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How do you want to be remembered?

Just a thought that crossed my mind today.

If I was to ask everyone that you've ever interacted with (IRL) what their general opinion of you is, what do you hope the most common answer would be?

Would you hope they consider you a successful person, physically attractive, smart, the best in your field, etc?

Personally, my answer is "A good, kind person. Friendly and helpful."

Just wondering what the rest of feel.

EDIT: Based on the first few responses, I'm thinking I should have clarified better.

I'm not talking about your legacy after you're dead, I just mean right here, right now. You have left an impression on people. That is inevitable. Surely there aren't that many people that don't give a fuck what anyone thinks, but I must admit, it is a valid answer. Maybe you are the person who doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • I have no need to be remembered by anyone. Memories and legacies are fake human constructs that we’ve made up. We live approx 60ish years and then die. Only kids and or some relatives/spouses will remember you for another few decades before they die too and you’re completely forgotten.

    To hang onto the idea that you must leave a legacy behind and be remembered by other people just adds unnecessary stress to one’s life. Not a single person cares about anyone except for themselves (save for some people who may care in some manner about their significant others, kids, maybe a best friend).

    • I refuse your opinion. There might be a time, a place, a random conversation where I'm remembered. I want people to take my name in a good way, not like Hitler.

      It's not illegal to care about others, you will get something back in life if you help others. Build favours.

      To be honest, your comment seems like a huge cry for help.

      • That’s okay it’s not your opinion so you’re allowed to refuse it. I don’t understand what you mean when you say it seems like a huge cry for help. Could you elaborate?

  • Is it weird that i dont want to be remembered? I just want to fade into nothingness. None of it matters anyway

  • Someone who worked an honest life. Not someone who took advantage of others directly or indirectly (working for a scummy company). I observed many places abusing uninformed customers for work. It was sickening seeing these guys tack on random shit to the bill since they knew they could trick the customer.

    For the women reading, you are often targeted and scammed this way. Learn about what you are getting fixed so you know if the bill is bullshit. Ive seen places press a couple buttons on a computer and charge for replacing the OS, updating drivers and other nonsense.

    Contractors and service places (repair and automotive shops) are prime examples. I know good contractors who don't like being watched, but you as the paying customer deserve and have the right to watch. Once a plumber stole 600$ from my grandpa's wallet, money he was going to give to his grandkids. I worked for an honest computer shop I was proud of, but it was constantly on the verge. It was extremely depressing.

    Now after a career change (woodworking) I hope to provide decent products for an honest price. Materials and equipment + labour (with an hourly rate of a livable wage).

  • I have no great desire to be remembered. It is neither here nor there from my point of view. As to how people are likely to remember me, 'quiet' and 'intelligent' are two words that crop up a lot from people who I interact with casually or occasionally. Those who know be better would probably focus on my environmental and conservation work etc.

    Related to that, due to the role that I played in stopping an area being sold for development and instead becoming designated as a nature reserve on one occasion, there is a meadow that is casually called after me by some people that I worked with. I suppose that I would be happy to be remembered as a meadow.

  • I hope I am one day a sort of Patronus Charm that my kids can utilize to ward off crippling thoughts.

  • I agree. I hope that one day I will be remembered as a decent person by everyone who has gotten to know me a little. If that is the case, I think I will have lived my life well.

  • “You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I gathered together in one place. Now you just have to find it.”

  • Being remembered implies memory carried through time and space. Being remembered implies future humans remembering.

    The grand scheme of the cosmos makes it questionable. There'll be no human being millions of years from now, at least not the humanity that we know of. If humans lasted for the next thousand years, it'll certainly be a cosmic miracle, because the scientific tendency is a mass extinction event for the foreseeable future (due to factors such as climate change).

    We don't need to try and imagine a foreseeable future. We can look at the past and question ourselves whether it's possible or not for a person to actually be remembered. Do we know and remember the name of that first person to ever write within language rules, possibly a Sumerian person? Do we know and remember their name, their life, how they looked like, what they ate? What about the first person to ever lit a fire, possibly a hominid? What about the first person to make something that resembled a wheel?

    Time's cruel. I mean, there's no cruelty as in a human sense, it's simply a great, ineffable cosmic indifference towards the "order out of chaos" that we call "living beings". Even when there are memory carriers, people who remember other people, the memories and thoughts they carry will fade into the oblivion of the entropy. It's how cosmos functions. Order came from the primordial chaos, and to the primordial chaos it must return.

    So, how do I want to be remembered? Do I ever want to be? Even if I did want to be remembered, it wouldn't matter, because all matter and energy will be forgotten amongst the cosmic soup of chaos rearranged by an unstoppable entropy.

  • I would rather be forgotten in short order without a legacy or anything that lasts longer than those I've interacted with in person. For those that know me, hopefully they mostly remember the good times.