That is 100% more leches than necessary.
Maybe it's milk from six different mammals. Like, cow goat, sheep, bull, human and platypus
At least its not seis huevos
Uno de los seis leches son leche de hombre 😏
¿Para cuando un 9 leches? ¿O serían 12 leches el siguiente?
En esta pinche economía??
Mira, pa' la lecha capaz si de, pero no se si pa' los huevos.
¿Podrías nombrar 12 tipos de leche?
Mira, sólo te puedo nombrar la deslactosada, la descremada, la completa y la condensada. Capaz las otras 7 se completen comprando otras marcas.
I mean you have vapor milk, condensed milk and milk cream
You could repeat the ingredients but, it would still be a 3 leches dessert
You could technically add coconut milk, condensed coconut milk, which is also a thing that is totally real and exists, AND dulce de leche which for the layman sounds redundant, BUT the makeup is completely different to the other milk ingredients
It's either that or some almond milk heresy, but in that case we would be talking about a real seis leches
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