the tiktok exodus is actually huge
the tiktok exodus is actually huge
i've never seen so many americans excited about china and the chinese language. good stuff, folks
the tiktok exodus is actually huge
i've never seen so many americans excited about china and the chinese language. good stuff, folks
Whole lotta folks are gonna find out they have more in common with the FOREIGN ADVERSARY™'s citizens than with their own government
As the redditors pissed about this love to cite... It's the Streisand Effect.
Redditors are pissed about this? Oh god I need to see this, I need to taste their tears.
It would be so fucking funny if this backfired so spectacularly that it resulted in the total collapse of the "China bad" narrative in the US.
It would be nice. More probably, it also gets banned before that happens.
One of the first things I was served upon opening the app was a Frieran meme. China really pointed at me and said "weeb".
My chinese ex trying to teach me to say hello:
ex: "say 'ni hao'"
me: "ni hao"
ex: "no, more like, 'ni hao'"
me: "ni hao"
ex: "almost, try again: 'ni hao'"
me: "ni hao"
ex: "great! perfect!"
me: "ni hao"
ex: "oh no not at all like that"
and so on
which iss all to say I really respect people who are able to learn languages as adults. it is difficult!
If even .01% of the Americans joking about learning Chinese actually dip a toe into the language, culture, and (god forbid) history… mega self own from the us state
I finally started getting my verification codes. Like, hours later. It's an improvement.
maybe the servers will recover and it'll work again
Yeah, I'm going to give it a few days before I try again.
Still haven't gotten any
Omg I thought it was my carrier or something!
Nah servers are cooked because of all the signups. Like, I’ve heard the app went from like 0-1% English speaking users to now 5-10% in the last 48 hours. It’s a really significant number of Americans joining.
Oh i bet the chinese users are stoooookkkeeddd about a bunch of yanks polluting their space
They don't care, and I'm have a feeling that the app will not put up with nonsense from foreigners. This is not a Meta subsidiary, don't forget.
As an example (as others have mentioned on here) that your country (or province, if inside the PRC) is shown on your profile cause of all the trolling from the Taiwanese.
If they need to ban Americans I'm sure they would, but why do that when you can just moderate them? At least give it a try...
some are showing concern but from what i see it's a lot of excitement and curiosity. many americans are shockingly being polite and using AI to provide translations (possibly the only good thing AI is for)
i can't help because the verification doesn't wori for me, but it's really cool to see
I’m not disputing any of this, however a lot of this is balanced by the fact that babies have to learn how to learn and what language is. You do not.
If you moved to China, and your full time job was learning Chinese, and also your household chores were taken care of so you could focus on learning Chinese, by the end of the year you would be better at Chinese than a 3 or 4 year old born in China. You have a base understanding of how language works and don’t have to relearn the existence of grammar and sentence structure.
If you and your 7 year old child were both put in that environment, the child would probably learn faster than you, I won’t dispute that. But the larger limiting factor is time spent.
3 months is enough to learn enough to bully fellow gwailos. Set realistic goals. ;D
This person is really like "Oh you think children are gifted? Well I could be gifted too if I had time."
I downloaded the app but the UI is in Chinese
to change it to english to have to click the bottom left option on the home page, then click on the gear which takes you to settings, then the other gear, then the top option and then you can select english
Mark my words, if the Supreme Court finds out about this, they're overturning the Tiktok ban immediately.
I've posted the top one before myself but this rings a bit not entirely true as in the whole story.
They're not a Chinese propaganda op and may have US spies but undeniably they had waaaay less censorship of Palestine, Gaza, the genocide, anti-zionism than all of Zuckerworld. Same I hear with Luigi stuff. So they might be gathering data but they're not controlling it as tightly as Zuck-world controls theirs or most western social media.
More importantly I think it's about destroying competition. The US took out Japan, a capitalist vassal with the Plaza accords, they work like the mafia and it's unacceptable to have something they don't fully own and control existing and being successful.
Is there a trick to creating an account? I get errors whichever means of verification I try.
Servers are slammed. It might be a bit
i used wechat personally
ironically enough, i used google account to do first time login
i might have to clear that and use normal methods if i'm gonna shitpost though, real name on account is a bit of an oof
Found something a bit weird, on profiles it looks like it shows users’ “IP Address”? But also that’s not long enough to be an IP address, and it’s not even made up of numbers? Can someone who knows Chinese clarify what this is?
All major social media platforms in China were ordered by law to reveal IP location (just the cities) of their users since April 2022 because a lot of anti-Russia comments were made by Taiwanese trolls when the war in Ukraine started.
Most Chinese people are Russia simps and the social media fights got really ugly flamed by trolls, so they decided to just reveal the IP location of the users instead.
that says "Beijing" so I'm assuming it's saying the IP is from beijing.
Cool to see!
Most Americans will just go to instagram/facebook/twitter unfortunately
The great Satan won this round I’m afraid. Still though, I’m really curious to see some metrics (if those are even available anywhere)
Are there some stats on it?
I tried to make an account months ago to practice Chinese, but it didn't work because of the verification texts. Let me know if someone has strats to make it more likely to go thru.
I just tried every hour or so and eventually got one
It came through instantly for me, maybe because I've done it when yanks were eepy
Ehh too early to tell
Too early to tell long term impacts, but as it stands this is probably the largest Chinese -> American cultural exchange like, ever. This number of Americans have literally never been this exposed to Chinese media or just Chinese people.
Half of Americans use TikTok. If 5% of them join LittleRedBook it’s over 8 million people. And I would expect it’s well over 5%.
God reading that back what a stupid fucking plan this ban was. Oh yeah no problem we’ll ban the platform that half of the country uses, arguably the dominant force of culture in this country, surely no one will be upset and there’ll be no significant consequences, they’ll totally understand and go right back to the loving arms of the Zuck.
yapdollar reference