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Sorry I can't do it.
  • I recommend trying another linux distro for a while. Arch has a pretty steep learning curve. So big respect for getting it to work as a first distro, but there is a lot of stuff you have to setup manually that just works on other distros. If you got more stuff working and get a little more familiar you can always go back to arch.

    I use arch nowadays, but the first time i tried to install it i basically gave up a few times. If you just want to try it out in order to learn then it's perfectly cool to take some time. But if your goal is to play games then arch is just a means to an end. Then it becomes really annoying, because you cannot reach your goal.

  • [cw: eugenics, physical child abuse] I'm feeling physically ill after reading this article: America’s premier pronatalists on having ‘tons of kids’ to save the world
  • they're objectifying their own children by seeing them as the means to fulfill some weird ideological goal. Reading their kids names definitely adds proof to that. Who names their child "Industry Americus"??? WTF? They sound like product releases from some weird Silicon Valley company.

  • Conservative Owns the Libs by Paying $4,000 a Month for His Ford F-350
  • I read somewhere that farmers have started to buy very tiny Japanese pickup-trucks, because for most of the work they have to do during their day these small ones are much more practical. But American car manufacturers only make these oversized mob atrocities anymore, so the only solution is these Japanese ones. In size they're basically these little busses where there's no space between the two front seats.

  • Stable diffusion on Arch Linux with a 7900 XTX?
  • I have no idea how to fix the problem, but I've read somewhere that burn (a relatively new machine learning framework in Rust) is capable of loading models like stable diffusion. As Burn is built with webGPU and all the shader transpiler-stuff that comes with it doesn't that mean that it can also run easily on (even older) AMD cards? I think what's lacking is equal performance as nvidia drivers are heavily optimized already.

    Maybe someone knows more here?

  • Rant: Star Trek writers really need to be more careful about what living scientists they choose to reference.
  • It's really a pile of garbage. And I'm angry at myself for watching so much of it. It's clearly not written by anybody interested in the star trek universe.

    My go-to example is also this one episode where one young character decides to from now on go by the pronouns "they/them". I'm all for the inclusion of nonbinary characters - that's what star trek always stood for - inclusion and the shared humanity that we all have. But that episode had basically nothing else going for it and the pronouns were the plot.

    The new, great series "strange new worlds" on the other hand had a great episode with a very interesting non binary character (that BTW never was explicitly pointed out as one) who helped spock deal with his own problems of navigating his own two identities (human/vulcan). It was so clever and the nonbinaryness was integral, to the plot, but it wasn't the plot. The actual plot was that the non binary character basically fooled everyone and turned out the villain. It's such a great comparison between those two series. One makes a compelling show and the other one has nothing to say other than ticking a list of "woke" virtue signalling points.

  • Does enshitification happen because companies are publicly-traded?
  • IIRC most successful VCs invest very early and get out often early-ish too. The real enshittification that dangers the actual position of the company often happen much later. At that point the company is traded publicly and there's a large anonymous body of shareholders - they only care about profits. VCs are actually a little smarter and care about longer time frames as in that early stage often much larger (relative) growth rates are possible.

    At a late stage (think Google, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit etc today) growth is much more difficult. How could Google grow today? They've saturated the search market years ago. So the only way of making more money is by sucking more money out of their existing user base. And they absolutely need to do it, as there's huge pressure on the managerial class to do it, because the shareholders demand it. If the managerial class doesn't do this (because often some older idealistic people know it would compromise the quality of the product), or they aren't capable of doing it - they will get replaced by people who are more willing or capable - even if it's detrimental for the company when viewed longer-term. VCs i would argue care all about profits, "but". (they are smart enough to see the big picture. They are also small enough or "few enough" that they can communicate among themselves in order to agree on a more wise plan. That's why they often get out once most of the possible (easy) growth has been achieved. They either know that now growth is much more difficult, or that the company's value is much more stagnant - ow might decrease even. They can get out and invest their money in other more promising endeavours.

    The shareholders of large publicly traded companies are not that coordinated as they cannot really agree on anything other than just "growth". More sophisticated strategies would have to be negotiated (and communicated) among thousands. The only unifying bond among shareholders is that they want profits. Think about it: many shareholders often don't even know what companies they own as they are often part of other investment packages. Maybe you're retirement plan has invested in stocks of 50 different companies, or 10 different fonds that have invested in others still. That is a form of dilution (?). It's very difficult to communicate any strategy more sophisticated than "profits". (a side effect is also that many people have invested indirectly or wothout knowing in endeavours that make their life more shitty/expensive when they retire - without knowing it.) There isn't enough nuance in the wants of the masses as to want any more sophisticated strategy than simply "growth". That's why only short term growth can be thought.

    Of course sometimes also large companies can grow 2.5x or something like that. But it's rare and takes more time. The exception makes the rule here. Early stage growth that VCs bank on is much more explosive i think. More like 10x or 100x.

    EDIT: sorry i typed this on mobile and it shows.

  • A 605 MW PV plant in Germany is now Europe's largest solar farm
  • I'm all for it, but with plants of this size - or rather such an mount of relatively dense photovoltaic surfaces - i am thinking about the heat that these panels are generating. i am guessing it would be similar to such an area out of asphalt. if these panels were cooled the heat could also be used to warm massive heat storage tanks.

  • Court Bans Use of 'AI-Enhanced' Video Evidence Because That's Not How AI Works
  • "machines mimicking living things" does not mean exclusively AI. Many scientific fields are trying to mimic living things.

    AI is a very hazy concept imho as it's difficult to even define when a system is intelligent - or when a human is.

  • Fedora 41 with Proposal to Adopt DNF5
  • It's been a while since i used fedora but last i remember dnf was awe fully slow compared to pacman. In fact so slow that i was wondering if there was some kind of bug somewhere. Glad this is being addressed. Fedora is imho the best distribution to get someone to use Linux for the first time. It works so well.

  • Hit by worker shortage, German city gets students to drive trams
  • In this case it's a giant housing shortage though. The city (and large surrounding area) is Freiburg in the south. Rents are so expensive and available flats are so rare that companies don't find workers who could actually live there. Also: the comparably good loans don't mean much when it's only channeled into a greedy landlord's pockets.

    Edit: oh no i was wrong it's Nuremberg - their public transport organization is also "VAG". But Freiburg has a huge labor shortage due to unaffordable housing and housing shortage.

  • Unixporn exocortex
    Idea / Question about tiling window managers

    First of all: Please don't tell me how impractically this might be or confusing or whatever. This is like a thought experiment and let's be honest: We don't JUST want efficiency when modding our desktops -- we also want it to look sick and individual and have people watch in admiration -- or something like that. So keep that in mind before dismissing rightaway :-) thanks!

    • I recently thought about a concept of tiling window managers. I don't know If this already works out of the box in some window managers. It was originally how I understood the concept of "tiling window managers" before I really got to know how they worked.

    My general idea: Everything is just tiles on a larger canvas - with some exceptions everything visible can be laid out as a position on the screen. Also widgets are just tiles placed next to each other. There can (imho should) exist some rules for easy sizing of tiles / widgets, but that's details. I sometimes have the problem of working with one main application, but having to look up two other things A) and B) one after the other. I would switch between two screens all the time, but more ideally I would only move my screen slightly to get a look on either A) or B) while in both situations still having my main application in view. Moving between apps can be done simply with arrow keys (e.g. super + arrows) or mouse. There's also quickjump-positions. For example pressing 1 2 3 4 etc would move the screen to a previous set position (and could also preset the focused application)

    Similar to a smartphone the background can move along in a more subtle way.

    The login screen would just be a different place on that canvas - for security the rest outside the view has to disappear even when invisible while logged out (to avoid weird security issues :D

    possible exception: An exception to "everything is in the canvas" could be when maximizing a focused application: Then the actual application is moving in front of the view (while the rest of the canvas is getting slightly further away). Some nice blurring could make that really nice. If the application tile isn't in the screen's aspect ration before it will change its aspect ration in the same motion while moving.

    So in short: Instead of having tiles fixed to screens why not have tiles everywhere and move the screen step by step.

    A lot of hotkeys need to be thought about here of course. Also specialized behavior to resize tiles. Increasing the width/height or changing the aspect ratio would require moving surrounding tiles around in certain situations, but these shouldn't bee too complicated. Again: some rules about minimum/maximum values for width/height/desired aspect rations could help.

    Even the angle of viewing could be changed in some situations not in situations where switching often is required. But I'd love me some nice rotation and translation when locking my screen :-)

    What do you think?

    ( I might cross post this to reddit's unixporn subreddit later as well)

    recommendations for lightweight window managers for an old netbook

    Hi, I've got an old netbook from Samsung that has an old Intel Atom CPU (Intel Atom N455 1.66 GHz). I installed Arch on it and am now thinking of a suitable window manager. I tried Hyprland (kinda expecting it to not work really) whick didn't start at all. Before I had Debian with Gnome, which technically worked, but everything was extremely slow.

    I've used Gnome for a long time, but I know that there are a lot of other window managers out there. I would like to have one that avoids graphical gimmickry in order to be fast. (I like some nice little graphical details, but only if it's still running buttery smooth).

    If you have some tips that would be very nice!

    EDIT: thank you for all the recommendations I'll try out a few!

    Yew tutorial not working correctly? Tutorial | Yew


    Hi! I tried out yew last night and was going through the tutorial (the link). At the end the tutorial is using a link to an external resource. My guess is that the tutorial app shall create a website with a list of (empty) videos that is created by reading an external json-file from the yew-website. The problem is that this doesn't work for me, the list stays empty. I also don't find the full source of this example somewhere. On the site it is only iteratively described. I am pretty sure I have everything like on the website.

    Which sequels/prequels/spinoffs made the originals somehow worse?

    The Matrix is an often used example, but for me it's the Alien Prequels - especially Alien: Covenant really makes the Original Alien much worse. When the original was released in 1979 it had the perfect Monster. A dangerous killing machine of unknown origin. The missing background of the alien is a big part of its scary mess. It's a blank space in its mythology that the viewer can fill with many explanations. As these explanations are not precise they don't have to be logically coherent.

    Covenant (and to a lesser degree Prometeus) wanted to fill this blank space and tell us the aliens origin. But once you fill out this missing piece of information it is fixed and can only be one piece. There exists now only one singular explanation. And its a boring: The Xenomorph is basically a creature with it's origins on earth (because David, who's origin is on earth created it).

    I find this hugely dissapointing. The biggest dangers of deep space are all human in origin is extremely small minded.

    (Star Trek: Beyond had the same boring plot - the mysterious villain turned out to be a human after all. As if only humans are capable to pose (or create) a serious thread to humans.).

    What are your examples for franchise-movies that somehow made the original worse?

    Österreicher erstellt Datenbank zum überwachen von Verbraucherpreisen Österreich Mario Zechner (

    Today was ... interesting. If you followed me for the past months over on the shitbird site, you might have seen a bunch of angry German words, lots of graphs, and the occassional news paper, radio, or TV snippet with yours truely. Let me explain. In Austria, inflation is way above the EU average. ...

    Ein sehr interessanter thread, in dem ein Entwickler ein paar Analysen beschreibt über die Preisentwicklung von Waren in österreichischen Lebemittelketten.

    [Feature Request] atrach weight to individual communities

    I'm not a fan of outright blocking certain communities and would rather have a kind of "relevancy-factor" or "weight" with which i could tune the frequency of seeing posts from certain communities. A factor of 0 would be the same as blocking a community. 1 would be normal.

    I am not familiar with the exact method with which posts are displayed in "Everything" or the ordering thereof. But I'm sure it's taking the up votes into account. A relevancy factor of 0.5 would treat a post with 1000 up votes as if it had 500 and there for position it lower.

    This way highly up voted posts from certain communities would be able to appear.

    Feature Request: Fading Filters - filters that disappear after a while

    Using filters is very useful. Though I like them I often fear that I forget about them after a while and don't know what I'm missing.

    In other applications that are more structured as fixed channels like discord, or messaging apps like Signal etc I am able to mute notifications for a limited amount of time.

    For people who are hesitant about filters (like me) it would be nice, if I could set a filter for e.g. "Linus Tech Tips" with a timeout of 2 weeks. I don't care about this sub/community that much, but blocking them completely because of the recent drama seems strange for me.

    Another thing that I would love would be a way to still see the filtered content. The filters would then be like automatic labels/tags that would be attached to posts. The normal view would be only "unlabeled/untagged" items. But for every filter there would be a button clickable to show only the filtered items.

    Feature request: A way to move to another server while keeping subscriptions.

    Lemmy (and by extension the fediverse) is theoretically more robust against powerhungry individuals because people can move to another server. But if users loose all their data (their liked / saved posts and subscribed communities) when moving to another server they are less likely to do so, which increases the power of the people who run the servers over the users of those servers.

    So if there's some time in the future I'd love to have a feature that is making it simple to "move my stuff".

    Is this community still alive? If yes I've got a Rust-question.

    I'm trying to run an LED matrix display (with a Max7219 controller) from a raspberry pi pico using rust. There is a max7219-crate that I used. But i am unsure about how to prepare the pins I want to use. Can I Use any of the pins? Do I have to set them to push-pull-output?

    Die Finanzialisierung der Gesundheit (Was-Tun-Podcast) Finanzialisierung: "Wir dürfen unser Gesundheitssystem nicht dem Markt überlassen!"

    Privat Equity Firmen kaufen Arztpraxen auf - unsere Gesundheitsversorgung wird so zur Ware. Darunter leiden alle: Ärzte*innen, Pfleger*innen und die Patient*innen. Polikliniken sind dazu ein Gegenentwurf: Um auch soziale Determinanten von Gesundheit einzubeziehen arbeiten Ärzte*innen, Sozialarbeiter...

    Finanzialisierung: "Wir dürfen unser Gesundheitssystem nicht dem Markt überlassen!"

    Super krasses Thema. Unbedingt mal anhören und mit beschäftigen! Undurchsichtige internationale Private Equity Management-Firmen kaufen gerade massenhaft Arztpraxen. Was das für uns alle bedeutet wird in dem Podcast ein bisschen erklärt. Ziemlich krass.

    Schickt das vielleicht mal weiter an eure Eltern, die werden zuerst die Auswirkungen zu spüren bekommen. (Die werden dann euer Erbe in dieses Geschäftsmodell versenken ;-) )

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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