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Chinese Tech Companies Push Staff To the Limit - Slashdot
  • China is not Socialist, it's State Capitalist.

    Firing older employees in order to pay less to newer employees to pad the bottom line is Capitalism 101, unless someone thinks all the big US companies (Microsoft, Cisco, Meta, Tesla, etc) that have been doing this same thing this past year are all Socialist.

  • Key Democrats allow US sale of F-15 jets to Israel in $18 billion deal
  • You think that family members (and let's be honest, "ancestral genetic brothers" are not actually family members on any psychological level) only have ever killed each other over religion? Not money? Not land? Only religion and 'culture'? Please.

  • Key Democrats allow US sale of F-15 jets to Israel in $18 billion deal
  • Bruh, no one in modern day Israel or Gaza is fighting because of 5000 year old feuds. They're fighting because one group displaced and started mass-murdering the other in order to establish an ethnostate.

  • Locked
    Introduction to capitalised pronouns
  • First off, thank You for responding to my questions.

    From the exclusionary christian’s point of view, no matter the identity of the CPU in question, we are capitalising the pronouns of a mortal and therefore challenging Deus’ supremacy by dismantling its symbols. Good. We should do that. And we should also respect whatever the CPU identifies as.

    I have a few different converging thoughts, and I'll try to lay them out separately to make sure my question's premise is clear:

    • You acknowledge the power dynamic which people perceive around capitalization of pronouns
    • Pronoun capitalization is also used for royalty- not just divinity (e.g. 'Her Majesty'), so this is not a power dynamic specific to religious people
    • You have used un-capitalized pronouns for other people, so at least perceptually, You're not treating all people as being of this same 'elevated' position
    • Your neopronouns are not optional; You have insisted that people use them, which is not a universal standpoint on neopronouns; many neopronoun users are fine with people switching between their pronoun sets, or have a 'fallback'/ auxiliary set
    • Words have meaning, and You cannot pretend or decide that other people have to not care about them. That would even be directly hypocritical to insisting others accept the pronouns of Your choice.
    • Just to reiterate one last time, there is unquestionably a power dynamic at play, because upending the exclusivity of that deference to figures of authority is one of Your stated reasons (or at least benefits) for using them:

    we are capitalising the pronouns of a mortal and therefore challenging Deus’ supremacy by dismantling its symbols. Good. We should do that.

    You are forcing them to extend You that same deference, or claiming that Status for Yourself, however You prefer to view it.

    But I am struggling to see how Your insistence on this particular set of pronouns does not engender a requirement of people to extend You deference You are (at least by default, demonstrably), not extending to them? (and I am not referring to the exclusionary Religious here, but fellow Beehaw users)

    There is a strong debate over using neopronouns like "master/masterself", "daddy/daddyself", etc (certainly without auxiliaries), that may create uncomfortable power dynamics for the persons needing to use them. I think this is striking some of us as similar to that, which is I think why You are seeing this much pushback.

  • Death toll at Hajj pilgrimage rises to 1,300 amid scorching temperatures
  • Yeah, this isn't going to get any easier. Right now KSA is mostly blaming "unauthorized" pilgrims, saying that they did not have any air conditioned hotel rooms to escape the heat in, but I think given the very wide range of reported countries affected, they are just minimizing anger.

    The Middle East is going to get more and more dangerously hot, and I'm worried this is going to start being more normal during Hajj.

  • Nonexistent moderation on Beehaw /c/neurodivergence
  • Wrt technical question 2, I don't personally believe this should run afoul of self promotion guidelines. This was not a monetized service, just this person's personal thoughts.

    I think this method actually works really well for having more in-depth discussions, so you can have a lot of background information in a longer form piece that lets you keep the post itself about a tighter discussion, rather than being a text dump. It's also more useful as a method to use for reference elsewhere.

    I've been considering doing this for some of my posts, I just don't have a blog myself. :p

  • Key Democrats allow US sale of F-15 jets to Israel in $18 billion deal
  • Are you seriously calling a populist uprising a "US backed coup", implying the US had a hand in it, simply because the US ideologically supported their goals?

    NATO expansion is not a justification for invading another country, especially a non-NATO one. Ukraine has the right to self-determination and freedom to associate with whomever they want, and Russia doesn't get to tell them who they can or can't be friends with.

    I can only assume based on this that you philosophically support the Bay of Pigs operation, as the US saw Soviet expansion near them as a threat.

    Putin didnt make his move on Crimea because he was trying to defend Russia, he did it because he knew that his plans to reassimilate Ukraine were threatened by the new Ukranian government. And the 2022 expansion of the invasion just proves that.

  • Key Democrats allow US sale of F-15 jets to Israel in $18 billion deal
  • Whoa, colonialism is absolutely alive and well. Colonialist projects, Israel included, still exist today, and of course many countries that began as settler-colonialism (which is distinct from plain 'colonialism') still exist everywhere, and still keep their native populations marginalized and under attack.

    Israel is quite practically the most textbook definition of a Settler-Colonialist state that there is, especially given that they themselves still even use the term "settlements" to describe their continued displacement of Palestinians.

  • Key Democrats allow US sale of F-15 jets to Israel in $18 billion deal
  • Yes, obviously the US is a massive Imperialist power. I don't want it to have those bases, or nuclear weapons, or even a military or government at all, but I sure as hell don't want it to be replaced by an openly autocratic imperialist power that also has all those things anyways, which is what Russia is aspiring to be under Putin.

    But that is a completely orthogonal discussion as to whether Force is required to stop malicious actors from imposing their will on others through violent Force themselves. That is, as an anarchist, a basic requirement of human interaction; self defense and defense of others.

    What hypocrisy do you think is taking place here?

  • Locked
    Introduction to capitalised pronouns
  • Likewise, a trans person you meet on the street isn’t benefiting from the might of the Roman church. So you’re not supporting hierarchy by using a trans person’s preferred pronouns. By affirming trans men, generally you are dismantling patriarchy, and by affirming trans capitalised pronoun users, generally you are dismantling monotheistic oppression.

    So, I want to start by pointing out that this article is directly making a link between capitalization of pronouns, and the specific practice of capitalization as a Christian show of religious reverence.

    Worse, if you refused to use a trans man’s preferred pronouns because of this, you’d be guilty of pretty blatant transphobia. I believe refusing to use capitalised pronouns for a trans person who requests them is exactly the same bigotry.

    Is the assertion here specifically that capitalization is tied to gender expression, or simply that it is another aspect of a personal identity that should be respected? Obviously neopronouns can be non gender-related, but the article isn't really making clear if that is the case here or not. If anything, it is quite muddled on this point.

    By affirming trans men, generally you are dismantling patriarchy, and by affirming trans capitalised pronoun users, generally you are dismantling monotheistic oppression.

    Wooph... The first part of that is by no means a safe assumption. While I would certainly hope that trans men would not seek to enforce a male-dominant gender power dynamic, it is by no means beyond their ability to do so as an intrinsic matter. Now, whether they can benefit from that dynamic in a given time and place is a different discussion, but even in places that do not afford them the systemic backing of the patriarchal system, they can still support and reify it themselves. Any person who attempts to enforce a male-dominant systemic power dynamic can be supporting patriarchy.

    The end of that sentence seems to confirm that this is about a show of religious reverence? Or is the assertion that by capitalizing the pronouns of not-the-christian-diety one is inherently attacking Christianity?

    I think that if these are simply the neo pronouns that make someone comfortable, it is for the most part fine to request this, but the article is directly drawing the link between capitalized pronouns and religious reverence, and that is not something anyone can demand someone else extend, and not one that is inherently inappropriate not to.

    There are plenty of arguments over the limits of neopronoun usage within the neopronoun-using community, but generally neopronouns like "master", that confer or denote a power dynamic, are considered inappropriate.

    This feels like this is skirting that line to me.

    There is something very uncomfortable to me about demanding the use of a deferential title, while also insisting that not to do so is a moral wrong, while also claiming not to support hierarchy of peoples... which the creation of distinct and deferential titles would seem to contradict.

  • Locked
    Is Donald Trump a Narcissist?
  • Cloudflare is a “potential” MITM: they claim not to read the traffic… but as a TLS terminator, they get the ability to read it without anyone’s knowledge.

    Yes, and this is also true for AWS ALBs and any other hosted reverse-proxies that do SSL offloading/ termination. Hell, it's even worse for AWS in general, since they also have potential access to your databases and instances, nevermind SecretsManager info that you just directly give them. It's just such a weird thing to specifically only harp on Cloudflare like that site is.

    Besides, the only real threat actor I can see them being worried about with CF is the USFG, since they're the only ones I could see being able to compel CF to break their customer contracts like this. And if the USFG is your presumed threat actor, and you're in the US, you're not going to "out-security" them by avoiding Cloudflare.

  • Locked
    Is Donald Trump a Narcissist?
  • Thank you for laying this out in detail. I was debating commenting these points, because I often fail to properly convey my intent well, and your points echo many of my issues with the article dead-on.

    Second, the comments about Allen Frances “speak[ing] out against diagnosing Trump” link to two sources where Frances specifically comments on Trump having narcissistic personality traits, but for a few (potentially) missing criteria.

    This immediately bothered me as well, since Allen literally says, "Trump is a classic narcissist for the ages..."

    There is a big difference between saying, "we should not be diagnosing Trump with NPD as a means to weaponize widespread social bias against ND people against him (and Medical Professionals certainly should not be, since their opinions will be seen to carry weight)", and saying, "Trump is not afflicted with NPD". He very well may be, and indeed there is copious evidence of exactly that. But that should not play into his political suitability either way.

    Also, to argue against casual diagnoses of neurodivergence is, to my mind, inherently to stigmatize it. You can't purport to consider neurodivergence as equally 'acceptable' to neurotypicality, but then also stigmatize someone being labeled neurodivergent when they're not (or at least, you can't stigmatize it more than you would stigmatize an ND person being called NT- though neither should be stigmatized at all). The extent of divergence from 'norms' is dependent entirely on a given population. If, in the future, the majority of the population was a given neurological type that we consider ND now, that would not be neurodivergent, it would be neurotypical for them.

    Is being a pwNPD inherently bad? If not, why is it bad to wonder if someone is a pwNPD? I don't know any people who consider pwNPD "evil"; I know people who consider that it may bias those person(s) towards behaviors that are natural consequences of NPD. Does that mean pwNPD cannot or do not avoid harmful behaviors that NPD may predispose them towards (towards others, or themselves)? Not at all. But we should not pretend that those predispositions do not exist.

    My s.o. has a Panic Disorder and Clinical Depression (MDO), and I and other people around them need to know that, because we may need to intervene if something happens. And if someone doesn't know? I still want them to use their best judgement (or what you might call "casual diagnoses"), to tell if my s.o. is acting unusually, because I don't want them to pretend or presume that everyone is neurotypical out of a fear of offending someone with their casual diagnosis, and not intervene to assist them.

    So I guess in summary, based on my casual diagnosis, Trump would absolutely seem likely to have NPD.

    Does that make him evil? No.

    Does that explain much of his behavior? Yes.

    Does that help us to understand his potential choices in future situations (given what we also know about the people around him who are enabling or even pushing him to make bad choices rather than helping him)? Yes.

    Is that important? Absolutely.

    And lastly:

    If Trump were to be a pwNPD, does that make him unfit, or even just less fit, for political office?

    My s.o. should not have a firearm. Their particular neurodivergencies bias them towards sudden self-destructive actions, and the power that a firearm gives to those impulses presents a danger that is abnormally high compared to people without those specific neurodivergencies (even other ND people). "Luckily", those impulses do not include presenting a danger to people around them, but if they did, that would also certainly merit denying them access to a firearm.

    If the position of President affords an extremely outsize level of power to the impulses that NPD biases one towards, and that power presents a potential or even likely harm to others, is it wrong to (with a proper medical diagnosis from that person's doctors), restrict them access to that power? If they cannot resist sharing state secrets (like the details of undercover agents) in the face of flattery or bribery, should they be given equal access to those?

  • Locked
    Is Donald Trump a Narcissist?
  • A lot of people have issues with Cloudflare, some more justified (e.g. their shitty and aggressive "sales" tactics that skirt the line with extortion), and some not so much.

    I checked their comments in another thread where they were discussing Cloudflare, and they linked to a site with some false information about CF, like claiming that Cloudflare blocks VPN traffic to sites hosted on or tunneled through them (they don't, and I just tested this to verify I wasn't crazy, because I've been hitting CF-tunneled sites through VPNs for years), or very misleading information (like seemingly trying to conflate CF blocking some CGNAT IPs, which could have blocked innocent users behind those addresses, into claiming that they block all CGNAT IPs... which they don't).

    There are also a lot of people who like to say that Cloudflare is a MITM (by ignoring the "unknown to the communicating parties" part of the definition of MITM), but honestly, as someone whose job is information security, this mostly strikes me as overfocusing on one part of a large chain that you have very little control over, to feel more in-control.

    Once traffic leaves your home network, you are trusting a lot of different groups with your data, whether you like it or not. You're trusting the DNS provider to send you to the right IP. You're trusting the AS operators to properly and honestly maintain their BGP routes to take you to the legitimate owner of that IP. If a site is being served on a VPS, you're trusting the VPS provider not to be reading or altering the traffic. If it's SSL-encrypted, you're trusting the CertificateAuthorities involved not to be issuing malicious certs, etc etc...

  • Key Democrats allow US sale of F-15 jets to Israel in $18 billion deal
  • You don't get fewer war machines by rewarding aggressors for their invasions. You shut them down swiftly, and make it clear that war isn't an acceptable means to resolve conflicts.

    "If you invade us, we'll try to sue for peace as quickly and obsequiously as possible to end the war so there are fewer wars" just encourages imperialist aggression.

  • How Recycling Has Become a Largely Empty Gesture
  • That entire motto is a distraction, so that corporations can whinge about consumers not doing "their part".

    And don't forget, corporations are also encouraging people not to reduce purchases, and designing their products such that reusing is either impossible (good luck reusing a torn potato chip bag), infeasible, or even dangerous.

    Recycle is just the final, catch-all lie at the end. It only works for very specific types of plastics, and even then usually can only be done an astonishingly few number of times.

    As the article notes,

    the recycling push has encouraged consumers to accept wasteful packaging, particularly plastics, when forcing the use of more biodegradable material would have been a less damaging course of action.

  • We’re all Boba Liberals Now (Don’t Laugh!)
  • Mostly a really good article. Even when it's very obvious that all groups of people will have (edit:) members who compete for acceptance by white supremacy hierarchy, it's still sad to see it (and is another reminder why I abandoned the bird site).

    Random peeve of mine, but I immensely dislike the emergence of "petty bourgeois" instead of "petit" or "petite". There is a lot of meaning behind them being the "little" bourgeois, versus being "petty", which carries a connotation of being insignificant or unimportant, when in fact they are an incredibly important component of class struggle. It feels like dismissing millionaires (and other petit bourgeois) as "temporarily embarrassed billionaires", sort of belying the very dangerous function they fulfill in countering proletariat power.

    They're not "ineffective wannabe bourgeois", they are mini-bourgeois; aligned in interest with their bigger bourgeois counterparts, but far greater in number, and far less easy to identify.

  • It's not just vibes. Americans' perception of the economy has completely changed.
  • We know by now that the economy doing well won't translate into helping us. And any minor benefits we do see will then be hoovered up by landlords, businesses that gatekeep essential goods, and legally-required expenditures like insurance, before we even have any chance to decide for ourselves how to allocate it.

    "Hey, SF raised minimum wages by 2.50? Great! That means I can bump the rent on my non rent-controlled properties by a couple hundred bucks next lease! Thanks, SF!"

  • Thoughts on Space Games, Part 3: Too Many Tiny Games!

    Hi everyone, here's the final post of my Space Game recommendations:

    • Top-5 Small and/or Indie Space Games

    • Honorable Mentions

    • Space-adjacent Games, Small

    • Hopefuls (games in development now, that I hope will grow into their own in the future.

    • Disappointments (ones that imo didn't turn out good in the end)

    Small and Indie games make up the bulk of any genre, but for Space Games this is particularly pronounced in my opinion, due to a long period of industry trends/bandwagons which publishers jumped on which tended to exclude space-themed games from wider production, thus leaving a lot more space for Indies to fill. One of those trends was the "PC gaming is dead" console push of the 2000-2010s, and the other the concomitant dearth of RTS and other Strategy games, which previously represented a sizable chunk of Space Games.

    Because of this larger pool of small games, I'm also including a "Hopefuls" and "Disappointments" section here, with more games to be aware of and check out.

    Without further ado:

    Top-5 Small and/or Indie Space Games

    5. Duskers

    Right off the line with an unusual and interesting one, Duskers is a top-down, realtime investigation roguelike, where you are a human ship captain, using remote-controlled drones to explore derelict ships, in order both to gather resources, and to figure out what happened to all the other humans. It's claustrophobic, it's alien, it's conveys loneliness very well, but also heart-pounding action when you need to... run from things. If you want a smaller-scale story, and more laid-back, Duskers is a gem.

    4. Endless Sky [Steam link]

    Endless Sky is a FREE and Open Source game, created entirely by community contributors! It is a top-down fleet-command game, in which you can trade, transport, fight, negotiate, and more, across a decently-sized galaxy. It has a lot of neat hidden content, alien factions, and cool ships to find. It also supports mods. Since it was made by a bunch of FOSS Linux nerds, you can install it on just about anything (phones included).

    3. Avorion

    It's procedural (galaxies, ships, modules, etc)! It's co-op! It's got lots of mods, lots and LOTS of star systems, and lots of bespoke content as well. It has a really cool mix of RTS and third-person ship combat, where you can swap into a top-down view to issue orders to your fleet, and then pop back out into just your ship's 3p view. You can build space stations, or take over systems, or just run missions if you want. For me it really feels like what I want Eve Online or Astrox Imperium to be.

    2. FTL: Faster Than Light

    Another Kickstarter success story, FTL is a top-down ship crew-simulation game, where you control crew members as well as the ship, through a procedural series of sectors in order to reach and then defeat a giant enemy boss ship, all while being pursued by their fleet. You can recruit different species who have different abilities, fly different ships, change out weapons, or drones, or defensive robots to attack borders, or equip stealth cloaking devices, and on and on. It is NOT infinite, and an infinite mode that was promised at one point never materialized, but mods have attempted to rectify this grave injustice.

    1. Starsector

    Starsector is truly a special game. It is a top-down fleet command game, in a universe full of aliens, warring factions, mysterious artifacts, unexplained mysteries, pirates, bounties, rogue AI fleets, and a now-defunct mass effect relay portal ring network. It is still in development, and has an active and extensive community of modders. I truly can't rave about this game enough, if you are a fan of open-world space sandbox games. Take a look at the game's media page to see screenshots of what the games looks like, as well as the kinds of stuff you can do- or check out the trailer.

    And don't worry, if you're like me, and you suck at the Ur-Quan Masters-style ship combat... you can have the game handle it for you (while you watch and intervene as you like).

    Honorable Mentions


    This game would have been in the top-5 for me if I was only considering the game itself, but there is controversy about its development: in short, the developer signed on around 12 fans/ community members (including minors), who volunteered to produce art assets unpaid. Supposedly, none of those made it into the final game, but the project lead (who is also the head of Chucklefish games) is also- according to many previous employees- a massive asshole, manipulator, and creep.

    I personally reject the premise of Death of the Author (either good or bad), and doubly-so when that person stands to benefit from sales; my view is to support good people, and not support bad people. If you agree, or where that line lies for you, and whether you're interested in looking at this game, is up to you.

    That said, Starbound is an amazing game. It was created to be Terraria In Space (said asshole also worked on Terraria), and it succeeds at that in spades. It can be played alone or in co-op, is massively moddable, and is all-around an astounding game. There are tons of different types of planets, all proc-gen, and populated with various factions, cities, storylines, and missions.

    The Frackin' Universe mod is considered a must-have expansion by many in the community, for the sheer amount of content it adds (many mod authors in the community pooled their work together).

    Astrox Imperium

    Eve Online, but singleplayer. Really. It's Eve.

    This is the 2019 sequel to the 2015 Astrox: Hostile Space Excavation, which was more focused and small-scale. Astrox Imperium massively expands on the original, to create a game where you can mine, manufacture, research, train, fight, trade, build (stations, ships), etc. Its biggest limitation (to me) is its restrictiveness around fleets, but it's still in development, and the devs have said they're working on that. If you just want to mine in peace, give this a go.

    Dyson Sphere Program

    Factorio, but you go to a bunch of planets, and use the resources to build Dyson Spheres, and fight enemies.


    A faster-paced twin-stick shooter and fleet command game, with a big emphasis on using the parts you loot from enemies to build up your own ships.

    Nebulous: Fleet Command

    A tactical fleet command sim. This 'game' is all about tactics. Controlling range. Controlling information. Controlling visibility. EWAR and positioning are major factors in this game. If you want to play a game that feels like what combat in The Expanse would be like, it's this. It's very cinematic, watching a PDS try to screen incoming missiles, or railgun rounds punch through ships. Hardcore, but satisfying.

    Battlevoid: Harbinger

    > Battlevoid: Harbinger is a hard sci-fi space exploration game blending roguelike, turn-based, star map strategy, and real-time space battles. You are a young commander venturing out into enemy territories, to unknown galaxies, never knowing what you will face as you jump out from hyperspace.

    Space-adjacent Games, Small:


    • The Last Starship
    • Stardeus
    • Starmancer
    • Ostranauts
    • Star Valor
    • Star Traders: Frontiers
    • Space Reign
    • Celestial Command
    • Space Haven


    Note: The disappointments are only here because I saw something promising in them, so just because I didn't like them in the end doesn't mean you won't. Not every space game is for me!

    • Star Command: Galaxies
    • Void Destroyer
    • Starship EVO
    • Star Ruler
    • Spacebourne
    • Rodina
    • Shortest Trip to Earth
    • Kinetic Void
    • Fractured Space
    • Dust Fleet
    • Approaching Infinity
    • Halcyon 6
    Thoughts on Space Games, Part 2: Top-5 Medium-Sized Games +

    Hi everyone, here's my list of Medium-sized, "Rise of the RTS" list:

    • Top-5 Space Games
    • Honorable Mentions
    • Space-adjacent Games

    I've added the last category because there are a lot of games that are in space-centric settings, but which do not directly deal with outer space itself (i.e. games on alien planets, in which the 'alien' part is very important, but you never really deal with space itself as part of the game). I won't give detailed descriptions, but I will put links to them all.

    Top-5 Medium-Sized Space Games

    5. Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion (SoaSE 2 is coming soon!)

    A space RTS, where you command fleets of ships against rival... \ahem\ Empires. If you like RTSes, but in a shorter, simpler, faster format, Sins is a great series to consider, especially since the sub-genre of Space RTSes has been pretty dead for a long while in mainstream, AAA games. Rebellion was a standalone 'expansion' to SoaSE, which from what I gather most people just now recommend to get in lieu of getting the original + expansions.

    I would probably swap this out with Imperium Galactica 2 (see below), but I think it's age may make it too inaccessible for many players.

    4. Space Engineers

    On the dead-opposite end from an RTS, comes a first-person, multiplayer game about being the people who actually build all those ships you're commanding in other games. Space Engineers is really unique in that you are basically playing Minecraft, but building spaceships. You can start on a planet, find a frozen lake, start mining and refining nearby iron, nickel, etc, and before (too) long launch your first horribly ugly spaceship, maybe even into space!

    There are tons and tons of mods, including mods that add NPC factions and new weapon and block types, and lots of very engineering-focused content to let you do complex pseudo-automations. If you're like me, you'll always play on the sandbox solar system start, manage to get off the Earthlike planet, make a base on one of the asteroids nearby, and promptly die to NPC pirates. But it's fun!

    3. Homeworld (1999)

    The One and Only Homeworld, one of the most famous space games of all time. This was the pinnacle of mission-based RTS in 1999, and still holds up well today (at least in the space genre). Amazingly, a year later we also got Ground Control and Earth 2150, so truly the turn of the millennium was a special time for RTSes.

    This is a game that really showed a love of the beauty and awe of space. Though it couldn't always convey it perfectly, it always tried. This is not a base-builder RTS (a la StarCraft, C&C, etc), which can turn a lot of people off, but if you really just love bite-sized, tactical, crunchy combat, with the added verticality of 3D space, Homeworld set the gold standard for years.

    2. Kerbal Space Program

    So much ink has been spilled about KSP, it's hard to know what to write that isn't common knowledge, but in case you've never heard of it or looked into it, Kerbal Space Program is a physics-based rocket-building and space exploration game, where you operate a space organization analogous to NASA, on the planet Kerbin. It has a plethora of systems to engage with, like conducting research and performing experiments under specific conditions to unlock new tech, doing contract missions for money, trying for difficult achievements, or even just trying to actually reach the distant and unusual planets and moons. You can literally play it for years and never successfully land a ship on many of the planets or moons, much less get home afterwards. It also has a sandbox mode if you're not interested in the money and tech management, and just want to build and test rockets.

    It has mods out the wazoo, including many which help the less mathematically-inclined of us, such as MechJeb (basically a highly-configurable auto-pilot system). It won't save you from yourself, but it will often save you from the vagaries of the physics engine.

    All fear the Kraken!

    1. Distant Worlds: Universe

    You may commence the head-scratching or the mouth-foaming!

    Distant Worlds: Universe is a sandbox RTS / 4X game where you simply usher a space-faring civilization through whatever comes.

    Where it stands apart, and what makes it completely different and unique from basically any other game I can think of, is that you can granularly elect for any parts of your empire's control to be automated.

    You can literally have the game play itself, if you so desire.

    Or you can just control the fleets. Or just the research. Or maybe you only choose the government policies, roleplaying congress, with no actual control over how those policies play out. Or maybe you just play it like a normal 4X RTS, but getting rid of the micromanagement of planets. Or maybe you have the AI ask you permission for certain choices, and treat it as basically a smart advisor.

    It's a really special and unique game, and it also has so many mods and so much content that you can change it up, or do total conversions. Wanna just turn it into Star Wars, or Stargate, or Babylon5, or Warhammer 40k, or Eve Offline, or Battlestar Galactica, or Macross, or (obviously) Star Trek? You can!

    Honorable Mentions

    Galactic Civilizations 2,3,4

    A long-running series from Stardock, a classic name in TBS (turn-based strategy) games. I personally love 2 and 3, but I have heard very positive things about 4 as well. It is more... cartoonish? and lighthearted than many other 4X games, but that doesn't mean they're less difficult; it's very tactical, and has a good blend of straight empire-control-jockeying and random events to spice things up. In many ways I'd call it a predecessor to Stellaris.

    Pax Imperia: Eminent Domain

    The oldest game that will appear on any of these lists, Pax Imperia is an RTS from 1997, that still holds up strong today. You can create a custom species to play as, or choose from some presets. You can customize ships extensively, and there is a massive research tree. The combat is engaging and tactical, and it really feels like FLEETS fighting, not just little individual ships all skirmishing in the same place. Plus, it has one of the COOLEST opening cinematics for a video game. THIS THING SLAPS.

    Descent: Freespace

    The classic Descent series from Volition (RIP) moved out of asteroids, and into space wars! This is a mission-based space combat game, in which you played as humans fighting against a new and deadly alien species invading both you and the other hostile alien species humans were already at war with (the Vasudans). It really does a great job of making you feel... helpless in space. You're not really some badass, you're a single pilot in a great big war, and you're struggling to hold on and pull through alive.

    Also, has a really great cinematic intro.

    Imperium Galactica 2: Alliances

    This is probably the game I actually come back to the most on this list of Medium-sized games. It is a really great RTS / 4X, with 3 main factions with campaigns, and a bunch of minor factions you can play in skirmish scenarios with.

    It's got everything:

    • Ship customization
    • Planet-side city planning (and invasions! You actually get to land tanks on enemy planets and assault their structures, and they your's).
    • Spying, and counter-intelligence, and framing other empires, and stealing tech, and assassinating leaders, and hiring different species of aliens as spies to be more effective for certain missions, or against their own factions, or even forcing spies you capture to be double-agents! Holy hell!
    • An alien race that (contrary to the literal name of the game) cannot conduct diplomacy at all, and just wants to murder everyone, and has superweapons!

    Obligatory cool-but-short intro movie. "DIE! DIE! AHAHAHAHA!"

    Take On Mars

    As the final Honorable Mention, we have a complete swerve from the rest of the list. Take On Mars is a Mars exploration sim from Bohemia Interactive. Literally playing as essentially NASA, you build rovers, land them, and carry out science missions. Like, "land here, drive the rover to this rock formation, take sample, launch sample-return vehicle/ transmit spectrometer data", etc. I think it also has missions where you build a base for people, but I never bother with those. It's a true sim, so it's slow, and methodical, and you can drive a rover for 30 minutes only to get frustrated and drive too fast and hit a rock and fuck up your rover's wheels and have to start all over... though you get to keep your job, unlike IRL.

    If you enjoy relaxing simulation games, this one is really nice.

    Space-Adjacent Mentions, Medium-Sized:

    Thoughts on Space Games, Part 1: Top-5 AAA Games

    Hey everyone, I'm a big player of Space Games of all forms, and this mini-genre (or 'theme', if you prefer) really has a TON of range and depth, and is a very fertile ground for indie and unique projects. I was recently playing a game called Avorion, after owning it for years without ever really engaging with it, and I've gotten hooked, and sunken 100+ hours into it in a couple weeks. That made me think about the variety of really cool games in this space, and about people who might not know some of these, or might be interested in a space-game junkie's thoughts on them (I am TooManySpaceGames on Steam, feel free to friend me). Note that I am not going to include games that you can no longer legally acquire, or which cannot run on modern hardware or OSes (sorry, Freelancer).

    Without further ado, here are my Top-5 "AAA" Space Games:

    5. No Man's Sky

    A well-known comeback story in gaming, No Man's Sky debuted at E3 2014, and then released in 2018 with MUCH less in features than both the E3 trailer, and than what developers had directly promised in interviews. Hello Games (the creators) have since then spent the subsequent 6 years releasing very large updates- all free- that have taken the game beyond parity with the original promises.

    It is a third-person RPG, that also features ship combat (though imo this is its weakest area), interacting with alien races (with a great language-learning system), ship/weapon/outfit customization, base-building, running NPC colonies, missions, etc. There's a LOT to do. If you enjoy large open worlds and exploration, it offers that in spades. It can be played solo or online, and there are live-service-esque features like timed events that give unique ships, outfits, modules, etc, all free.

    NMS deserves special mention to the insane numbers that it can earnestly claim, with a total system count of 2.2 TRILLION possible solar systems, 18 quintillion possible planets and moons total. I say "possible" because everything is procedurally-generated, so they are only tracking essentially metadata about systems that have been visited, and most systems will never even be visited. It is still wild to think about.

    4. Stellaris

    An(other) RTS-4X (explore, expand, exploit, exterminate) game from Paradox, Stellaris offers TONS of customization options (including mods), but at the cost of, well, high cost for the many DLCs. It is infinitely replayable, and very customizable in how you want the universe to be set up. It's tough to find AAA RTS-4X games in the space game realm, and other contenders like Endless Space 1/2 just don't have the breadth that Stellaris does.

    Stellaris has a high focus on randomized events, narrative events, and overarching story lines. As an example, you may get a notification that an asteroid was spotted heading towards a planet, but when you send a fleet of ships to destroy it, discover that the asteroid is actually a monument built by an ancient race. You would then need to decide what to do with it, with various potential outcomes (e.g. destroy it, put it into orbit as a tourist destination, move it so it passes by the planet and goes on its way, etc).

    Or you may find a giant derelict ringworld, or dyson sphere, or or deep-space scanning antenna, and be able to rebuild them and use them as a colony. Or you may invent a cool new warp drive, only to find that activating it alerts some inter-dimensional being to your presence, who then invades. Lots of cool narrative beyond the usual 4X "fight other groups for territory", though that is the meat of the game.

    3. Eve Online

    A game that you either love or hate, Eve is (in)famous for its player-centric and adversarial nature. It receives a lot of very unjust (imo) criticisms for being unplayable as a solo player or small group (patently false; I've run small group Corps, and have been playing it solo for the past 4-5ish years). It is really a sandbox, where you can attempt to do anything you want, with relatively few restrictions. It also has a truly player-driven economy, where the ships you fly, the guns and modules you equip, and the ammunition you shoot, were all built by players, from materials they mined from asteroids (and moons and planets) or farmed from NPCs.

    I ran several corporations in "wormhole space"/ "j-space", which is basically an entire set of hundreds of star systems (in addition to the several thousand systems of "k-space", or "empire space" that the universe map covers) that are only accessible through ephemeral wormholes, and which have unique and cool properties. I later joined a medium-sized "Nullsec" alliance, and was part of a major series of wars between large alliances, mostly working as a Fleet Commander (FC) for stealth-bomber "blops" (black-ops) drops. After that I shifted over to solo-building capital ships to sell to large Nullsec corporations. Even after playing since 2011, I haven't touched all the various systems in Eve.

    2. X4: Foundations

    I only really got into the X series with X4, though I had owned X3 for many years, and failed several times to get hooked by it. To put it simply, the X series are first-person 4X games, where economic simulation is a really key focus. You can mine, build components, build ships, build stations, fight stuff, sell the stuff you build to NPCs, watch the NPCs fight stuff using the stuff you sold to them, etc. You can influence the actually-simulated outcomes of wars between NPC factions through economics, which is really cool. For instance, in one game I wanted one faction (Split) to take over a bunch of another faction's (Teladi) space, so I bought lots of shipbuilding materials FROM the Teladi at high cost to myself, and sold them to the Split to use or used them myself, which very quickly resulted in the Teladi being unable to replenish their fleets, and the Split taking over several Teladi systems.

    There are no limits on what you can own (fleets, stations, etc) so you can absolutely build up a massive faction and eventually take over the entire universe.

    1. Mass Effect Series

    Rather than call out one specific game, I think Mass Effect merits mention as a unified body (including Andromeda). Mass Effect is a third-person RPG space opera, following a mostly linear storyline (unlike my usual propensity towards large sandboxes). It includes 3 'mainline' games, and one spin-off (Andromeda, that focuses more on open-world exploration than 1-3). It is a truly phenomenal series, though it struggles to hold up gameplay-wise the further we get from its release. Its writing manages to be both very human and very epic, with a cast of close-knit and memorable characters, while also managing to feel like you are having a wide-ranging impact on the world. It never feels like you're "along for the ride" in these events, which is a pitfall that many RPGs fall into (\cough\ Bethesda games post-Morrowind \cough\).

    If you are a fan of BG3, or DA:I (and somehow haven't played ME), this is right up your alley.

    If playing it is too daunting, especially given its age, there are videos on YouTube that condense the story and events down into a mini-movie (though this obviously loses the personal choice aspect).

    Honorable Mentions: Starfield, Star Citizen, and by popular demand, Elite: Dangerous

    I hesitated to include these, as there is a lot of very negative reaction out there towards the first 2, and I have personal bad blood with E:D, but I feel that not to include them would be remiss towards any serious discussion of AAA space games, and everyone was (rightfully) pointing out the omission of E:D.

    Starfield is of course Bethesda's reskin of their Creation Engine games... IN SPACE! Highly-anticipated, it received both very fair and very unfair criticism upon its release. Now that the Creation Kit (modding tools) are in players' hands, it has me very optimistic that it will turn into the kind of wide-AND-deep RPG we all wanted.

    If you have not played a Bethesda game before... do not start here.

    Start with Morrowind.

    Or (for everyone who rolled their eyes reading that), start with Fallout 4. Both are much better introductions to Bethesda games. And no, New Vegas is not a Bethesda game, and the fact that Obsidian was able to eat their lunch with their own engine should not dissuade you from appreciating their actual games on their own merits (and demerits). So also play New Vegas, but don't do that in lieu of playing actual Bethesda games.

    Star Citizen is a MMO space sim from Chris Roberts, the creator of Freelancer and the Wing Commander series, famous in part for Mark Hamill's starring role back in the heyday of FMV games. Star Citizen is the multiplayer MMO world counterpart to Squadron42, a singleplayer space action game that they are also currently developing (which stars a LOT of big-name actors), but which is not yet open for players to test.

    Star Citizen is a sandbox, that shares much in game design structure with especially Eve Online, though that is a highly-sensitive and argued subject in the SC community. It is incredibly impressive, with about the best graphics you'll see in a video game, and in its incredible technical capabilities (like actually traversing a solar system from planet surface, to space, to planet seamlessly, sans loading screens. It it still very much in-development, and there is a lot of criticism over its funding model (they are not publisher-backed, but instead crowdfunded, first on Kickstarter, and now via ship sales). They host free-fly events regularly, so you can always try it for free, and the entry-level game packs (it's not subscription-based) give you the game + 1 ship start at ~$45.

    It's worth mentioning because it is the closest thing to a true space sim out there. You really do just get dropped on a planet with whatever starting ship you have, a little money, and are turned loose to do what you want. I have had an ongoing debate with my wife about whether sandbox sims are the true final goal of all games (my opinion), and SC is a really incredible achievement even in its in-development state, as a sandbox sim.

    Elite: Dangerous is a sandbox Spaceflight Sim from Frontier Games and founder David Braben, who famously made the original Elite games (which are generally considered to be largely responsible for Space Sim games as a genre), played in an online or offline world. It is incredibly expansive, only second to No Man's Sky in number of solar systems to explore, and at least somewhat based on actual scientific survey data about many of the systems, which is pretty cool. The original Elite (1984) was a space trading game, and Elite: Dangerous is still at its core about this.

    It has very snappy, sometimes very unforgiving combat, and has expanded since launch to include things like planetary landings, FPS combat, and a bunch of other content, though it is all a separate purchase from the base game, under the title "Horizons". I cannot personally comment on Horizons content, as I only played the original game.

    If you really like very realistic solar systems, and a much more 'laid back' experience of just Zen-jumping your way across the galaxy, E:D is a great option.

    Anyways... let me know what you think!

    What other AAA space games do you love? What do you think of those on this list?

    I'll be making parts 2 and 3 going over Medium and Small games soon, so if you enjoyed this, stay tuned!

    Inside Enclave Rabia Caracol — An Anarchist Community Center and Cafe in Tijuana, Mexico - UNICORN RIOT

    > On a given day, the five story building (including basement and roof top rooms) houses a variety of projects and dozens of people pass through its open doors.“We have a café, we have a community kitchen where we prepare the free meals. We have a community bike shop in the basement and we have space for events, shows…theater,” explained Nat, a longtime organizer and collective member of Enclave. “We try to make the space available for the community to use as they please.”

    > But Enclave isn’t just a resource center for migrants and others in need—it is also a space for creativity, experimentation, and exchange of radical political ideas. It hosts drag shows, reading groups, lectures, film screenings, and workshops on topics outside the political mainstream. At such events, those who come to the space primarily for resources often stay to engage with those who come for the politics or to enjoy the safe space.

    > “The people that come to the shows and that organize events are, I would say, mostly punks and feminists and people from the LGBT community that have found also a safe space here where they know that here they will be respected no matter what,” said Nat.

    I've had the opportunity to work with several community-owned-and-run spaces in the Bay Area, and they are wonderful microcosms of our communities, as well as being communities unto themselves. If you have not had the chance to interact with one of theses, I highly recommend you to look them up in your local areas; they can always use more members, no matter your role.

    It's easy as members of a relatively small group (e.g. AnSocs) to feel and become isolated, and working with or even just inhabiting spaces like this help others, and ourselves!

    GOP support for allowing felons to be president rises after Trump conviction: Poll

    > Fifty-eight percent of GOP voters said in the new survey convicted felons should be allowed to become president if they are elected. YouGov noted that just 17 percent of Republicans held that opinion in April.

    > In February, 34 percent of GOP voters said criminality was among their least desired traits. Now, 19 percent say the same.


    Jurors in Hunter Biden's federal gun trial see the document at center of the case for the first time Jurors in Hunter Biden's federal gun trial see the document at center of the case for the first time

    Jurors on Tuesday got their first look at the document at the center of Hunter Biden's federal gun trial.

    Jurors in Hunter Biden's federal gun trial see the document at center of the case for the first time

    If you want to see weaponization of the courts against a political opponent, THIS is the case to look at.

    The ATF Form 4473 is the Firearm Transaction Record and has a list of checkbox questions which, in a normal country, would not be questions at all, but a bullet point list of disqualifying criteria, such as (shortening for clarity):

    • Are you buying the gun for someone else?
    • Are you a citizen or legal alien?
    • Are you a convicted felon?

    Rather than simply saying,

    • You cannot purchase the gun for someone else.
    • You must be a citizen or legal alien.
    • You cannot be a convicted felon.

    This is done in order to create a criminal charge of Making a False Claim if one of these is not fulfilled. Note that for many of these, you will in fact fail the background check (FBI NICS system) and be unable to even purchase the gun, such as if you are not a US Citizen or Green Card holder, but you could still have just become a criminal based on your 4473 answers.

    Most of the questions are very 'reasonable' in their objective, but then you reach question 21f:

    > f. Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?

    At first glance this is pretty straightforward: possession of an illegal drug is a crime, so of course you can't buy a gun if you admit you're committing a crime!

    But note, it also calls out addiction. Being addicted to something is not illegal, and is not even the same as being intoxicated, but is grounds for rejection under this. Moreover, that addiction can be to legal controlled substances as well, and still run afoul of this question.

    And who decides if you are addicted to something? That's not spelled out here, and can be determined by a doctor either before or after arrest for this.

    This is extremely unusual for courts to retroactively pursue, especially years later. That Hunter Biden is being pursued on this is 1000% only happening because of Republican pressure, in order to smear Biden so they can try to equate his family to Trump's, in their corruption.

    Then again, many laws (especially around drugs and guns) were put in place to target minorities and Leftists non-Conservatives so this is really just the law being used how it was intended.

    Why is Nikki Haley scrawling genocidal messages on Israeli bombs? | Moustafa Bayoumi Why is Nikki Haley scrawling genocidal messages on Israeli bombs? | Moustafa Bayoumi

    Haley writing ‘finish them’ on an Israeli bomb is everything horrific about the US elite’s morally empty foreign policy

    Why is Nikki Haley scrawling genocidal messages on Israeli bombs? | Moustafa Bayoumi

    > ...on Tuesday, the former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley was all over social media for a picture taken of her during a visit to Israel. In the picture, Haley – the one Republican who had been frequently lauded for her smarts on foreign policy – is seen squatting down in front of a row of Israeli artillery shells, likely provided by the United States, with pen in hand. “Finish them,” she wrote on one of the shells.

    > The evidence indicates that Nikki Haley can write, but one must wonder if she can read.

    Amazing jabs by the author aside, the cruelty and the callousness and the bigotry displayed by those deadset on supporting Israel is both astonishing and horrifying.

    > What makes this genocidal unity of Democrat and Republican all the more horrific and rage-inducing is that, despite the war-mongering messages emanating from America’s politicians and media pundits, all the polls repeatedly show that the American people want a ceasefire in Gaza, not a genocide. One of the latest surveys, a Data for Progress poll published in early May, found that seven out of 10 likely voters “support the US calling for a permanent ceasefire and a de-escalation of violence in Gaza”. This position was endorsed by majorities of Democrats (83%), independents (65%) and Republicans (56%).

    > The [Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention] concluded their position this way: “Humanity has a choice: Either we decide that our children can all be killed whenever a superior force alleges that ‘terrorists’ are among us, or we decide that under no circumstances will we allow these superior forces to lay waste to our world any longer. We each must choose and act accordingly. The watershed moment is now.”

    > The Lemkin Institute exhibits the kind of moral clarity that we must demand from our leaders. If we don’t, the Nikki Haleys of this world will be signing more than bombs. By endorsing the genocide that the people don’t support, these politicians are also signing the death certificate of our own democracy.

    How to Criminalize a Protest How to Criminalize a Protest

    In Atlanta, the George Floyd demonstrators are being prosecuted as gang members. The activists of today could be next.

    How to Criminalize a Protest

    > In Atlanta, the George Floyd demonstrators are being prosecuted as gang members. The activists of today could be next.

    A great writeup on Atlanta's Cop City protests, and the political establishment's wider response to protests in a post-BLM world (hint: it's not to listen to protestors' concerns).

    The Media Still Doesn’t Grasp the Danger of Trump The Media Still Doesn’t Grasp the Danger of Trump

    Donald Trump tells the world he intends to be an authoritarian. So why won’t journalists repeat it?

    The Media Still Doesn’t Grasp the Danger of Trump

    > Just like Hitler before him, Trump is benefiting from the fact that journalism is an incremental, daily business. Every day, reporters have to find something new to write or broadcast. Trump keeps saying dangerous and crazy things, but that’s not new. He’s said it all before. His impeachments and the January 6 insurrection happened years ago. True, he has been indicted four times and now faces up to four criminal trials, but that’s already been reported. What’s new today?

    > For political reporters covering the campaign, that means usually treating Trump’s authoritarian promises as “B-matter.” That’s an old newspaper phrase that refers to the background information that reporters gather about a story’s subject. B-matter is usually exiled to the bottom of an article — if not cut entirely to save space or time.

    > But the horrifying truth is that when Trump’s dictatorial ambitions are left on the cutting room floor as B-matter, America is in trouble.

    The Hill: US Army intel officer resigns in protest of US-Israel policy; IDF abuse of Gazan prisoners exposed

    A segment on The Hill that cites The Intercept and Democracy Now, and calls out the media downplaying credible accusations of IDF mistreatment of prisoners, including prior to Oct 7? Did I wake up in upside-down world today?

    Active Clubs: A new far-right threat to democratic elections Active Clubs: A new far-right threat to democratic elections

    A new network blending far-right extremism with MMA training is growing rapidly across North America and Europe.

    Active Clubs: A new far-right threat to democratic elections

    > With a network of decentralised cells in most states in the United States and European Union member countries, the Active Clubs movement has blended far-right extremism with mixed martial arts (MMA). By presenting a more palatable image to the public and combining its extremist ideology with exercise, fitness and MMA training, Active Clubs have widened their appeal to reach a much broader audience than traditional white supremacist groups whose members are often derided for being “keyboard warriors”.

    > By promoting healthy pastimes like weightlifting, kickboxing, and even hiking, the group centres itself around positive, shared activities. Active Clubs enthusiastically encourage their members to live healthier lifestyles, by avoiding tobacco and drug use, training daily, and even going for hikes. For many new members, Active Clubs initially serve as a vehicle for self-improvement where they can train and exercise amongst like-minded individuals.

    > Alongside this personal growth, the group gradually introduces its members to the movement’s ideology as their involvement deepens.

    > Active Clubs also maintain close affiliations with more traditional white nationalist and accelerationist groups like Patriot Front that have used violence in the past. In Canada, Active Clubs members are known to have simultaneously been members of designated terrorist groups, including the Atomwaffen Division.

    > As the US hurtles towards turbulent elections later this year, there is a significant risk that Active Clubs could serve as a combat-ready militia or “brownshirts” organisation prepared to intimidate voters at polling stations, debates, and peaceful demonstrations. With individual Active Clubs branches spanning most US states, the network has a broad geographic footprint that could lead to voter intimidation and election disruptions across the country.

    Wikipedia: Active Club Network

    GPAHE: Neo-Nazi Active Clubs Spreading Globally, Allying with Similar Extremists, and Taking to the Streets

    A senior UN official says northern Gaza is now in 'full-blown famine' A senior UN official says northern Gaza is now in 'full-blown famine'

    A top U.N. official says hard-hit northern Gaza is now in “full-blown famine” after more than six months of war between Israel and Hamas and severe Israeli restrictions on food deliveries to the Palestinian territory.

    A senior UN official says northern Gaza is now in 'full-blown famine'

    > Cindy McCain, the American director of the U.N. World Food Program, became the most prominent international official so far to declare that trapped civilians in the most cut-off part of Gaza had gone over the brink into famine.

    > “It’s horror,” McCain told NBC’s “Meet the Press” in an interview to air Sunday. “There is famine — full-blown famine — in the north, and it’s moving its way south.”

    > The panel that serves as the internationally recognized monitor for food crises said in March that northern Gaza was on the brink of famine and likely to experience it in May. Since March, northern Gaza had not received anything like the aid needed to stave off famine, a U.S. Agency for International Development humanitarian official for Gaza told The Associated Press

    Israel Attack on Iran Is What World War III Looks Like Israel Attack on Iran Is What World War III Looks Like

    Like countless other hostilities, the stealthy Israeli missile and drone strike on Iran doesn’t risk war. It is war.

    Israel Attack on Iran Is What World War III Looks Like

    > But this, in fact, is what actual war looks like these days: Sometimes it’s a volley of 300 missiles and drones, and sometimes it is lean, targeted, and carried out covertly. Gone are the days of vast conquering armies and conventional military confrontations between two parties. So long as experts, the government, and the media worry only about a kind of war that is obsolete, it cannot see the war right in front of our faces.

    Great article on the evolving face of warfare and how, as long-range and unmanned systems replace on-the-ground and manned conflict, people are assuaged into treating missiles and bombs being lobbed between countries as something "other" than war.

    Inside Israel’s Bombing Campaign in Gaza: Israeli journalist Yuval Abraham on his investigations of the I.D.F.’s use of A.I.-backed targeting systems Inside Israel’s Bombing Campaign in Gaza

    The Israeli journalist Yuval Abraham on his investigations of the I.D.F.’s use of A.I.-backed targeting systems and the dire cost to Palestinian civilians.

    Inside Israel’s Bombing Campaign in Gaza

    An excellent interview from the journalist whose investigative reporting exposed the extensive use of machine learning systems by Israel to target Hamas members while at home with their families.

    Dems launch 11th-hour meddling operation in Ohio GOP Senate primary

    > Democrats are meddling in Ohio’s Senate GOP primary at the 11th hour to boost Bernie Moreno, the candidate former President Donald Trump endorsed to face vulnerable Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown.

    > Duty and Country PAC, a group affiliated with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, is spending over $2.5 million to air with a TV ad that heavily touts Moreno’s support from Trump and calls him “too conservative for Ohio.” It will begin airing on Thursday and is set to run through Tuesday’s primary.

    > The group is funded by Senate Majority PAC, the top Democratic outside group focused on Senate races. The apparent goal of the ad is to boost Moreno with GOP voters, and their interference in the race is a sign that they believe he would be the weakest candidate in the general election.

    > In a statement, Moreno campaign spokesperson Reagan McCarthy invoked Democrats’ general feeling in 2016 that Trump would be the easiest candidate for Hillary Clinton to beat. “The same thing is going to happen to Sherrod Brown this year,” McCarthy said.

    This is such a playing-with-fire tactic...

    If y'all wonder why we're constantly seeing races between the DNC candidates and extremist Trumpers, know that it's at least in part because the DNC is boosting them. "Don't vote for white supremacists" works better as a talking point if you make sure your opponents are white supremacists, but badly if your gambit doesn't pay off.

    And guess what... they got what they wanted.

    > Trump’s endorsee, auto-dealer magnate Bernie Moreno, beat State Senator (and Cleveland Guardians co-owner) Matt Dolan and Secretary of State Frank LaRose decisively on March 19. With over 96 percent percent of the expected vote in, Moreno is winning just over half the total votes and leading by Dolan by 18 percent. It’s a broad-based victory, since Moreno is ahead in all of Ohio’s 88 counties.

    Of course Ohio has 88 counties...

    "Now it's on you, Ohio Democrat voters, to vote super hard to make sure a white supremacist isn't elected in the General!" - Sincerely, the SuperPAC that helped put a white supremacist in the General

    After months of warnings that Israel’s siege is causing famine, children begin to die in Gaza After months of warnings that Israel’s siege is causing famine, children begin to die in Gaza

    Hunger is most acute in northern Gaza, which has been isolated by Israeli forces and has suffered long cutoffs of food supply deliveries.

    After months of warnings that Israel’s siege is causing famine, children begin to die in Gaza

    > Israel largely shut off entry of food, water, medicine and other supplies after launching its assault on Gaza following Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel — allowing only a trickle of aid trucks through two crossings in the south.

    > After months of warnings over the risk of famine in Gaza under Israel’s bombardment, offensives and siege, children are starting to die.

    The ultimate, intended outcome of Israel's humanitarian blockade of Gaza is beginning.

    Jon Stewart skewers Biden, Trump in ‘Daily Show’ return: ‘What the f‑‑‑ are we doing here?’ Jon Stewart skewers Biden, Trump in ‘Daily Show’ return: ‘What the f‑‑‑ are we doing here?’

    Jon Stewart mocked both President Biden and former President Trump during his return to “The Daily Show,” saying both 2024 candidates are “stretching the limits of being able to h…

    Jon Stewart skewers Biden, Trump in ‘Daily Show’ return: ‘What the f‑‑‑ are we doing here?’
    Ohio voters enshrine abortion access in constitution in latest statewide win for reproductive rights Ohio voters enshrine abortion access in constitution in latest statewide win for reproductive rights

    Ohio voters have approved a constitutional amendment that guarantees the right to abortion and other forms of reproductive health care. The outcome of Tuesday’s intense, off-year election was the latest blow for abortion opponents.

    Ohio voters enshrine abortion access in constitution in latest statewide win for reproductive rights

    Ohio voters approved a constitutional amendment on Tuesday that ensures access to abortion and other forms of reproductive health care, the latest victory for abortion rights supporters since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last year.

    Ohio became the seventh state where voters decided to protect abortion access after the landmark ruling and was the only state to consider a statewide abortion rights question this year.

    “The future is bright, and tonight we can celebrate this win for bodily autonomy and reproductive rights,” Lauren Blauvelt, co-chair of Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights, which led support for the amendment, told a jubilant crowd of supporters.

    The outcome of the intense, off-year election could be a bellwether for 2024, when Democrats hope the issue will energize their voters and help President Joe Biden keep the White House. Voters in Arizona, Missouri and elsewhere are expected to vote on similar protections next year.

    Heather Williams, interim president of the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, which works to elect Democrats to state legislatures, said the vote in favor of abortion rights was a “huge victory.”

    “Ohio’s resounding support for this constitutional amendment reaffirms Democratic priorities and sends a strong message to the state GOP that reproductive rights are non-negotiable,” she said in a statement.

    President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris issued statements celebrating the amendment’s win, emphasizing that attempts to ban or severely restrict abortion represent a minority view across the country. Harris hinted at how the issue would likely be central to Democrats’ campaigning next year for Congress and the presidency, saying “extremists are pushing for a national abortion ban that would criminalize reproductive health care in every single state in our nation.”

    Ohio’s constitutional amendment, on the ballot as Issue 1, included some of the most protective language for abortion access of any statewide ballot initiative since the Supreme Court’s ruling. Opponents had argued that the amendment would threaten parental rights, allow unrestricted gender surgeries for minors and revive “partial birth” abortions, which are federally banned.

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