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  • I think we have had enough leaks to all but confirm that the next Nintendo system will look like the Switch except slightly larger and the controller attachment will involve magnets in some way.

    What I am interested in is the software. The Switch did not have the whimsy apps that previous systems had. I still carry forward Miis from my Wii as a guest book of friends and family I played with. I loved StreetPass Plaza; I would take my 3DS on the subway with me every day and get random passerbys as NPCs in my games. The Switch doesn't have any built in software that sparks joy like that, since I imagine, the system was rushed to fill in the Wii U void and developers were busy getting the handheld/dock mode working.

  • Frankly I just hope the hardware is moderately higher spec than the switch. Can barely even play Minecraft on it because it runs like shit (though that's like 40% Mojang's fault bc Minecraft doesn't really run well on anything)

    • After all these years, the new hardware had better be far higher spec than just moderately so.

    • I wish for a significantly improved hardware… or my switch v1.2 will be the last Nintendo I have. Looking at how well SteamOS is doing, and near apparition of non-steam hardware consoles running SteamOS. Fingers crossed I still like the Nintendo platform more…