthday money on!
  • Happy birthday, Flying Squid

  • what's your experience washing sneakers in the washing machine?
  • I should have clarified that the ones I get are about $15 a pair and last me 6 months. But yes, I've tried everything, baking soda, vinegar, freezing them, washing and drying - even if it works initially the smell comes back within days.

  • what's your experience washing sneakers in the washing machine?
  • As a stinky feet-haver, I opt to buy a couple pairs of the same cheap shoes and toss them once the smell starts. There's just no going back, in my experience.

  • NSFW
    Just checking in
  • Relax! When the time comes you will do just fine

  • This isn't my first choice
  • I'm a "people person" and I love people and I want to be surrounded by them making their noisy noise and looking at me from all angles at any given moment and I hate to be in the comfort of my own home doing the things I enjoy

  • all these lovers and their quirks
  • God I wish that were me

  • Galaxy S10 til the wheels come off
  • S9+ still going strong after over 6 years. I dread the day I will need a "new" phone.

  • The moon
  • It fell off the edge

  • It's going. I'm alive.
  • "Hanging in there"

  • Featured
    Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of June 23rd
  • Still playing Dark Souls 2 - almost 100 hours in and there's just Darklurker and Aldia left. This game just keeps going and going, really well worth the cost. Since I'm almost through, I can see why it seems to be the black sheep of the series. But, despite some problems (like needing to refer to a guide constantly) I like it a lot, and will definitely do a NG+ eventually.

    Also started Yooka-Laylee and I love it already. It's very true to the Banjo Kazooie style.

  • How people manage to play and chat online with random people?
  • There are thousands and thousands of discord servers you can join without any invite. Try searching to find a server for your game, or check YouTubers descriptions, many have one you can join. You're not the only person I've heard complain about discord being difficult to learn. It does get easy, especially if you can find someone to help you join a voice chat or something.

    Depending on the game you might have built in chat. I have made friends with random people I gamed with, and we continued for years.

  • The changing feel’s front page
  • I saw that community once when it was first created. Baffling there is so much traffic there now. Anyway, blocked it, problem solved.

  • I can't disagree.
  • Because, and I have no idea why so many people don’t get this, you’re supposed to signal you’re going to turn, then slow down, then turn. That’s how you safely let anyone behind you know you’re going to do that.

    Damn right. I was taught to give a minimum 3 blinks before turning. That also gives you time to look around for other vehicles/pedestrians before committing to the turn.

  • oh so you want to play hardball, eh?
  • That's its "serious movie poster" face

  • Redmuun - Silent Anomaly (album mix)
    Ritual Drops - Venus
    3D Platformer video demo

    I'm learning as I go. Proud of getting some interaction with the environment working. Still lots of bugs to sort out, especially player and camera movement!

    NiGHTS Into Dreams (is still available for free)

    I always wanted to try this game when I was a kid. When checking out reviews on Steam I noticed someone mention that Sega was giving it away for free for their 60th anniversary (a few years ago), and that website is still up and running. Long story short, I tried it and it works. Replacing the localhost part of the URL was necessary as the screenshot mentions.


    What are your ideal temperature and weather conditions?

    Among some friends I seem to be the odd one out who doesn't like heat and the sun. To me an overcast fall day, 10C is perfect. Rain is welcome if it does not overstay its welcome.

    Connect A Song eezeebee
    Iron Reagan - Fuck the Neighbors

    The Kills - Fuck the People -> Iron Reagan - Fuck the Neighbors (am I doing this right?)

    Fraunhofer Diffraction - Asphyxia

    Found some in the woods yesterday and looked them up. Apparently the fruit is very tasty, resembling Starburst. Have you tried it?

    Some more info on season/edibility:

    UTOPILO - fragile
    Spotted dead-nettle

    I tried a tiny taste and it was pretty neutral, not "grassy" at all. Might work well in a salad.

    I didn't take any home since there was not much there and I'm not 100% sure on the ID.

    Garlic mustard

    At least I'm pretty sure that's what it is. It has a nice garlic taste. I chopped it and put in some oil, salt and pepper for a nice little spread.

    DesireLust - Kry2me
    filejacker - Twilight
    DVRK ZEN - ˈhɑɹ.mə.ni ʌv mˈaɪndz
    eezeebee eezeebee
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    Comments 669