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Without unnecessary brand name dropping, what current technology blows you away?

I was listening to the New Year's Day concert by the Vienna philharmonic and wondered who one of the composers was so used a popular song recognition app. (I expected it would make some fuzzy match on the piece and give me the name + composer). To my amazement it did give the name and composer but as played by the Vienna philharmonic in 2005 in the same location. The orchestra does not have the same members as 19 years ago, nor was it the same conductor, so it seemed the piece was matched on the acoustics of the Musikverein where they were playing, which I found astonishing.

  • Mobile networks.
    It used to be absolutely amazing to get 1.5Mbps into your home with bulky equipment, on a dedicated copper line. Now you can get 100x times that bandwidth, while moving, on a device that fits in your pocket.

  • VR. Both the good and the bad blow my mind. The good in that it's actually useable now. I tried it in the 90's as a kid and it was straight garbage, not to mention the way I experienced it wouldn't be possible at home (fucker was huge and needed to be suspended by bungee cords). The bad in that it blows my mind that the adoption rate is super low and there's not a helluva lot of good software for it, and it's not even necessarily a price thing; people just don't wanna deal with Meta (which is understandable).

  • not sure this counts, but wikipedia always amazes me; I wish we could fashion the world this way, out of voluntary labor that provides commercial or better quality