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Finding Movies When Seeders Are Scarce: Alternatives to and 1337x
  • You cand try adding more trackers to your torrent

  • Privacy hosting alternatives to
  • For example

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • This is confusing as fuck


  • Proton is transitioning towards a non-profit structure
  • Would be very nice, that's one reason I use Tuta and not Proton

  • Proton is transitioning towards a non-profit structure Proton is transitioning towards a non-profit structure | Proton

    To ensure our mission always comes first, Proton is transitioning to a non-profit structure and formalizing our promise of people before profits.

    Proton is transitioning towards a non-profit structure | Proton
    Privacy hosting alternatives to
  • Looks pretty good! .onion site, lots of options with really low prices, and you can pay using Monero, thanks!

  • Privacy hosting alternatives to

    I'm looking for alternative dedicated server hosts / VPS that go in the same direction as the policies that and which has a history of not sharing data during legal requests to host a torrent tracker. I'd like to know if there are any alternatives! Thanks :)

    Edit: The main things I'd like is to be able to pay in cash or Monero

    I hope this is the right forum.

    Why do so many people still hate GrapheneOS?
  • The developer I think is the bigger issue

    What did happen?

  • Looking for candida to replace my gaming mouse
  • I finally bought the wired G502 HERO from Logitech :)

  • Looking for candida to replace my gaming mouse
  • I prefer wired mouses, do you know any G305 equivalent?

  • Looking for candida to replace my gaming mouse

    I hope this community is the right one.

    I've had a Razer Basilisk Essential for at least 5 years, and it's starting to give up (left click starting not to work properly).

    So I'm looking for a mouse to replace it, the main problem I've found with this one is that I can't open it just to clean it. I'd like to be able to do that with the new one.

    Otherwise, I think it's perfect, I like the layout of the buttons (I don't want one with less or more, just the same).

    Do you have any advice?

    You can now disable HLS again

    From the Matrix group chat:

    "Please disable HLS again to avoid rate limiting the public instances unnecessarily. The default (DASH) works fine again now on all updated instances and additionally is much faster than HLS. The disable proxy option will require changes at LibreTube's side and won't be functional again before the next update."!$1A60scV1gsXHMqtHSxvtv1NEsEo9obJ-2u0TAwPM8VQ?

    Temporary fix for videos not loading on #LibreTube

    If videos no longer load on LibreTube for you either, as commented in the issue on GitHub, which worked in my case, enabling the use of HSL in the settings solved the problem and the videos load.

    Settings > Audio and video > Use HLS: ON

    More info:

    How do you manage your different encrypted files/storages?
  • HDDs are unlocked via keyfiles which are on the fd-encrypted SSDs

    I hadn't even thought of that!

  • How do you manage your different encrypted files/storages?

    cross-posted from:

    > I'm curious to know how people manage their different encrypted storage here. And I'm talking about the case where you really need to manage SEVERAL encrypted storages/files. > > What software do you use? Where do you save your passwords (password manager/paper/other) or do you use physical keys? > > In short, what's the best combination you've found or recommend to cover as many attack surfaces as possible: remote, local, physical, etc.? >

    How do you manage your different encrypted files/storages?

    I'm curious to know how people manage their different encrypted storage here. And I'm talking about the case where you really need to manage SEVERAL encrypted storages/files.

    What software do you use? Where do you save your passwords (password manager/paper/other) or do you use physical keys?

    In short, what's the best combination you've found or recommend to cover as many attack surfaces as possible: remote, local, physical, etc.?

    SimpleX Chat v5.4 is released
  • It doesn't use SMS

  • SimpleX Chat v5.4 is released Release v5.4.0 · simplex-chat/simplex-chat

    New in v5.4: Link mobile and desktop apps via secure quantum-resistant protocol. Better groups: Faster to join and more reliable. Create groups with incognito profile. Block group members to hide...

    Release v5.4.0 · simplex-chat/simplex-chat

    cross-posted from:

    > From the group chat: > > > Hello all! > > > > SimpleX Chat v5.4 is released - link mobile and desktop apps via secure quantum resistant protocol, and much better groups! > > > > Once you upgrade, join the new users' group via this link and find other groups in SimpleX directory > > > > Please read more in the announcement, and please upvote/share our posts to help spread the word: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Posting here since they did not.

    Technical question: how can I find out what type of server (Mastodon/Pixelfed/Firefish/Peertube/etc) a site is running on?
  • Okay! So you first need to check /.well-known/nodeinfo to get /nodeinfo/2.0.json!

    In the case of Pixelfed it's in /api/nodeinfo/2.0.json

  • Technical question: how can I find out what type of server (Mastodon/Pixelfed/Firefish/Peertube/etc) a site is running on?

    While working on Fedimojis, I'd like to check that the link entered by the user is actually a Mastodon server, to avoid bugs or loading thousands of emojis from Pixelfed instances that don't distinguish between local and external emojis.

    How can I do this?

    My first Linux desktop
  • I want more info about this one 👀

  • Download all the custom emojis from another Mastodon server

    Have you ever wanted to download all the custom emojis from another Mastodon server? I have.

    With this you can download and import them into your server.

    Pfff, HTML
  • xcuse Shakespeare

  • how do you contact admins to make a new community?
  • You can probably contact them on Matrix, but as far as I know no longer accepts to create new communities.

  • What mobile app do you use with your FreshRSS instance?

    I downloaded FreshRSS is not updated and is really lacking in functionality... notifications!

    Edit: I'm on Android (GrapheneOS) but you can share other apps too

    Naming Torrents

  • Naming Torrents
  • This is a meme

  • "OpenAI Staff Threaten to Quit Unless Board Resigns"

    #LibreTube 0.20.0 released but no changelog

    LibreTube 0.20.0 has been release, but there is no changelog on

    Is this normal?

    Update: it's a bug from GitHub

    0.20.0 Changelog:

    Hacking retiolus
    New plugins coming soon on aluminum-ice/pwnagotchi: ntfy, Mastodon, handshake-m

    cross-posted from:

    > Over the last few weeks I've been working on a number of plugins which I hope will be available in the next pwnagotchi release. > > - nfty: send and receive notifications and alerts to devices via ntfy service. > - mastodon: periodically post status updates of your pwnagotchi on Mastodon > - handshake-m: view and manage handshake captures via web UI. > - wpa-cracked-insert: generates a .pcap.cracked file for displaying passwords in webgpsmap. > > These plugins are also initially available on my own repo with more info on how to use them: > > I hope this kind of thing will give the project some new energy :) >

    6 Reasons Why You Should Consider Using NixOS Linux 6 Reasons Why You Should Consider Using NixOS Linux

    NixOS is an exciting distribution. Let's take a look why you might want to give it a try.

    6 Reasons Why You Should Consider Using NixOS Linux
    Humanitarian OSM Team - #Gaza Strip

    Does anyone know why the Humanitarian OSM Team's (HOT) old 2014 project to map Gaza has been archived, and no new ones have been opened in recent weeks?

    retiolus retiolus




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