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Any grind albums like the first Napalm Death?
  • I will listen to it and report back rat-salute-2

  • What laptop should I buy?
  • I mean, I didn't not think of that but I'm not a computer geek and even if it was second hand, I don't know what a good choice would be, whoch is why I turned to you fine folks. The laptop I had that worked just fine (til I dropped it) was an hp 840 g3 with a broken Webcam that seems to have been released in like 2012 lol. It actually ran cult of Lamb okay, surprisingly. Lil laggy but got the job done

    I also never get new shiny things and this would only be my third laptop since but you're right, risking breaking it would bloooooow. I'll look into the ThinkPad, it will probably blow my last laptop out of the water

  • Suburban Lawns - Flavor Crystals (Demo)
  • Love these little freaks

  • What laptop should I buy?

    Would like to spend under or around 1k.

    My refurbished laptop that I got from work crapped out and I need a new one. I'd like to do light gaming, like Cult of Lamb or Disco Elysium and that would probably be the most heavy use application that I need it for. I'm also a caveman and can be pretty rough on my things, I think my last laptop ate it because I dropped it like 3 feet to the ground by knocking it off my couch on accident. So something that's somewhat durable, but I do not plan on throwing it across the room lol.

    I plan on learning how to use Linux; I know next to nothing about it but have just heard good things and I think I'm just computer savvy enough to figure it out. Also any suggestions on solid alternatives to things like Word, Google docs, etc would me super appreciated!

    Vape heads, how long should I recharge a disposable to get the most use out of it?
  • Do you find that your vape tastes the same as disposables? I just switched over from cigarettes as they've started to make me feel nauseous and even throw up as I only really smoke once a week...but I remember that vapes that are reusable taste pretty harsh compared to disposables. I die a little bit thinking of throwing away each one :/

  • Dir En Grey - Yokan [Japanese Rock] (4:40)
  • I had a chance to see Dir en Grey with DEFTONES years ago and I missed it agony-deep

    I haven't listened to this in SO LONG, thanks for posting I'm gonna revisit today

  • Essentially going to my first concert, what do?
  • Look at the venue website to see what is/isn't allowed inside, and whether or not they require a clear bag or not. Since it's Flaming Lips I imagine it'll be a big outdoor amphitheater. Bring layers if it gets cold at night. Maybe bring ear protection. If it's inside, absolutely bring them. If you have lawn seats for an outdoor show, could be a good idea to bring a blanket to sit on.

    Food, drinks, merch will all be expensive. Think like $5 for a bottle of water, $12 for a pint of beer that probably won't be a true pint, $40 minimum for merch.

    There will be a LOT of people. If it's in indoor venue I'd expect to be shoulder to shoulder with people unless you're towards the back. If it's outdoors that won't be as much of an issue, but you could get caught in big crowds milling around concession stands and getting back towards the concert area.

    If you're below 5' 10", there will ALWAYS be the tallest mother fucker in the venue standing directly in front of you lmao. It's like Murphys law. Don't be afraid to snake your way through the crowd to get a better view. If it is packed shoulder to shoulder, I'll look for the biggest gap and use my hand to gently touch people's shoulders and say "excuse me" as I try to move towards the front and that's been good enough to get people to let me through.

    I think the people will mostly be chill, probably over 40 if I had to guess. Probably some old hippies on acid or whatever lol. Have so much fun!

  • Locked
    The cringe is so visceral it makes me wanna throw up
  • Seeing stuff like this ig post just reinforces to me that when people say "Anarchists and Communists hate eachother" it really just means that Anarchists hate communists lol. Most people critiquing the post come with actual thoughtful responses and information...whereas a lot of the people defending it just seem to be moving goalposts, posing gotcha questions, uttering American anticommunist talking points and just completely side stepping the fact that the post is OBVIOUSLY speaking generally about Marxists, yet they argue that its about "specific groups only". Like if I were someone who knew nothing about communism, my reaction to the post would be "I need to steer clear of tankies" and not go much deeper than that. Super harmful imo and it sucks because I feel like there is much more in common between communism and anarchism foundationally than not

  • Locked
    The cringe is so visceral it makes me wanna throw up
  • I am convinced that every person who posts in an Instagram comment section, good takes or not, are bots. Except me....unless?

  • "Diane, 1:38 pm, June twenty-second. I ran into Ed Hurley today; the ripple of his biceps beneath his flannel shirt and the bulge in his worn Levi's is indescribable. I will be taking him in for questioning as soon as possible"

  • The cringe is so visceral it makes me wanna throw up

    It's a tale as old as time of Anarchists absolutely shitting all over communists but god damn I hateeeee it. No self awareness

    Link to Instagram post

    Edit: to be clear I don't have a problem with Anarchists, just seems like very often MLs are met with so much vitriol with people they could collaborate with. Just sucks. Stupid interner

    I want to show yall my favorite band: Neutral Milk Hotel
  • Lmao well now I'm paranoid that it is one and I got got. Damn you

  • I want to show yall my favorite band: Neutral Milk Hotel
  • Neutral Milk Hotel fucks; I got to see them perform at the Fox Theater in Oakland over a decade ago; I only mention the venue because it's GORGEOUS and was the perfect place to see them. I used to listen to them constantly in middle school/highschool, that's awesome you discovered them!

  • I don't want to come off like a shill, but if you want online work (US based) I can refer you
  • Are you a certain number of referrals? I'm seriously thinking about quitting my job and it would be nice to get some extra money if I decide to take extended time before looking for a new job

  • NSFW
    Anyone have experience severe alcoholism withdrawal? (CW Substance abuse, mental health)
  • My dad supposedly hasn't had symptoms of psychosis, but he very recently decided to dry out on his own without medical treatment, and it was bad. He came out of it fine (supposedly) and I can share with you what happened but it's pretty scary and I don't wanna freak you out.

    If she is quitting alcohol, besides inpatient detox there may be places near you that do outpatient treatment with medications and trained staff, possibly with peer support options.

    Ideal Option has clinics in multiple states and are an agency that provides this kind of care, if she would be more open to outpatient support.

    Also, to address the psychosis in the moment: sometimes telling someone that what they are experiencing is imaginary can do more harm than good, especially depending on how severe the psychosis is. It sounds to me like you did an awesome job of reality testing with her to try and get her to maybe believe that there is something else going on. At this point, I would personally tell her that even if no one else experiences it, it must be frustrating/scary/etc. and validate her feelings. Because it IS real for her right now and probably really distressing. That might be able to break through some of her resistance if she just feels like she's being listened to. Sometimes I'll ask questions, like when did you start hearing this? How does it make you feel? Why do you think you can hear it if no one else can hear it?" And maybe make ypur concerns a bit more about you. "I care about you and I'm worried, if anything for my sake can we just go talk to a doctor or just try this thing that might help? And if it doesn't, we can try something else". Could be good for her to hear about how it works from a clinical standpoint too depending on what kind of person the is/how cogent she is at the moment

  • Any fellow black coffee drinkers here? What made you come over to the dark side (pun intended)?
  • I worked at a few different second and third wave coffee shops. The fancy hipster third wave ones had incredible coffee and espresso from all over the world. Tbh if being a barista paid a decent wage I might still be doing it.

    Now that I'm a lot older though coffee makes my lil tumtum hurt though so I don't drink it often

  • The forbidden handlebar
  • I don't get the hate tbh, I'm nervous to ever ride one myself but you can get going SO FAST, and they're cheap and easy to maintain. I think people used to hate on brakeless ones as a hipster thing tho. I used to ride a single speed and had someone yell at me from their car something stupid because they thought it was fixed lol.

  • Question for my union comrades
  • Dang I thought I wrote a reply to this buy I think it got deleted!

    Since these edits were made at pretty much the last 2 hours of bargaining, do you think it would be too much trouble to try and tell them that we don't accept any of their language and we continue to argue our original proposal? I realize that a good 4-6 people would quit, if we did they would be unable to adequately train up new hires so I figure that's pretty good ammunition if they were going to call that regressive. My manager could not even finish the training for my position lol

  • Question for my union comrades
  • Thanks for that, I think from here on out we are.going to try and pre write a bunch of arguments and will show them to our rep and making a point to tell him beforehand during caucus is a good idea if anything comes up mid bargaining.

    I think I just realized, management hasn't put down any proposals really besides a couple, probably so that they can whittle us down to nothing and never be accused of regressive bargaining. Like I think all they've really put down is labor relations committee and will probably put lockout strike down. Our rep included the strike clause in the set of proposals that WE were going to introduce until I said "um, that goes against all morals and dignity I have, if it's introduced they have to introduce it" then he told us that he didn't realize that it wasn't already on the table

    I have one question about regressive bargaining which i think i kinda mentioned before. We put down an article yesterday; they struck out a ton of language and included some new stuff and were told that managers have sole discretion to bargain the location of the workplace so put that in, and we ended up countering some other language but left that part alone and our rep only included like half of what we thought he was.going to add so I personally was surprised when he passed out the rewritten proposal. Can we now go back and strike out all of that language? We wouldn't be changing the initial proposal to something more robust but just fighting their position after we already submitted a counter

  • The forbidden handlebar
  • The "handlebar" isn't a handlebar, but a seat post lol

  • Question for my union comrades
  • Oh, we do TA them together, so nothing is decided without the BC, he just has not given us copies to keep track of what we have and so that we can compare language in them to newer proposals which is super frustrating. I really do feel like he's bargaining against us at this point; trying to rush us to TA everything, not questioning anything the agency lawyer has to say, or calling her put on flip flopping her reasons and he hasn't helped us identify her strategy at all. He doesn't even keep up on NLRB cases, I had to explain to him Wendt & Tecnocap multiple times and asked him if it applied to a situation we have going on and I get blank looks, it's awful.

    The huge majority of our coworkers fully appreciate and support what we do, but mobilizing them has been like pulling teeth so we just kinda stopped trying to organize bigger group meetings because it's so exhausting. They are always invited to our weekly meetings but no one ever comes because they trust that we're handling it lol. Everyone is down to strike though if it comes down to it, but we don't have anyone else who seems down to help us plan and coordinate and it definitely feels like the rep won't at all.

    I am trying to keep my morale up but I don't know how yall do it in the face of constant crises/union busting/little support, I'm about to just kick rocks and get another job

  • Question for my union comrades

    If there is language in an article that is along the lines of "until the expiration of the agreement", does that mean that whatever is contained in that article is no longer legally binding once a contract expires? I feel like that should be obvious, but my union rep seems to think that's not the case. I do know that terms and conditions of a CBA are to continue under an expired contract (besides strikes/lockouts) but if that language lives in the document, then is that how an employer can get around maintaining whatever benefit it's tied to?

    I feel like I read a labornotes article that spoke to this but I CANNOT find it. If anyone can help I would be grateful!

    What are your go to news sources?

    What publications do you find to be the most factual? Do you often check multiple sources when reading about a current event? How do you keep your own biases in check?

    Harms Way - Terrorizer/Undertow ft. King Woman (Hardcore)

    Performance in a friggin' cemetary!

    Slint - Washer (post rock???)

    Goodnight my love

    Remember me as you fall asleep

    Fill your pockets with the dust and memories

    That rises from the shoes on my feet

    I won't be back here

    Though we may meet again

    I know it's dark outside

    Don't be afraid

    Every time I ever cried for fear

    Was just a mistake that I made

    Wash yourself in your tears

    And build your church

    On the strength of your faith

    Ukraine minister says he wants to turn his country into a weapons production hub for the West Ukraine minister says he wants to turn his country into a weapons production hub for the West

    Ukraine's newly appointed head of defense industry says he wants to turn the country into a weapons hub for the West.

    Ukraine minister says he wants to turn his country into a weapons production hub for the West

    "We are focused on producing all types of weapons and ammunition, and we show that we can test it on the battlefield and make it better during the war,โ€ Kamyshin said. โ€œThatโ€™s something we can contribute to the free world, because as you see, defense industry is becoming more and more important globally.โ€

    Ukraine minister says he wants to turn his country into a weapons production hub for the West Ukraine minister says he wants to turn his country into a weapons production hub for the West

    Ukraine's newly appointed head of defense industry says he wants to turn the country into a weapons hub for the West.

    Ukraine minister says he wants to turn his country into a weapons production hub for the West

    โ€œWe are focused on producing all types of weapons and ammunition, and we show that we can test it on the battlefield and make it better during the war,โ€ Kamyshin said. โ€œThatโ€™s something we can contribute to the free world, because as you see, defense industry is becoming more and more important globally.โ€

    Alright y'all, it's that time for a Marxist book recommendation post

    I figure this is a common ask but I haven't seen a post anywhere in the recent past, so....What is the VERY first book on theory that I need to read?

    I haven't read any theory yet, besides a short excerpt from the Communist Manifesto a long time ago. I have read some Parenti and Blackshirts & Reds is definitely on my list. I'm also interested in history books, biographies, autobiographies, anything socialist/marxist really.

    I am also very interested in recommendations from non-white folks, as well as any literature about non-white socialist movements/people/history/theory etc.

    I am kinda coming out of gaming retirement and I love Cult of the Lamb

    It is so cute it hurts and the soundtrack is super cool. What are some other games you'd suggest for Cult of the Lamb lovers?

    I just got a refurbished old hp laptop for free and I can do some gaming on Steam but uh, it's not a gaming laptop per se. I also have a switch. Hit me!

    What laptop should I purchase?

    I haven't owned a functioning laptop in like, ten years because my phone does most of what I like, but I (probably) have tendinitis and carpal tunnel and need something more ergonomic for my terminally online needs. Arguing with strangers on the internet is not as effective on a cell phone lol.

    I'm mostly streaming media, researching online and screwing around on lemmy. I'm interested in toying around with linux just to try it as an OS but would probably want to keep windows because Im not super tech savvy as people here seem to be. That said I can figure things out pretty quickly if I put my mind to it. I would like the ability to game if I wanted, but that might mean a whole different beast so if I could even run at least SNES roms or something like that that would be cool. I'd also like a decent sized screen, 16 inches at least. Hoping not to spend more than 1k if possible but I'm old and don't know what the average price is really for something that's upper-middle quality so whatever clever.

    Thanks for any recommendations!

    ratboy ratboy [they/them]
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