This guy is toe-to-toe with Kamala in polls. How fucking insane.
He has said the sickest shit I've ever heard from a presidential candidate, yet, the reporting is easy beyond belief with Trump and media tries to reframe any Harris positive with passive language until it sounds like a problem.
Vanessa Guillen’s sister still voted for Trump. That’s how insane they are
Nobody who is undecided or voting for Trump reads the Atlantic. It's like screaming into the void.
The morons pay taxes and have to be represented as well... It just sucks, that, apparently, it's ~50% of the US.
There are a lot of racists in this country. They never went away, really... They just got shamed into (mostly) silence. Trump makes them feel brave again, because he's just like them.
It fucking sucks, but i think he is going to win. Half of this country is so fucking stupid, we deserve a horrible piece of shit for a president.
I don't deserve it. You don't deserve it.
people give trump such a big platform his outreach is incomparable.
American politics are just sports for some people and "my team" will win no matter what because the other team "the libs" will lose! I gain satisfaction from people "losing"
Remember "grab 'em by the pussy"? The crazy shit he says didn't make any difference then either. Remember to vote.
That's not even the worst of what he did. Let's assume he was just joking about that and it was out of context
Remember during covid when he went into public view and literally said nonsense like using light to kill covid in the human body and that they were looking at using bleach or whatever to kill it in the body, whilst his team clearly were cringing in the background
That had to be the most awkward moment worldwide during covid (even more so than the fact that here in Australia, our right wing prime Minister, who had lots of secret portfolios didn't order vaccines). It was literally like listening to a random druggo rambling and making stuff up.
And here in Australia, we now have politicians mimicking him.
Add it to the pile of shit that should've ended his campaign in any reasonable timeline.
I don't fucking get it. I seriously fail to see how past events have lead us to be so complacent. I just want an answer but I know we won't ever get a good one. A single scandal used to have the power to make an official resign, how the hell have we gotten here?
He will make rich people richer.
Those people control every aspect of what a large portion of the population see and hear from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to sleep.
Never in human history has a power that immense being controlled by the greediest and most corrupt group of our population.
It is inevitable that someone like him will be in control sooner (maybe in a couple weeks) or later. We're at the bottom of the mountain watching a few boulders come down as the rest of the avalanche is roaring down the mountain.
Even if he loses (unlikely) they won't stop because stopping isn't an option.
Greed and Corruption. That's all it is. There's no other reason necessary.
I hope that helps you understand what's going on a bit better. You won't like it, no rational person does, but it's the facts.
Trump does not admit defeat. He never has, he never will. Anyone could have done this at any time, it just took someone shameless enough to try.
Lack of competition.
Absolutely unfit for office, but still eligible for trial.
Only if he loses. Let's make that happen.
I appreciate you bringing this up, but it still boggles my mind that we make any differentiation at all of someone's worth based on where they are born.
More like, a US Presidential Candidate called an American a Mexican and it's the media's responsibility to report the truth.
That photo makes him look like a serial killer wearing someone else’s face as a mask.
I don’t usually comment on people’s looks, but this man is rotten on the inside and on the outside.
I come at it from a Roald Dahl perspective. If someone mainly thinks ugly thoughts, they will seem ugly no matter what they're like, and vice-versa.
Look at Lincoln, imagine he was a long lost twin who sold candy or whatever and suddenly you notice he's actually an ugly dude from central casting. He makes .Willem Dafoe look normal... But the man is widely regarded handsome.
Look at Ben Shapiro, whose conventional good looks do nothing to hide the malignant dogshit apt to emanate from him at any moment. You can tell by looking at him he's about to talk shit.
It's plain that we shouldn't value people on their looks, but if you really see someone, their worth shines through.
Remember though…. Both sides are apparently the same according to some people.
Lol at you talking like Trump isn't going to 100x the bomb shipments to Israel on day 1.
The dude that told Bibi that he needed "to finish the job quickly." The dudes whose son in law talked about how much beutiful beachfront property Gaza has.
That guy is somehow the guy you're propping up right now as better than Biden on gaza. That guy.
Well the other side from them thinks they're not aiding the genocide enough. So arguably even worse.
I've done more for the Mexicans than any other president. The Mexicans love me. When I see a Mexican I grab them by the enchiladas and they let me.
Context and more info if anybody needs it.
I think the original article in the Atlantic is worth the read. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/10/trump-military-generals-hitler/680327/
His defenders will ask, "Well... That does seem excessive, doesn't it?" The racism will be missed or ignored, the service status will be ignored, they'll try to approach it logically. They seriously won't see those two items. They will latch on to what they can argue. "I'm just asking!"
See how easy that was? Next one please.
If the cost is the only thing someone finds offensive, that’s enough said.
Do funerals really cost 60k? Or what made this one so expensive? I'm not trying to defend Trump here because he's a racist POS but that number is terrifying to me.
It was something like $9k to have my grandfather cremated and a small service for him. The funeral industry is even worse than the wedding industry at taking advantage of your time of emotional turmoil, and because even legally you're kinda limited at what you can do with the body and you're on a time crunch, shopping around isn't exactly easy.
Given that servicemember funerals can be quite elaborate, and I'm sure that number also likely includes a number of other things like death benefits paid to the families, I can totally believe that cost.
They really can. And you should know your rights. The death industry is slimy AF, about on par with timeshares. My late mother-in-law was Lisa Carlson, a pioneer of funeral rights and ethics. If you are going to be dealing with someone's death or planning to die (and you should be prepared), it's important stuff. You don't want to get suckered when you are so emotionally vulnerable, on which the death industry preys. There are a lot of options which the death industry tries very hard to keep hidden from you and lobbies to remove.
Also: this is the offshoot of Carlson's funeral ethics organization https://funerals.org/
The murder made national headlines and there was a public memorial service. Most of us don’t have either of those
How much does it cost to bury an avaricious, racist, mendacious sociopath? Feels like there is a gag in here somewhere.
How much to gag an avaricious, racist, mendacious sociopath? Shall we start a GoFundMe?
First pledge coming in from Dr Evil, $1m
Swamp burials are free.
I'll pitch in.
This isn't a meme though.
Our powers combined, we can make it one.
Link to the source?
Their source is that the woman's sister, who wasn't in the room when Trump would have said it, says it isn't true. Even though the rest of the details check out according to the lawyer who released that sister's statement.
So definitely false for sure!
Clearly the family member is just a nazi.
Im kidding.
Well this is a new one. Probably complete bullshit like the rest.
No, it's something he said when an American soldier of Mexican descent was murdered by a fellow soldier. He offered to pay for the funeral, then didn't. This was while he was in office.
Heres the big problem. I'm assuming that this is some political bullshit spin job. That happens so much with him that it's what I consider to be true until proven wrong. There's tons of children's stories about this. A kid lies non stop. He never learns and just lies endlessly. Then one day a serious event happens. He runs to tell the town "EVERYONE! EVERYONE! THERE IS A DANGEROUS SITUATION GOING ON! HURRY AND COME THIS WAY! "
No one believes the kid then that bad thing actually happens. The main stream media is that kid that has been endlessly lying. Most people no longer believe them. Fox, cnn, all of them. They look like lying children now. Is this a true quote? Maybe. But no one will believe it. Without even looking into it people will assume it is a false quote. So if he said it or not will probably never actually matter.
On this point specifically I believe this is the one where the actual family that buried that person said this quote was a lie. But they will probably just be called Mexican kkk nazis. Racist assholes.
I see you made an account just to post tankie propaganda.
How's that working out for you?
What's a tankie?
It is complete bullshit. The family already came out and said it was. The article says the other guy they spoke to who was in the room "didn't hear it" as if he missed it somehow, but that guy came out and said they twisted his words, and trump said nothing like that at all, he didn't miss anything.
It's the same with Mark Kelly. Lots of his co-workers and those employed under him are coming out of the woodwork and claiming Mark Kelly is a big liar with a Napoleon complex, and he is. I hope they throw him in prison and he rots.
Wear those down votes with pride. The more I see how the news is twisted and willingly echoed here without providing context or followup, the more I can see how dumb most of those I used to side with are.