Alberta Conservatives Pass Climate Denial Resolution 12 to Celebrate CO2 Pollution | UCP pledges to abandon the province’s net zero targets, and remove the designation of CO2 as a pollutant.
Alberta’s United Conservative Party has passed a resolution to rebrand carbon dioxide—the chief gas whose overabundance in Earth’s atmosphere is causing the climate emergency—in a brazen display of climate science denial that harkens back to the 1990s fossil fuel industry playbook. Resolution 12, wh...
Yeah, we almost voted these guys out a year ago. BC just had the NDPs come back onto power and I am hoping the same thing happens here in a few years. These conservatives are by for the worst politicians we have ever had and many Albertans know it.
Former Albertan here. One of the big reasons I bought and EV was specifically to extend a clear middle finger that shithole wanna-be Mini-MAGA government. Alberta as a place is great, as a people, eh.. needs a bit of work, but as a legislative assembly, it's essential Mordor with coal-rolling orcs.
"It's what plants crave" I've heard before. While true, global warming makes it harder for human sustainability. "Preserving our way of very specific economic domination for a few extra quarters" loses our way of life and sustainable economic opportunity.
"We must prioritize policies that protect our economy and our way of life. CO2 is an essential nutrient for mass, driving growth and boosting plant production. According to the CO2 Coalition, higher CO2 levels have led to healthier crops and improved food security worldwide,” said a UCP member speaking in favour of the policy who cited the notorious CO2 Coalition.
Reminds me of the joke where 100% of people who consumed H2O die.
“We must prioritize policies that protect our economy and our way of life. CO2 is an essential nutrient for mass, driving growth and boosting plant production. According to the CO2 Coalition, higher CO2 levels have led to healthier crops and improved food security worldwide,” said a UCP member speaking in favour of the policy who cited the notorious CO2 Coalition.
Well, that is the core of conservatism (the first bit).