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The mods behind this statement should come forward and c/selfcrit. So many people have pointed out the the jacketing the userbase here as cishet white Reddit debatebros is fucked up and hurtful among other issues, and they are cowards for hiding behind CARCOSA. If you have contempt for the users then say it with your whole fucking chest under your own name
The fact CARCOSA has the presence of mind to step down (should have just offered it, don't step down please) and these losers are still just hiding is reprehensible.
seems like you are too scared to respond
Aren't you on your 20th alt account? Post it under your main, it's a bit sad at this point
whiny loser pissbaby
Aren't you on your 20th alt account? Post it under your main, it's a bit sad at this point
(I don't really get piss baby as an insult? If you've ever cared for infants you know they piss a lot and you'll probably get pissed on a few times too)
lmao imagine screaming and crying like a toddler and then calling others a baby
Anyway I found out what you meant I should respond to - The mod response. I did respond to it yesterday, but you probably missed it because it wasn't one sentence. If you want more effortposts, engage with effort!
Wow what happened here
A user of hexbear on an alt account keeps attacking people with harsh personal insults and tells them to kys if they disagree with them. They showed up yesterday and have not stopped.
The funniest part was them telling me to go die because I'm a chauvinistic white male or something, even though most of the posts I've made on this website (and in particular to the community in question, the dunk tank) consist of calling precisely that attitude out and mocking racists, along with high effort posts encouraging users to read theory that counters chauvinism, in particular Samir Amin's Eurocentrism, and Unequal Development.
we have to get rid of tdt bc the users are too toxic
The phone is coming from inside the house lol
Are we allowed to say the names this person uses as more permanent accounts? It seems to me that if it is obvious who this person is, we shouldn't be shy about "naming and shaming." But maybe it's not obvious?
I'll just come out and ask. Is this person who keeps making the debatebro* accounts to say cringe wrecker shit and then promptly getting banned the same person who goes by u/HelltakerHomosexual ? The latter being a mod of several comms here? And is HelltakerHomosexual the same person as u/Catradora_Stalinism who was repeatedly temp and permabanned but given warnings and unbanned, then finally truly permanently banned because they simply couldn't stop wrecking, provoking fights, and being vehemently anti-vegan? IF that is the case, then it's clear she still can't stop wrecking.
Tagging and since they were insinuating that at least some of the above was true in comments on the post that's locked now. On the one hand, I realize this is treading dangerously near to drama posting, but I honestly want to know if a past permabanned known wrecker is still an active part of the community and if they are still in fact wrecking like they were before when they got banned. That's not about drama, and It seems like a fair thing for the community as a whole to know.
it's either catradora/helltaker or someone who is emulating the same writing style in order to stoke the fires
i sincerely doubt it's the latter but it's not entirely outside the realm of possibility, i suppose
Ok, that's kind of what I figured was the case, but it felt like some people were hinting that it was confirmed. But let me get this part straight. It is confirmed and known that HelltakerHomosexual is Catradora_Stalinism? I'm all for giving people second, even third and forth chances but it seems like someone who had been given those multiple chances already and still proved they couldn't stop wrecking (Catradora) then they shouldn't be able to come back and be given the power of being a moderator.
Nah I was straight up saying they'r the same person. It's pretty obvious. The only thing that made me in doubt was some weird timing with the dipshit who's modding a comm he doesn't like.
It's pretty clear there's a good group of people who know who it is too, so wish they'd do something about that or do some self crit and consider what "toxic debatebro culture" entails (hint: it's not enjoying a comm you dislike)
Has the main user been banned yet?
You're a true hero o7
Somebody who isn't getting the mental health service they need are having an episode in the comment section.
They're fighting against chauvinism (people disagreeing with them) by making deaththreats, misgendering people, arguing against non-binary gender identity, calling people "uppity" (which reeks of misogyny/racism) and a bunch of other stuff. Also threatening that we are all going to get banned soon, it's honestly kinda funny. It's pretty likely they're a mod here who is mad people don't applaud their wack ramblings about the dunk tank being misogynystic and chauvinist and toxic.
They've also earned me $35 so far, so that's nice (I won a bet)
Aren't you the person that told everyone to go die yesterday?
Lol respond to what? The same thing we've gone thru 10 times already? Yeah I'm definitely terrified that this time if I write it out it won't get ignored by dorks like you
Sincerely thank you so much for doing this loser thing still. It's incredibly sad, but you've just financed me eating a nice dinner, thanks so much
Please keep going lol
Do you think you can get up to 17 alts by today?
Yeah lol terrified, respond about what?
They're saying we're being misanthropic when we shoot the shit about the absurdities about reactionary thought? I mean, we started out as a fandom for a political comedy podcast for crying out loud. That sort of pop criticism is what drew me left in the first place.
But, if we're talking "misanthropic," I've seen reactionary guys who's brains have been poisoned by consuming nothing but crime stories. They think humans are just naturally violent in some sort of semi-Hobbesean view. Now that's what I'd consider misanthropic.
The cishet man comments hurt me too. Sorry I give off cishet man vibes.
Did you get some rest sweetie?
Everyone I Don't Like Is A Chauvinist and other arguments made by crybully liberals
You do seem energized