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  • View the keys, wallet, and cell phone as the necks connecting the bodies to the heads above.


    sound of 20 Glocks hitting a table

    • i love edc stuff but i am always questioning myself on how tf those people carry everything without always thinking about the 20 things in their pockets

      • My dumbass is always over here going

        ...but if their phone is on the table, what took the photo?

    • I always laugh at people carrying 3 guns when they show their edc on YouTube. How many fucking enemies do you have? Are you such a big shot drug dealer you need that amount of protection? But you're just a fat old white guy with an office job... I don't get it. I carry a Leatherman because I love to have pliers and some tiny scissors. That's the only thing which could be used as a weapon I guess, but why would I, I'm never in a fight or dangerous situation. The more weapons you carry with you, the more dangerous every situation you make yourself.