Daily Discussion Thread: Mon 09 Oct 2023
Daily Discussion Thread: Mon 09 Oct 2023
Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
Daily Discussion Thread: Mon 09 Oct 2023
Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
I went and bought those Aldi coffee beans, gave my espresso machine a good clean and attempted my first coffee in a long long time.
Took 2 attempts to get the extraction right and it's not my sexiest milk pour but it was a damn fine cup of coffee ☕
Well done agent Cooper!
Stupid work anxiety, I'm so close to the end - just the equivalent of two FT weeks of work and I can leave forever instead of being in this strange limbo - but I just can't sleep out of sheer dread. So much negativity instead of looking forward to new beginnings!
I was drifting off nicely to sleep with this book when I decided to switch off the lamp and remembered I needed to set the alarm... that woke me right up with a pang of realisation followed by a sinking feeling of sadness. I don't remember feeling this bad even at school. I'll have to will myself to sleep and work and find purpose through this quagmire of deep seated aversion!
E: I was up till 4:30 am. halp
It'll be ok, it's not long to go, just take one day at a time and deal with what comes when it happens.
Just think of the freedom after you're done and and what new opportunities await you.
I haven't set myself up very well for this first of the one-day-at-a-times, went to sleep so late I feel like a zombie today. I suspect what's making it hard to anticipate the future is that I could have freedom NOW by just walking away. I have to remind myself I'm doing this for my colleagues (and some money).
Ted Cat telling me he is starving and needs another tin of fish and some of those delicious turkey crunchies
He needs top nutrition to grow back his magnificent mane
Oh my god how adorable!
I downloaded an app on my phone that allows you to block other apps and websites.
It also allows you to set it up so you cannot uninstall it if you get "cravings".
I blocked all socials and Reddit and honestly I feel so much better it's crazy. I love having my headspace free of outrage and negativity drawn from an online source.
Okay okay okay. I have accepted I've developed some severe anxiety/avoidance around work. This is a Thing. However, I don't need to fix it that immediately, that's why I'm on casual now and not doing ongoing jobs. I'm gonna roll with it and see the opportunities I have ahead of me instead. I designed this flexibility in!
Instead of feeling bad all day I can tick off some things that'll make me feel good. Yesterday I "accidentally" did a heap of long overdue clothes organisation. Today perhaps I can clear out the gross carport. And maybe get started on my very overdue Dead Plant Clearout. The graveyard stares at me sullenly.
Make some cardboard gravestones and you have Halloween sorted?
Just made friends with a new resident magpie. Gave it a little mince (cooked from frozen with food grade calcium carbonate) as a once off bribe. I think it worked.
Flew off to its nest (you could here the little ones squawking nearby). Flew back realised it wasn't getting any more and just waddled around pecking at bugs right near my feet.
Eyeballs and scalp are safe for now.
Totally forgot about mandatory WFH this week on account of office remodeling. Nice.
No pants week!
Ouch. I hadn't been to get breakfast and coffee from my old regular cafe downstairs for maybe 6 months. I used to get a bacon and egg roll + large coffee for $15 fairly regularly but now it's $21. Definitely an incentive to not do that too often. No discount for bringing my own cup like some cafes do either.
I'd say make your own but even my regular bag of coffee beans has gone from $12 to $15 :\ errything's going up...
I've heard good things about the beans from Aldi. I might go for a drive and grab a bag now, give my espresso machine a cleaning and see if I can get back into making my own coffees. I was pretty good at it at one point.
Haha I just remembered this silly video I made back when I figured it all out, featuring yours truly with the sound effects over the music: https://vimeo.com/302551637
I'm so thankful that my milk bar does a coffee and ham sandwich roll for $11.
Thank you for including the cheese!
Well it happened. It stung a little but not as bad as expected because I was expecting it and I've been dealing with it. Just need to not let it let me spiral too much and look forward and inward.
Chin up mate ❤️
We gotchu pal if you need support.
Miss Meow worked out how to get the ball out of her toy.
Haha! I got a cardboard whack-a-mole type thing once. It lasted 12 minutes.
Fortunately this just clips back on. I did have to find the ball as she had a great time batting it across the room and under some furniture. It's a bit of a fluke, really - the bar on the bench seems to be the perfect height to go under the ring and pushes upwards on it when she hits the whole thing against it. I don't think she knows how to repeat the action. Hopefully.
Thanks to being the only senior staff member in my area, I'm stuck working 12ers until my week ends, it's day one I'm ready to die.
In more exciting news I have like 5ish work days until I am a free man, no more shift work!
My friend had to get up early (reason she's staying over is so she didn't have to get up even earlier to get to her work thing in South Yarra) and we stayed up until like 2:30 chatting. I feel for my neighbours because she doesn't have an "night time apartment" speaking volume lol
Anyway I think I see a nap in my future. Feeling pretty great to wake to a clean apartment though! Hope you all have as good of a Monday as possible.
My friend had to get up early (reason she’s staying over is so she didn’t have to get up even earlier to get to her work thing in South Yarra) and we stayed up until like 2:30 chatting. I feel for my neighbours because she doesn’t have an “night time apartment” speaking volume lo
Don't want to be rude here, but like... you feel bad ok great, what are you doing to prevent this situation that's 100% in your control? Sorry if that's offensive, but put yourself in your neighbors shoes. You'd be pissed at you.
I was very aware of it and tried a few things to mitigate it but she's not used to having to regulate her volume so she'd ramp up when she got excited about something and I'd have to give her the "keep it down" hand signals. Other than that, just closed the balcony door and window, myself spoke in low volumes to try and set the tone and when it got to midnight I moved us from the lounge into bed hoping that'd quiet her down a bit and it did a little but she's just a loud talker.
Anyway, it's one time I may have (I'm not even sure if I did) disturbed my neighbours in many years of living here so I'm sure they can forgive me for a couple of hours as I've forgiven others for their rare disturbances.
Back at work now.
I totally forgot how to make my coffee when I'm at work and it tastes horrible, well more horrible than usual since I'm using instant nescafe, god their instant coffee sucks.
Body isn't quite adjusted to waking up so early in the morning, pray for me.
You legend!
PSA 50% off Uber rides courtesy OzBargain: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/804283
If you don't want to open the link, go onto your uber app, then wallet, then scroll to the bottom under promotions and press "add promo code", and type AUS101, AUS103 and AUS112
Uber's caught on, they don't work now :(
e: might also be because I have some other promo code applied atm
Oh no. One of the commenters said to try again at night or next morning!
I've made some good progress on the garden today, and the first load of soil is being delivered tomorrow morning. I have purchased myself the finest cheapest garden cart money can buy to haul it all around to the back yard. As the only place I can dump the soil is on the driveway which blocks access I will be extra motivated to get it moved, as I will be unable to leave until a large part of it is gone. I've bought 2m this time and estimated I will need three all up for the new beds, plus maybe another one for the other bed for the lemon tree and a couple of other areas. All going well I will be able to get the second load on Wednesday and have it all moved before the predicted showers set in.
keen to hear what you think of the cart.
Been thinking of getting one but the wheelbarrow still works hrmm
It depends a lot on what sort of things you are moving around, and where. The wheelbarrow can carry more soil each load, but I have to manouver down a narrow path down the side of the house and through a gate, so the smaller more stable cart makes that much easier.
The other cart which I killed the tyres on (and which also has a lot of rust) is one of the mesh side ones like a little trailer. That has been really good for moving things like bales of hay and bags of soil, and has a surprisingly small turning circle. If you need to lift heavy things on and off a lot that style could be really good, especially as you can open the sides so you don't have to lift over them. You can get solid liners for them so you could probably use them for a small amount of mulch or something, but not for lots of soil.
try one of these. I've legit had mine for 14 years. I've eventually had to replace the tyres - did that actually late last year - but my god, I have NOT been kind to that thing and it has held the fuck up. I've filled it with dirt, gravel, bricks, drunken friends, I've rehydrated coir blocks in it, used it to drag pots and bags of mix over all manner of surfaces, I've left the damned thing out in the middle of the yard to fill with water with zero shits for over a decade and last weekend I used it to move a literal ton of 7mm finings to fill the greenhouse bed. Those tyres? Literally replaced them because they lasted so long they died of old age. Fantastic beast. And you can't beat that dumper.
Every time I open this website, on every device/browser, I've had to log back in for the last week.
For some reason I thought I'd watched Rake but I haven't so I'm fixing that now. Watching from the start, that 2010 pre smartphone pre 4k nostalgia really hits, and it's easily one of the best written/acted ABC series without a doubt
I love rewatching Spooks for this sort of reason. What tech can do, was supposed to do, and now really does are very different things.
7am on the dot and someone just started up some power tools
But mum I don't wanna
A new uni subject which starts next week opened up today, which usually means you can look through the unit information, see what the assignments and when they are due. Someone messed up and all the dates are for the last semester, and all the content is already available. I presume it will get fixed soon, but it does mean I got a sneak peak at the content - there is a lot of material to read. It looks really interesting though - the course is "Living with Fire" and the assignments focus on doing a bushfire risk assessment for your own or someone else's property. I'll do my sister's house, as she backs onto a National Park and actually has some risk from bushfires, which I don't.
At uni I was always in two minds about the drip feeding of unit info and content.
I'm sure there's a reason for it but to this day I can't help but think why not just release the whole thing at once before the unit begins.
I like the "slow release" in that it pushes you to cover each section thoroughly instead of rushing ahead more superficially. But I think it is better if most of the reading is available straight away, so you can do a read through of all the information first, then focus on the content more deeply as the assignments and lectures are released. Which is how it tends to work when you have a textbook for the unit, but as all the content is online for these subjects you can't really do that.
I love when content is available early. I had a unit like this earlier in the year and I really appreciated the approach.
I pre loaded some workouts a while ago on my garmin connect app and I found out today I could access them on my watch. IT TOOK ME AN HOUR TO FIND THEM. It's press a button, swipe up and select. Fuck me. I am slow.
decadently in a hotel bed with a bag of chips watching bluey
nom nom 🤭
Damn, business hotels are pretty damn booked out in Tokyo.
It seems that the options are either the Hotel chain that puts Nanjing massacre denial propaganda in every room, or unleash my inner hypocrite with AirBnB. At least there's no housing crisis in Japan.
I harvested the potatoes I planted in the front yard from some sprouting spuds in the cupboard. A couple of kilos, not a bad haul for minimal effort. I'll probably find a few suprise potatoes in there when I plant the next lot of plants in there, I let them plants die down too much and was not sure where they all were. Digging potatoes always feels like someone is playing a joke on you, there's just these random potatoes in the ground.
I suppose I should start organising for Christmas….
Oh shush, I’m still not ready for tomorrow!
I know, it’s a massive undertaking at the GodCompound and I’m the orchestrator. Soooo gotta start now😊
Hanging out with a friend and feeling super self conscious for over sharing about things. Worst timing ever being due for my period.
Went to a mates kids bithday on the weekend. First time we've done something like that. we had 4 or 5 mates (or more like friends of friends these days) with all our kids and it sort of hit me that we're the old guys now. I mean, not old, most of us are in our 30s but we were all standing around, most of them talking about their kids or work or whatever and just yeah.... all feels a bit different hey.
It sort of creeps up on you and makes you realise unexpectedly how things have changed and what you've become.
If you haven't already you'll soon get to the "Back in my days" stage of things.
All part of life.
yeah... you just open you eyes one day and be like shit, I'm the one in charge now. Its all a bit mental hey.
I remember getting some really great career advice from you on Reddit ages ago. It paid off by the way. So thank you mate 🙂
Oh yeah? Did I give good advice? I didnt say "invest in NFTs" or something else that aged like milk, did I?
s5 of ghosts and a bit of a dead day at work that involves a lot of waiting for various scans to finish.
Finally finished Baldurs Gate 3! Have to say the ending was a little meh, but I think the fact it was buggy as fuck didn't help.
Now to go see all the cool shit I missed...
looks like I'm blocked from YouTube now
I'm a patreon member of a few video makers, why should I have to pay again or watch ads 🤨
guess what, I can watch everything I watch from other sources, I can watch tv stations, listen to radio, watch patreon videos . I don't need YT. bye 👋
I appear to have caught some sort of head cold. My nose has not stopped running all day, I’m about ready to chop it off.
feel better soon 🤗 🍋🍯☕
I've been playing cities skylines recently, can't wait for cities skylines 2 to drop
Well, I’ve never spent 6 hours at the the hairdresser, so I think that’s likely a one and only for me. I am tired from sitting around doing nothing.
This evening’s offering is:
Going to try to drag my sorry self to bed soon, otherwise tomorrow gonna hurt.
Great song. I feel there might be a theme going so don't forget Santana's Black Magic Woman
Exercises have been completed. Very tired due to patchy sleep but prancing about in my pyjamas doing exercises in the lounge room in front of my very slightly disconcerted kids helped a bit 😂 An old friend of ours visited on the weekend and he was telling me about his recent terrible memory problems. I said, "I bet you can remember the home phone number of your childhood home." And he could, which really spun him out as he hadn't thought about it in years
Dumb question - does anyone know what rank members of the police would be to investigate homicides? Sergeant?
Detective Senior Sergeant
Thank you. This was surprisingly not so easy to find.
Lieutenant Columbo
Father Brown
Starsky and Hutch
Miami Vice
Cagney and Lacey
Error, instructions not found, cat/cushion inversion warp created
Multi functional!
Those are some gorgeous catcushions.
Thanks. The boys aren’t great at sticking to their own ones, but 🤷🏻♀️
Anyone know of a good adult vocal coach in Melbourne? Specifically musical theatre? I'm in Heidelberg, so the closer the better...
#Worldle #626 1/6 (100%) 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🎉 ⭐⭐⭐🏙️🪙 https://worldle.teuteuf.fr 📷 #WhereTaken🌎 #225 X/6 ⭐⭐⭐ 📷 #WhereTaken🇺🇸 #209 4/6🎉 ⭐⭐⭐ wheretakenusa.teuteuf.fr
#Worldle #626 1/6 (100%) 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🎉 https://worldle.teuteuf.fr hooray.
Not too difficult today, eh , 👍😸