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  • Defender + Common sense.

    • Ditto. I tried a couple of alternatives over the years but most of the "free" programs are either not much better than the already built-in thing, or spam the end user with advertisements about paid services (I'm looking at you, Avast!) to the point that they're a lot more intrusive than any actual virus could have ever been.

      Never had any issues with the regular Defender and I've been using Windows for ages.

  • Windows Defender alongside common sense. It takes care of most, most of the time. Additional antivirus just bogs down your PC in my opinion.

  • I don't use windows anymore but if I'm entirely honest, the best antivirus is knowing what not to do on the internet. I always found that every (especially the free ones) antivirus was more annoying than it was helpful and honestly I don't trust them.

    Not that data theft from proprietary software is that big of a deal if you're already using windows

  • Besides just the standard defender, I also have the free version of malwarebytes just in case. Common sense is great and all, but it doesn't help in every single situation.