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  • Any of them is a good choice. I'm in season 6 of DS9 watching it for the first time. I had watched TNG in the 90s in parts, then completely the full series in about 2000.

    I've also watched all of Voyager and now almost all of TOS. And after finishing DS9 I hope to watch Enterprise and I've also watched most of the latest series with Picard, Discovery, Strange New Worlds and even Lower Decks. I think I also have to squeeze in and watch the Animated Series in there somewhere.

    After seeing so much and due to my aging brain ... I don't quite remember everything. So after I've finished saying I've watched all of this, I plan on rewatching the same series all over again in the future.

    I think I'll be spending the rest of my life just rewatching all these shows over and over again until someone just transfers me over into a transport buffer.

  • DS9 stan here.

    • I had watched DS9 episodes when I came across them over the years. Usually good, but didn't have the itch to commit to 173 episodes back-to-back. Finally binged the whole thing about 3 years ago, and good lord it's every bit as relevant today as it was 25+ years ago.