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  • Barrett on YT is great proof. He’s an English “expat” (aka Immigrant but I digress, I don’t wanna get into a whole thing) that moved to China. Idk exactly when it happened, but he got breast cancer and was very fortunately able to get chemotherapy and even surgery in China. I don’t wanna get too into it but those videos filled me with such joy, pure happiness from seeing someone suffering given what they need without a million doctors and insurance companies jumping in and talking about it first. He’s since gotten better and makes videos to this day. OBVIOUSLY China is not a utopia and it has its problems, but it gives me so much hope for what the future may hold, against my mostly doomer mindset

  • It's really telling that when faced with any information that runs counter to the classic China Bad narrative, libs immediately resort to "this person must have been paid to say this." Their brains have been steeped in capitalism for so long they can't imagine someone praising e.g. China's poverty alleviation programs without some kind of financial incentive. And then, like clockwork, even this post has an "aUtHoRiTaRiAn ReGiMe" comment. These people would rather plug their ears and yell "LA LA LA CAN'T HEAR YOU" than approach China with an open mind. Shameful

    • I also love how deeply ingrained the whole both sideism thing is with these people. If you point out that one thing is objectively speaking better than another then you're not being balanced. There always have two be two equally valid and opposing positions in their minds so that they can smugly live in the liberal centre.

  • Some guy over there went through my entire profile to downvote every single comment and post I have made since the creation of my account.

    RIP my redditterino karmerino, I shall never recover from this.

    • lol I'm pretty sure we have some bots running around downvoting people. I notice that I get a batch of downvotes all coming in together once a day. I absolutely love that somebody was so bothered to spend the time and effort on this.

  • Their worldview depends on China being worse than the US in some way. Either through a lack of rights, bad economy or a genocide going on in the background. That last one is especially hilarious now that we're all being reminded what an actual genocide looks like.