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    • Creature Commandos (ongoing) - Liking it so far.
    • Black Doves (ongoing) - Excellent.
    • The Old Man S1 (ongoing) - Losing interest fast.
    • Lioness S2 (finished) - Disappointing. Degraded into a nonsensical and preachy action schlock. None of the intimate emotional suspense was there. It had chances, but wasted them all.
    • Final Space S2 (ongoing) - Why did I find this show after its cancellation? So good.
    • Arkane S2 (ongoing) - So far, good.
    • The Diplomat S2 (ongoing) - So far, good.

    I generally only watch one or two episodes per night, so this list won't change much.

  • I watched one episode of Wednesday and I'm not watching another because it's complete wank.

    Feels like it was was written as something else and then adapted to an Addams Family spin-off by somebody who had never seen the movies but got the license on the cheap.

  • Watching through Home Improvement, an old nostalgia trip. Although the whole traditional family thing is much more obvious now as an adult

  • Better call Saul. First season I thought it was shit then after season 2 I was hooked then after season 3 and 4 I'm back to thinking it's shit.