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  • Why not?

    TBC, I don’t use the MSN homepage or the Yahoo! homepage. I go directly to the email account.

    I mean, should I change just to change and not be associated with what “old people” use?

    Sure, I could use Proton (guess what, I do! You can have more than one mail account!) but all the contacts I know and all my accounts are tied to the old mail address. Some of the people are older and getting them to change my contact info is more pain than it’s worth. I’m not going through all the accounts and dealing with the change of email, 2FA emails, and likely password change demands. Despite my account being under the prying eyes of Big Data, they’re stable. Odds are my account will still be operating in a decade, and using a newcomer comes with the possibility that they’ll disappear or just be bought up by Big Data.

  • I like the fact the I've got a piece of internet history with my account from 1998. I don't use it at all, but I keep it alive for shit that needs Microsoft accounts. Can't remember how many years it has been since I looked at the inbox. I wonder if it is empty or if it has thousands of junk mail in it.

    My real inbox is with

  • “Free” signups, website registrations, and bullshit like that gets my Yahoo address. Real human beings and important things like my bank gets my real email.

  • Been using hotmail a lot lately to figure out why some emails my company is sending out on behalf of one of our customers aren't being delivered to (and,,, etc) accounts. The customer we're sending email for is Microsoft.

    Hey they got good spam detection at least.

  • Man... I don't even remember my Hotmail account details... It might actually still be linked to my Microsoft account. I never use that either; I have logging in on my PC disabled (because Windows 10 Pro can do that).

  • I don't care. It's an email system. Yahoo is what my whole family knows and it is exactly the same for me as my Gmail.

  • I kept my AOL account because it's in my dads name. He died a few years ago. I don't think I use it for anything, but I try to log in a few times per year to keep it from being deleted.