Anon goes out with friends
Anon goes out with friends
Anon goes out with friends
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was actually going to an hero
This is the most awkward fragment I've ever seen. Was it a typo? Autocorrect? Pasted in the wrong spot? All 3??
I can't seem to fix it. Not what this post is about but it annoyed me, so now you have to be annoyed as well.
EDIT: Got it, it's celebrating suicide. I never got into 4chan or their specific culture, and right now, that's my sole source of comfort.
A few comments below taught me that it apparently originates from this meme where it was a mix of a typo and a loving description of a suicidal person.
wow, just when you think 4chan can't sink any lower
Lol 'sink lower'.
4chan is the bottom, there is no lower to sink.
'An hero' is an old 4chanism that means committing suicide
iirc it comes from a someone posting about thier son who killed themselves and made a typo saying "he was an hero" so naturally 4chan turned the phrase "an hero" into a way to say "to commit suicide".
Thank you. That's... awful.
Thats 4chan
'an hero' means to suicide
Fuckin hell I'm old lmao. Anyone else with me? This was the standard speak of 4chan back in like.... '07...'08?
Like '05, it's old. Fuck. I'm old.
It isn't exactly celebrating suicide, it's kinda making fun of it in a way.
It started from some myspace post long long ago, in which some kid named Mitchell had killed himself and one of their friends or family members made a memorial myspace page about it including the typo "He was such an hero, to take it all away." The post continues to use "an hero" multiple times, (h/o I bet I can find it, brb.)
/b/tards latched onto it pretty quick, and the meme became that people who killed themselves are "an hero" just like Mitchell.