Dutch toilets
Dutch toilets
Dutch toilets
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So your shit just piles up on the upper part till it kisses your asshole?
I have some experience with these. The only problem is that as the vertically standing excrement begins to collapse forwards, there is a chace for it to keep contact and drag its top portion across, from your anus towards the front. You can avoid this with a maneuver, pulling yourself up and slightly forward, right after the singular vertical log begins losing contact with the excretion area.
This is not a joke
Give this person an honorary degree in Turd Dynamics. Have you considered publishing your findings in the journal Nature?
Turdonomy AND Turdology, a double threat!
The Real Deuce of studies.
A.k.a. "Logology."
I haven't had a nice log come out in decades. Enjoy them while you can.
Males need 37g of fiber daily for optimum health. That's the equivalent of 568g of raspberries or 657g of green peas or 1,154g of broccoli. Might wanna start taking some psyllium husk so you don't get ass cancer.
37g is still low. A good target to aim for is 100g.
If your diet is so lacking in fiber that you need to take pills to make up for it, fix your damn diet.
Don't take the pills - the serving size on them is very misleading. You have to take a ton of them to have any effect. Gotta go with the powder.
Nothing wrong with supplementation! It's hard to eat that much fiber (even if your diet is good) due to the relatively low fiber density of most foods. We adapted to our food sources, not so much the other way around, and when we did adapt our food sources to us we were not thinking of maximizing fiber content - and we don't spend all day chewing on fibrous, foraged plants anymore. Plus, psyllium husk is a food. It'd be the same as eating a shitload of flax or something but with fewer calories.
For instance, raspberries are one of the most fiber dense foods at 8g fiber/100g of berries. You'd need to eat 568g to get your RDA of fiber. The avg person eats around 1.85kg of food daily - 30% of your diet by weight would need to be raspberries (one of the most fiber dense foods) to get enough fiber. Even moreso with other fiber-rich foods, like broccoli. You'd need 1.1kg of broccoli each day (8kg/week). The sheer bulk of that amount of food would be challenging for most people and just isn't practical.
So you eat half a kilo of raspberries, and then the rest of your diet is a juice cleanse? Here an example diet: oats for breakfast (6 g), a sandwich loaded with greens for lunch (4 g), chili for dinner (15 g). Throw in an apple for a snack (5 g). It's really not that hard.
The National Academy of Medicine recommends:
• Women 51 and older: 21 grams of fiber per day
• Men 51 and older: 30 grams of fiber per day
Now your numbers go with 45 g per day, but honestly that example diet would leave me hungry. I'd probably also have a peanut butter and banana sandwich (7 g). Throw in a small amount of berries or raisins into the breakfast oats and we've hit your higher target.
Fair enough! It can be a little harder to hit consistently in practice depending on the level of variety in your diet, if you go out occasionally, etc. In my opinion and personal experience, anyway. But that is a solid and reasonable meal plan without a doubt.
The raspberries example was more an example of if one were to "fibermax" as the kids will be saying in 20yrs. Trying to most efficiently achieve the RDA with the most fiber dense foods possible - not intended as an actual, reasonable diet.
I gotta figure out a way to trademark "fibermax," the kids will absolutely be saying that in 20 years.
How many weetabix biscuits?
Looks like they are 3.8g per 2 biscuit serving? So like 19.5 biscuits or around 370g.
Calcium carbonate anti-acids tend to make good logs.
Haven't you thought of shitting in a backwards sitting position?
I prefer the kiss of poseidon over the casualities of deforestation
It's trying to touch your balls isn't it...?
The Great Mighty Poo's Knight
We referred to it as the poop shelf on our last visit.
Decades ago we called this the poop shelf as well.
My brother and I called it the inspection shelf as a joke. Turns out that's what it's actually for.
The real problem is your turds are exposed to open air the whole time, so the smell fucking awful the whole time.
It's a solid way to prevent neptunes kiss.
The downside is getting your balls slapped with a turd.
No kink shame ;)
Um... if you're holding on to that much shit, you may want you see a doctor.
You've clearly never seen an American eat. 3 triple burgers, a large fry, and a milkshake is the standard dinner while dieting.
People who downvoted you are weak stomached non Americans
I'm sure those who down voted shame their ancestors by leaving food on their plate.
Even after being told there are starving children in China...smh my head.
Fools! My family did that and now I've grown up to have a food stuffing fetish
(That is, deriving pleasure in eating about as much food as I can in one sitting)
Not necessarily sexual, just.. satisfying
Based. Source: American. Downvoters could never handle Taco Bell
It gives you the opportunity to examine it. I think that is the reason for the design.
And to savour the undiluted aroma.
It kisses goodbye your asshole. Don't forget from whence thy sheit falls.
Since it's already coming out, is it a French/Australian kiss?