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The Problem with LMG

My personal thoughts

At first it came off a bit whiney, but I watched the entire thing and I'm glad I did. It shows a pattern of carelessness and in some cases complete douchebaggery of LMG.

What they did to Billet Labs is absolutely un-fucking excusable. LMG and Linus, in particular, needs to be mercilessly shamed for that until Billet Labs gets a clear and unequivocal apology and paid restitution for damages. Fucking shameful. What a bunch of pricks.

Video Description

This video is not monetized. This video covers our serious concerns regarding the data accuracy of Linus Media Group, including Linus Tech Tips, ShortCircuit, and TechQuickie, particularly as it relates to rushing content out the door to favor -- by staff's own admission -- quantity over quality. As the company continues to expand into its LTT Labs direction, the importance of accurate data increases; however, even as 'only' entertainment, there are still certain responsibilities to the consumer and the manufacturers to report fairly (and to have defined corrections processes in place). We tried to approach this as objectively as possible and hope that viewers are able to listen to the evidence we present, particularly as it relates to significant and frequent data errors that now present in nearly every technical review video.

  • It's been clear for quite a while that they've focused only on growth/expansion with more channels, the lab, so many new employees, etc and at the same time you can see the sloppiness getting worse with lack of preparation, lack of quality control to meet deadlines, etc.

    The Billet Labs thing is absolutely inexcusable. Shitting on the product despite LMG being the one responsible for not even having the correct GPU for it, giving it a bad review, then doubling down when called out over a couple hundred bucks of time? The auctioned off prototype is so much worse as well. Not sure of the Canadian terms but in the US it'd potentially be theft by conversion. Literally sold someone else's property. Even if you give them the benefit of the doubt and accept it as an accident, it seems like more evidence of whoever is running their logistics department being incompetent IMO.

    • One thing that bothers me about the billets stuff is they stand by their core point, which is that it’s a useless product.

      But that’s not the only thing they’ve claimed. They also said it’s a bad product that doesn’t work properly, thus damaging the company’s reputation.

      To most people that’s a significant difference for how they view the company:

      “Useless” product that works well at what it does = hopefully this company will make something more relevant in future

      “Useless” product that doesn’t even work properly = I’ll avoid this company in future

      • I would disagree. Linus has a tendency to put his foot in his mouth or probably say he phrases many of these discussions in very bad ways. You see this with him talking about "Is using adblocking piracy" or "Warranties are only trustworthy as the company you buy them for" (Trust me bro) or the many other controversial views he has had. Where at the face of it it looks pretty incendiary but if you ignore what he said initially and look at what he is actually meaning to say. I think the whole Billet labs' cooler thing was a stupid video and they should have done it with a 3090 TI FE as it was meant for but Linus meant it was a "bad product" because its a $900 cooler for a last gen cooler on a 1800+ GPU. Anyone willing to spend that amount of money is probably going to spend it on the newest thing, that being the 4090. Now where this comes to bite Linus in the ass is they have a preorder for a 4090 fe (for the same price as the 3090 ti one) here Which is set to release around next month or November. Now its clear many things weren't discussed but off the broken concepts that Linus was presented/or at least absorbed he isn't wrong that noone would want a exotic cooler with a last gen gpu but its clear there was a major breakdown in the communication pipeline here.

        Edit: Haven't had any comments yet but I will say LTT really done fucked up with the whole auctioning off the prototype and its clear there is some issues with the organization of LTT. I don't think they did this out of malice more they had a contact who didn't talk to the logistics team or the team handling LTX. So out of mistake the prototype got sold even though they said they would send it back. That is pretty god damn egregious. I can understand why there was a fuck up but man they really screwed the pooch on this one.

      • Stealing and selling their best prototype also means they couldn't send it to a better reviewer to demonstrate it isn't a bad product.

        Honestly atrocious behaviour from them over this. Any 1 bit of this would be bad, but all of them together could absolutely ruin a start-up. And all because Linus didn't want to spend "up to" $500 worth of people's time.

  • I really hope stepping down as CEO leads to Linus surrounding himself with people he trusts to call him out when he's missing something.

    He strikes me as the kind of person who is susceptible to a few certain mental traps you kinda don't want to see in a leader of a large influential organization:

    1. Taking an "ends justifies the means" mindset (e.g. stepping on the "growth" gas pedal and accepting sloppiness because it will get better later with Labs)
    2. Letting "objective facts" justify big subjective decisions w/o much consideration (e.g. thinking the Billet Labs video didn't need to be re-shot because the "objectively" product rec conclusion wouldn't have been different)
    3. Substituting actual solutions to problems w/ commitments to solving them (e.g. implementing "Accuracy KPIs" instead of slowing the pace of video releases)

    None of these constitute outright malice, IMO, but boy can they lead to a problematic working environment.

    I'm sure there will be quite the flame war as a result of this, which I think is a bummer. Linus strikes me as someone who's acting in good faith, but has an unshakable habit of making rushed decisions without considering the full scope of their impact, and is (or has been) lacking the appropriate feedback structure to help him learn to either a) make more thoughtful decisions, or b) fully delegating those decisions to folks who are better equipped to make them.

    Here's hoping this leads to positive change.

  • Is it real that Linus publicly said that they can't justify putting in another half day to ensure the data is correct before publishing it? Why would anyone watch their low quality content which they admit to be worthless?

    • The weird part of that is the the amounts he's saying it would cost/time to re-run the test -- $100-500 (probably like that pay for a employee's day) -- are nothing in the context of a company. Especially one that was sold or offered $100million. My company run on like a $3million budget. A few hundred dollars is nothing to us. That's a staff lunch or our bar tab sometimes. If the retesting costs like $5000....OK, that's certainly something to pause and think about. But a few hundred? A day or half a day for an employee to re-do the test? That's too much?

      Maybe to the average person, the average viewer, that sounds like a lot of money. But not to a business. Certainly not one as large as LMG.

      • Even more ridiculous when LMG could monetize that 500$ of time spent into another video and make the money back.

    • The video from GN had footage from WAN show where he said that, so yes. I have not personally looked up the context, but it also sounds very much in character for how Linus thinks these days, so I am not at all surprised.

      I also think it's an excuse to cover up the real problem: complete disorganization and the extreme pace of production. In the video itself, Linus seems legitimately upset with his employee that didn't even realize they had the wrong GPU. He did not seem surprised, however, which is very telling.

    • IIRC, his justification was something to the effect of, even if the data presented is incorrect the conclusions were reached with the right data, so the conclusion wouldn't change.

      But how do we know for sure they used the right data for their conclusion? If they can't take the time to fix issues during the edit, how do we know that the entire process isn't flawed?

      He thinks hes got it figured out because he knows something we don't know, but if we are to trust him, WE NEED TO KNOW.

  • Edit note: The Twitter thread from the former employee eclipses either issue from here. I still think a big root cause for all of this is the pressure and exhaustion coming from their pacing/content schedule. It will take a bit more than that to resolve this.

    I watched the occasional LTT video, they are entertaining and helpful at a general understanding but I've often taken their data with a grain of salt.

    Emily ::: spoiler spoiler tw (formerly Anthony) ::: Young was the one writer at LTT who stood out as really knowing their stuff. She also was their in-house expert with Linux! (*Note: nothing happened to her at LMG, I'm using past tense because I'm not up to date with the latest roles she might be in)

    Linus has been way more focused on running the business than the tech, especially compared to his days at NCIX and some years after.

    The Billet situation sounds like a fuckup. So long as they make it right with them I don't care tbh.

    The data integrity issues and way too frequent post-edit corrections is imperative for LMG to fix, if they want their media to be trustworthy (like if they're hyping up their labs)

    Luckily, they've said what the fix is themselves and it's relatively simple. All it really takes is them to either slow down with the rate of content to be able to carefully review it, or bring on more hosts and editors so that mistakes and errors can be caught and re-shot before publishing, and that due diligence is applied when preparing a product review.

    Linus' response is just meh, not good nor bad. The one thing is I don't buy is Linus' line of "just talk to us". The community told them plenty of times, the writers and Linus themselves were very well aware of the problems of rushing and releasing half-baked content. Even if GN told them, the direction they were going with Linus Media Group and the new CEO and the buyout offer and all of that suggests where LMG's wouldn't be concerned with it as much as making sure the timing of their content maximizes revenue. Data issues brought to them by GN and the community would be cast to the wayside with just a footnote and silent correction, maybe with a couple empty words sprinkled on top.

    So I'll say it again to Linus from a fellow Canadian, whether he'll listen or not: "Slow down, bud!"

  • Great video, a lot of the benchmark stuff I was unaware of because I don't pay THAT much attention to the wider youtube review community, but I Did notice that waterblock review when it went up on LTT. Go and watch it, it's honestly embarrassing how unprepared and silly it was. As a comedy sketch it's fine, but as a review of a prototype it's really really embarrassingly under prepared. It brings to mind something like an Asmondgold hardware review... "I don't know, let's just try this".

    To see they auctioned off a prototype device after that "review" is kinda disgusting (sorry for the hard word, but it's how I feel).

    • Tbh that's how almost all of their projects seem to be now. Woefully unprepared, full of jank.

  • What a bunch of pricks.

    I hesitate to blame them all. In GN's video, some of the clips show LMG people seeming (to me? Somehow I don't see anyone else pointing this out???) anxious to terrified of Linus. In one of the WAN Show clips there's this meek, near-mumbled kind of "Uhm... Linus sir maybe if you'd, um... just tested it properly that could've been maybe better I guess? . v.v;" sort of thing, and the person who grabbed the wrong card barely squeaked out a response at all, but Linus just never seems to give a damn about anything except making the quickest possible bucks.

    I don't know what's keeping everyone else there but I think at least some of those people are just trying to get by without incurring some kind of wrath as Linus himself repeatedly makes (or causes) a mess then arrogantly doubles, triples, quadruples down on it (or has someone else do so, or maybe other arrogant pricks are involved?) up to a point of "Okay, I messed up and I'll own that now everyone forget about it" after which business-as-usual resumes until the next mess. It seems like no one else has time to learn from any mistakes (or "mistakes") and those who do (presumably a hierarchy-related privilege) are unwilling or incapable.

    Now, they may in fact be a bunch of pricks. I just feel like some of those people (such as the one suggesting that testing the water block correctly might made sense (before potentially killing a startup unfairly)) try to help but have no power to inhibit Linus's pompous profit-driven pissheadery.