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Am I the only one that think the new bitcoincash community is full of bots?

The community is only 13 days old. Frequently I see post on all from either the mod or new accounts all ranting about bch or related sites and they’re all super excited to tell you about it. I mean look at the pinned post and replies for goodness sake.

All new accounts. All just loving bch so much and super excited to tell you about it. A lot of the posts have strikingly similar formats too. Like bold sub-title paragraph of text and repeat. Reeks of botting/astroturfing. Just me or nah? Im going to post again regarding lemmy being cool with bots auto posting links to off site frequently, but that’s a rant for another day.

  • Even by crypto standards, Bitcoin Cash is dodgy. Its origins were a temporary hiccup in the Bitcoin network which forked the blockchain into two branches. As blockchains are designed to tolerate this, the network quickly decided that one branch was worse than the other, so everything switched to the good branch and Bitcoin continued chugging away and consuming enough power for a small country. However, a few people were cross about this because they had more Bitcoin on the dead branch, so manually configured their wallets and mining hardware to use that branch, and tried encouraging other people to do the same. That didn't work. They then decided to provide a preconfigured wallet and mining software that would prefer the dead branch but claimed it was its own new cryptocurrency and everyone who had Bitcoin already would get some of the new one for free, and that was enough to get some people to sign up.

  • This is entitely on brand for Bitcoin Cash from what I remember years ago when the split happened. I wouldn't go so far as to call it a scam coin, but the community was very sketchy.

    • The project was basically abandoned. The chain is completely broken. Very centralized and unused

  • I thought that was just a scam bot community in general just because I don't trust cryptocurrency communities in general, so I guess so.


    Looked at the images and most of the usernames in the first image look like they're randomly generated rather than organic usernames, which to me screams bot accounts.