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Bama Senator Howls Like Stuck Pig After She Sees NIH Cuts Impact in State

With face half eaten, local conservative confused how leopards ate their face and not just the faces of the blue states

  • INB4 Trump allows funding to Red States, but cuts off all NIH funding to Blue States

    • I think there's plenty of real life evidence that Trump doesn't care and will send his supporters to their deaths.

  • Ah yes. I want to be a senator, but I'm conservative, so I'm going to use my kitchen as a set in my political ads.

    • Women in those states can't leave the kitchen without husband permission, or so i heard.

    • Same in Australia, the local Premier of Tasmania (conservative state, conservative politocian) often has his shed as a backdrop.for photoshoots , with tools etc all set up, sometimes even has a "tool" in hand :)

      • question....

        do you feel Australia is now less conservative-fascist than the US? asking for a.. a friend ... looking to evacuate..