Imagine if you could feel your hair growing all over your body all the time
Imagine if you could feel your hair growing all over your body all the time
What a hellish life that would be
Imagine if you could feel your hair growing all over your body all the time
What a hellish life that would be
When your body hair is coarse like mine, you kind of can
It itches
You're just describing part of my dysmorphia tbh.
like being one of those machines they extrude spaghetti out of
What if instead of keratin scales, your hairs were covered in nematocysts like a jellyfish tentacle?
this thread brought to you by twink electrolysis gang
That’s sort of what severe opioid withdrawal is. Your body’s natural pain/sensory signaling adjusts to the hyped up level of opioids (which your body produces naturally, which is why we have opioid receptors), and when the rug gets pulled out from under them, you’re in massive excruciating pain because not only can you feel that bullshit—it’s fucking horrifically painful.
I’m pretty sure that’s not how it actually works, but it’s kind of like that.
Maybe you could feel your power and armour growing at every moment.
Passive: Gain 0.00000000000001 armor per second (max 0.00000001)
Why did you write this. You could have not written this.
I'm autistic and trans so when my body hair started coming in rapidly I kind of did due to hypersensitivity to touch sensations
But I kind of liked it, it was like there was always a slight breeze activating all my leg hair lol
Hypersensitivity be like that