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The Midwestern Marx guy got caught liking Nazi fancams on twitter (link in comments)
  • I don't know how to read Twitter screenshots and you're being mean to me. I literally can't read angry-hex

  • NSFW
    The Midwestern Marx guy got caught liking Nazi fancams on twitter (link in comments)
  • Do you guys actually listen to anything Eddie has to say or do you just insert your own imaginings? Cause I have never heard him have a bad take.

  • Oh tell me again how it loads faster and takes up less resources
  • I've got uBlock and Privacy Badger but turning them off or going incognito doesn't help at all. The most common issue I get with YouTube is the video keeps freezing. Apparently this is because Google deliberately fuck it so that other browsers have to play catch up constantly. I have heard this is why Microsoft gave up and adopted Chromium.

    The other issue is that if I open more than one YouTube tab my laptop sounds like it is about to take off into space. I can have an unlimited number of tabs from any other website open though.

  • Will microplastics in our testicles be an issue?
  • There are microplastics in your testes perhaps. Not mine. I'm built different.

  • Skynet is evil but at least it provides free health care and a retirement package.
  • But without a CEO, who will take a mulit-million pound salary and go to attend all these events to network with other CEOs?

    My company could literally operate indefinitely without a CEO and nobody would even notice.

  • Oh tell me again how it loads faster and takes up less resources
  • Shame YouTube and other sites are completely fucked on Firefox.

  • What made you into a class enemy?
  • Wanting to belong just shortcuts people's brains. Absolute boomer logic. I too would love to just be a cog in the machine. I love the idea of all working together to settle Mars, Expanse style, except the way I'd do it would be to bring back Soviet style communism (Red Planet huehuehuehue).

    Difference is, I still actually don't want to society to suck and be shit, and for these 20 something boomers, they just don't give a fuck. They love slavery so long as it is part of their identity. Imperialism is fine, because it is people who look like me who are doing it. Even though it is Coca Cola and Nestle and the oil companies that are the ones who reap the benefits.

    Same thing with organised religion. People literally could not give a fuck if it makes sense, or if it makes their lives worse, or if it used as a cudgel to bludgeon the poor unfortunates that fall outside the pre-defined good group. They don't care if it serves archaic power structures, and even do not give a fuck when it is arbitrarily used against them. They just pick an identity (or more accurately have one randomly assigned to them by the circumstances of their birth), and then they go with it. Pure vibes.

    So yeah not in the least bit surprised that the army brought these people "back into the fold"

  • Centrists are just as annoying as chuds
  • source: I pulled it out of my ass. I fingered my ass until it began to leak, and then I scrawled my "findings" on a page and published them. Here. On Twitter.

  • A 3rd human case of bird flu detected, this one with respiratory symptoms
  • I don't know how doctors and scientists etc ever discover these things because when I ever go to the doctor no matter what it is they say go fuck myself. Sometimes they hit me and spit on me on my way out as well. Do we just sometimes get lucky and a hobby biologist gets sick and swabs themself or what.

  • Trump found guilty on all counts. Here's the verdict on each of the 34
  • maybe someone can ghost write an autobiography for him while he's in jail, they could call it something catchy like My Struggle

  • Windows XP
  • Functional though, you could just open your start menu and find what you wanted immediately instead of typing to search for it like I have been doing for the last 5-10 years

  • Windows XP
  • I had a cool grey and orange theme it was sexy, looked like a pack of Marlboro Black

  • General election latest: Rishi Sunak announces 4 July vote in Downing Street statement - BBC News
  • Now I live in Scotland I am in a mind to vote SNP. On the one hand, they are libs, and on the other, they actually do push forward a lot of left policies like we keep getting told Labour will do. Obviously I'm not voting Labour, but probably not Green either, and I don't even know if any commies are running where I live (and even if they are, I feel their efforts might be better spent organising outside of bourgeois democracy).

  • Anyone have any thoughts on this Twitter thread about the persistence of status?
  • First of all this strikes me as the kind of study that would be very difficult to complete over this time period even in a country that was fully developed. There are so many places where judgement will have come into place.

    Also, I feel the need to ask the obvious: did they actually measure the same families over time, or did they do something much easier, and much less indicative of the point they are trying to make.

    Even then though obviously genetics is the stupidest explanation. Of the top of my head I would suggest education, contacts, retained wealth, or the same old bullshit: shit floats to the top.

  • Holy shit online shopping is terrible

    Not as though I do any other kind but it still fucking sucks, play by play, this is what happened:

    I spent a good hour curating my basket and got ready to check out. I had the option to check out as guest or log in to my existing account.

    I got a bad feeling about this site in case I lost my entire basket, this has happened often enough that it's something I now feel nervous about, but it will probably make returns easier, better log in to be on the safe side.

    That's weird. Seems I already have an account, but no password to be found. No matter, I go to reset it.

    They send a reset email, I follow the instructions, reset my password, and it asks me to log in again. Alarm bells start ringing. I ignore them. I click log in.

    Session expired.

    All my shit is gone.

    I fucking knew this would happen.

    I furiously cmd + shift + T and add all my stuff back, but I only have half the items, seems I hit the tab history limit. Fucking killl meeeeeeeeeeee.

    Then I spend another half an hour pain stakingly scrolling through my history and re-adding each item one by one until finally I'm done, ready to check out again. So I go to checkout.

    I see the option to register for a premium account and get free next day shipping and unlimited free returns. Interesting. I figured I was intending to return a lot of this stuff anyway, and I need it soon, so for a few extra quid why not.

    As soon as I added premium to my basket and went to pay, it asks me to login again. Jesus Christ not this again. I quickly open up all of my shit in other tabs, just in case, but it doesn't happen. Actually what happens is all the shit I added originally is instantaneously retrieved from the ether, and now I have double of everything. That's not the worst that could have happened, at least, but I wish I could get that half hour of my life back.

    Then I see the option to pay later by Klarna. Nice. As I said, probably going to return a lot of this stuff, so may as well buy now, return what I don't want and pay the balance.

    Klarna opens a new window, and nothing loads. Fine. I'll pay by card. Let me try the Amex.

    Payment declined.

    Bullshit, I watched you, you didn't even try to take the payment. But whatever. I'll try again with another card.

    Payment declined.

    Fuck you, I know you didn't even try. I know I have money. Probably my shitty furry browser being shit again, so instead I open Chrome and go through all this again.

    I log in, go to checkout, figure I'll try Klarna again, and damn. Klarna is registered to my old phone. They want me to take a photo of my face and upload my driving license to reset it. I don't know how long that's going to take. I can't be fucked. It's 11.30pm now and I look like complete shit. Let's try my cards again.

    Payment declined. Try the other one, same thing. Shit. Guess it's Klarna then.

    I go through all the 2fa again, take a photo of my driving license, take a photo of myself looking like Ted Kasckinski and wait, and thankfully the whole thing clears in like 2 minutes. God damn though, this shit took me over an hour.

    Anyway thanks for coming to my TED talk.

  • I was so disappointed after everyone hyped it up as the best game ever. I would rather play Ocarina of Time again. Not to say it's bad, but I couldn't finish it and it's sitting there gathering dust for now. What I will say though is the temple puzzles are the worst thing ever. Not good puzzles, and repetitive as hell.

  • Has Zizek genuinely lost the plot?
  • Mostly I have only been drip fed Zizek's slam dunks. The only thing has been his ramble about using the n-word which it felt like everyone brushed off, and then something he said about his early days growing up which made me go HMMMMM.

  • Has Zizek genuinely lost the plot?
  • As a dork on the internet I should not have a better understanding of history than this guy. When has US intervention ever been good? He has to be thinking of Germany, Japan and Korea, but it's not like that was the old US and this is the new US, the old US was also doing horrific crimes during this time. And his assessment of politics, what the actual fuck, reads like pure lib cope. On what planet would the US invade Gaza to protect Palestinians from Israel? The whole point is that Israel does the dirty work for them. They don't need boots on the ground, because corporations are multinational, that's the whole point, even without all the sweet donor money.

  • Family come up north to visit and want the heating on and it makes me want to die

    Not because of the bill but because I am melting as it is and want all the doors and windows open

    My wife recently downloaded the Cyberpunk 2077 OST to listen to while on the plane

    You can imagine her disappointment when she learned that it contained none of the music from the game, and only sound effects like the low humming of the police siren

    My experience was marginally better, as I did not realise my music was not downloading until I got on the plane, and sadly only managed to download Michael Cera's cover of Clay Pigeons by the time we got in the air

    After several hours of listening to this on repeat I still do not know all of the words, but I now know more than I do of any other song besides Afroman's Colt 45

    Did anyone else experience horrible pains throughout their whole body growing up?

    As a kid / early teenager at night I remember lying awake at night and feeling my whole body screech at me. It's indescribable, almost. As an adult, I have only felt this way again twice. Once in Egypt when I caught some kind of flu, it felt like electrodes running through my body. Come to think of it, it feels a lot like holding onto an electric fence. The other time was after a megadose of LSD, my body screeching, the world crashing againt me in waves, dipping in and out for hours, and there was that pain again.

    Besides the pain, I could only think these words to try to understand how I was feeling: plastic, elastic, spastic. I think elastic because it was like my nerves were being stretched out and allowed to smack back into place, although now I type it out here I realise that is just drug induced psychosis.

    Anyway, the feeling at the time was that this sensation of being pulled apart was insanely familiar, like it had at one point been with me every night of my life. I would like in bed and fidget about and stretch myself out and try to find any position at all that didn't hurt.

    Wondering if just me or everyone else as well?

    Deranged ramblings brought to you by China: China April 2024 Update

    Chinese leader Xi Jinping recently declared his unlimited friendship with Russia and its leader Vladimir Putin This came at a time when Russia was at war with Ukraine, a country they invaded in early 2022 and were unable to achieve a quick victory Now

    >According to several treaties between China and Britain, Hong Kong was returned to China in 1997. This was after 156 years of British rule that brought security and much prosperity to the territory. British rule spared Hong Kong from all the civil wars and general mayhem taking place in China. During World War II, Hong Kong was occupied by Japanese troops from late 1941 to August 1945. After the war Hong Kong quickly recovered economically. Since Hong Kong returned to Chinese control in 1997, the area has become a special economic zone that, despite some meddling by corrupt Chinese officials, has prospered. China expects that the same pattern would occur if they got Vladivostok back.

    Almost physically painful to watch my wife play Baldur's Gate 3

    She will run through fire, open herself up to opportunity attacks, and use up all her actions to send a squidgy mage into the middle of a battlefield. She says that strategy is boring. As a seasoned Xcom addict, I am dying.

    I am just completely unable to wear white shirts without ruining them

    Of course if they are poor quality, old, or already stained, then that is fine, I will literally never get a mark on them, and if I do, it will wash off easily.

    If I buy a brand new shirt though, I will undoubtedly ruin it the very same day, even if I haven't yet worn it. This happens every single time.

    Yesterday I pulled a basically brand new shirt out of my cupboard, saw it was marked, and set it aside to clean later. I don't remember getting it dirty, but it looked like sand / rust / dirt from my recent trip to B&Q. I sprayed it with oxygen bleach, which did absolutely nothing as usual, despite assurances from TikTok that oxygen bleach is the best, and super powerful, so instead I scrubbed it with soap, but it was stubborn and I didn't make any progress at all.

    Half a bottle of white vinegar and several tablespoons of baking soda later, I was able to get the stain out by scraping the fabric roughly with my fingernails. Great. Then I put it in the washing machine to wash off. I took it out just now, and it has another gigantic stain on it, on the back somehow? Who is doing this to me? Myself? I hate that guy!

    I finished the audiobook for Michael Crichton's The Sphere

    I really enjoyed my time listening to the stress simulator 3000. My favourite bit was how the entire book was written like the most aggravating parts of Jurassic Park where Lex is yelling at Timmy to DO SOMETHING and Timmy shouts back IM TRYING. I really did like the twist in the very last line though.

    Years ago I saw a guy do a video on his voxel based space game and I have never seen anything of it since

    I have tried pretty hard to find it again to no avail, it was just some guy in his house talking about his game and showing clips of gameplay, and I feel like his wife was in it too? The gameplay involved you cruising through space in your spaceship, exiting the cockpit and walking around while in transit, even going out on excursions - all in first person. Does anyone have any idea what I'm talking about?

    So mad that the powerpuff girls hoodie is out of stock in my size

    I just like powerpuff girls man, you could probably get me to wear totally spies as well

    I have gone down the strangest rabbit hole whilst trying to figure out who some billionaire philanthropist is and discovered this unusual website

    The web page gets straight to the point:


    Then there is some description of Bob Manoukian, which also happened to be kind of the only info I could find on the guy besides one other paywalled Bloomberg article.

    Clicking through to the home page, things only gets weirder.


    So the guy is desperately poor and his plan to capapult himself into the ruling class is to attract the attention of a wealthy benefactor apparently. Here's another quote from the bottom of the page:

    >I hesitate: Should I show my blog or not... Art Center

    That link gets you to his plans for his dream house.


    I kind of relate, to be honest. Who hasn't fantasized about living in a palace? I know I draw out my crazy plans all the time, it's my favourite form of escapism.

    The about page gets even more interesting though.


    That's a pretty wild montage. It got me wondering if the guy has pages dedicated to other billionaires, you would think so, as this was a project that was apparently maintained for at least three years. I tried Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates but neither one of them came up, so I searched on Google instead, and bingo.


    I clicked one at random, and it is what you would expect.


    Pretty interesting. I hope his plan worked and that is why the blog is not getting updated anymore.

    I don't mean to dunk on people like this but not sure what is a better comm to post this to.

    Wake up babe, Runescape II just dropped Brighter Shores on Steam

    Brighter Shores is an all new adventure from award winning MMORPG designer Andrew Gower. It is an enchanting point-and-click style RPG with hundreds of hours of gameplay, set in a land of magic and mysteries, with a huge number of professions to try, and something new to find around every corner.

    Brighter Shores on Steam

    One of the OG Runescape devs from 2003 has been working on this for the last 10 years apparently and just announced it

    Is there some secret to getting the YouTube algorithm to work?

    Every time I log in I get the exact same recommendations. Literally the exact same ones, every single time, for months at a time, so I can't just refresh the page like I would on TikTok and get all new videos to watch. Plus, the recommendations are so bad, I may as well be scrolling Facebook. They are bad, and there is a huge recency bias. I watch one new thing, and suddenly almost my entire feed is made up of more of the same, and usually it isn't even similar videos, it is the same videos on the same exact topic. I feel like I have such a diverse range of interests, and so many channels that I follow, but I can go years without these channels coming up again.

    I feel like the fix would be so easy as well. Option 1, go back to how it was before, and option 2, show me things that other people are watching. If someone watched the same video as me, the video they watch afterwards is probably going to be of interest to me.

    That's the background, my question is has anyone else been able to make their YouTube recommendations not shit? Is there another website that mirrors YouTube but has good recommendations? and also, does anyone have any theories as to why YouTube recommendations are so horrendous? There must be a reason, it doesn't make any sense.

    I am asking you again for Emperor: Battle For Dune Part II

    This remains the definitive telling of Dune in my eyes. Character design was on point, gameplay was fire. I just want to return to the glory days of compelling factions and cinematic story telling. Command and Conquer. Red Alert. This. Generals. Is it so much to ask to want to play both a movie and a videogame at the same time? It is not surprising that I grew up addicted to Metal Gear Solid.

    Feel like shit, just want them back.

    Anyone else's Google just hate them specifically?

    I have one of these shitty little Nest devices in my house to control the lights and play music and it is such a gaslighting piece of shit, I hate it.

    Me: "OK Google, turn on Living Room Light", "I'm sorry, there are no lights available right now". My wife: "OK Google, turn on Living Room Light", "OK, turning on Living Room Light".

    Me: "OK Google, play Spotify", "I'm sorry, there is no Spotify account connected right now". My wife: "OK Google, play Spotify", "OK, playing Spotify".

    And it's always spying on me, always listening.

    28 Days Later

    Last time I sat an exam (remotely) I had this song on loop. It really helps to set the stakes.

    Apple say themselves you should never close any apps unless they are not responding

    Well, my entire phone stopped responding until I closed literally everything, so explain that, liberals.

    idkmybffjoeysteel idkmybffjoeysteel [he/him]

    Everybody jealous of my 100 house plants

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