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  • 7 so I have an isle seat and am close to the bathroom. I also don't remember who the person I'm sitting next to is though I remember their face so I can pretend when I talk to them that they work at some random food service job

  • 8

    Hopefully LBJ gets (very) drunk and tells me stories with way too much gossip and private details. And I'd have a flask with this favorite booze to help the process.

  • I'm not supersticious enough to trust some Kennedy curse on this one. Ima sit in the cockpit. Just to make sure.

  • Number two, trade seats with Obama and talk with Biden about his dogs

    Like, I'm not rhetorically skilled enough to talk with actual politicians about politics or anything

    the first part of the flight is me strangling Nixon to death. The second part is talking to Kennedy about how the CIA is going to air his dome.