How not to spot imposters...
How not to spot imposters...
How not to spot imposters...
My favorite version of this is name actors from Star Trek: Jeffrey Combs
Now name 1 starship NOT named Enterprise.
Unimatrix 3725.
T’Plana Hath
Cerritos, Compton, South-Central LA, Tommy's original, Snoop Dogg's crib
Uuuhhh... Exitprise?
A ship on a ship named Enterprise counts, right?
Uhh USS Yamato! Kobayashi Maru! Jackie Chan!
I'm definitely this kind of Trekkie.
The dumb, Andy Samberg one I mean.
I would never have guessed from your username.
Ganges, Rio Grande, Mekong, Yukon, Rubicon, Orinoco
San Diego, Alhambra, Carlsbad, Burbank, Inglewood, Mount Shasta
gg ez
One of the Enterprise D's shuttles was the Indiana Jones.
Better start spitting hull IDs.