‘More than just an AOC’: Michigan Dem defends her lack of Musk pushback
‘More than just an AOC’: Michigan Dem defends her lack of Musk pushback

‘More than just an AOC’: Michigan Dem defends her lack of Musk pushback

‘More than just an AOC’: Michigan Dem defends her lack of Musk pushback
‘More than just an AOC’: Michigan Dem defends her lack of Musk pushback
Sounds like much less than an AOC.
“I get it that it makes people feel good to see people yelling,” Slotkin told the audience. “But not one of those words is stopping the actual things that Donald Trump is doing, and I am about action, not words, and I will stand by that as long as I live.”
Please, Senator, tell us about your actions that are stopping Donald Trump from doing what he's doing. No need to be coy. Its what you "stand by as long as you live". This should be an easy answer for you.
“I get it that it makes people feel good to see people yelling,” Slotkin told the audience. “But not one of those words is stopping the actual things that Donald Trump is doing, and I am about action, not words, and I will stand by that as long as I live.”
Ok, so let's have them. What specific actions are you taking against this madness? We'll wait.
Democrats horribly misunderstand the political situation we're in where 'action, not words' leaves a communcation vaccuum for MAGA and their GOP supplicants to fill with lies.
Any minute now
Sure, go ahead and demean one of the most popular and beloved politicians in office. That‘ll totally make people listen to you. AOC is the single best communicator the Democrats have on their bench. Other Democrats need to be learning from her and making more space for her style of leadership, not talking shit about her. That’s yet another thing they failed to learn from the 2024 election.
I think it’s pretty telling that to much of the progressive and leftist base, Slotkin comes across as a Republican from the 1990’s (with all her Reagan-worship crap) and is generally not a particularly popular politician outside of neoliberal DC power circles. While on the other hand, AOC is incredibly popular across the nation, and is widely liked and respected not only because she comes across as a real genuine human being, but because her ideas and political approach appeal to almost everyone, including many Republicans. I heard some interviews with Trump voters where they were asked how they felt about AOC, and a surprising number of them said they agreed with a lot, but not all of her opinions, but they consistently said they respected her because they believed she meant what she said and that she seemed to genuinely care about the right groups of people.
From the end of the article:
Ocasio-Cortez “best reflects the core values” of the Democratic Party, a CNN poll of voters recently found.
Ocasio-Cortez “best reflects the core values” of the Democratic Party, a CNN poll of voters recently found.
-- but not the core values of the democratic leadership, as evidenced by pelosi cockblocking aoc from the oversight committee; sanders cockblocked from the nomination in the last 2 presidential elections; and the palestinians blocked from speaking at the convention in the last election; among other examples.
Liberals will always walk lockstep with fascists to prevent progressives from ever having a voice. Happened in Germany, happened in Turkey, most recently happened in France.
Neo-liberals are the evil they claim to fight. Just with rainbow pins.
Constituent Kristin Fellows, 62, asked the Democrats how they are pushing back against Musk and President Donald Trump.
“We know that you are against these current awful happenings going on in the world, but it is simply not enough for you to repeatedly tell us that you are,” Fellows said, according to the Associated Press, and the question was met with a round of applause from the audience.
“My job is to be more than just an activist. It is to answer the call when there’s an immigration raid and we need to figure out where our people are,” Slotkin said. “All of those things require me to be more than just an AOC.”
Slotkin ought to know where "our people" are since she voted for legislation requiring any immigrant who's baselessly charged with petty nonsense like shoplifting to be detained (archived).
These "moderate" Dems sound like they belong on Fox News. She just couldn't resist taking a shot at a progressive to try to score political points with the fascists.
The thing is, they just see her as a pandering weakling who's too much of a coward to pick a side. And they're right.
They work so hard to be uninspiring. Right now it would take so little. Just, anything. But instead they chide us for expecting anything...
Edit: worst typo ever
Fuck these people.
I used to be a Moderate. But then the Right blew up the Overton Window and went full Fascist.
I didn’t move along with them. I stayed fucking put. But now, relative to them, I am a Radical.
And I’m ok with that.
We shouldn’t be forced to move right.
It makes me want to sing "Which Side Are You On" just hearing her blithering bullshit.
How incredibly inhumane. Immigrants built this country. If anyone here isn't the descendant of an immigrant; they are an either an descendant of a native American to survived the genocide, or of a chattel slave who survived the anti-black violence that's been prevalent in this country for over a hundred years.
If the ideal version of America is supposed to be freedom and democracy where anyone looking to make a better life for themselves is welcome, then anti-immigrant sentiment is anti-american.
I'm sure she still has friends at the CIA who can find them for her.
but it is simply not enough for you to repeatedly tell us that you are
How patronizing, coming from a do-nothing time-serving coward.
"The senator noted that she also serves Trump voters of Michigan"
There it is. As somebody who has an (R)President, (R)governor, (R)Senator, (R)Congressperson I can tell you that not a single one feels the need to represent my point of view or interests. This statement by Slotkin strikes me as nothing more than idealism that serves to only inhibit the party's ability to pass meaningful legislation.
For real, I live in a gop district. Those clowns don't give a single shit about my opinion. People like Slotkin enable Republicans by constantly validating their views, and at this point it feels very much planned and deliberate.
AOC/Sanders aren't even that leftwing.
It's just an optical illusion looking at them from inside the burgeoning fourth Reich of Stupid Hitler's crazy town.
Interesting choice of words. "Defends" as in "fails to defend."
Grow some ovaries
Slotkin might as well be another Sinema.
I think Fetterman claimed that seat first.