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What Steam achievement are you most proud of?

Mine is probably the Liberty City Minute achievement for Grand Theft Auto IV. I think technically you have 30 hours to beat the main storyline but I managed to power through and beat the entire game in one sitting.

Achievements were only added in after an update a couple years ago (when they removed the dated Games For Windows Live DRM that made the game pretty much impossible to play without modding) so it's technically not the rarest for the game. The achievements for getting the highscore in QUB3D and flying underneath the bridges are even more rare but I'd argue they're easier to get.

What Steam achievement are you most proud of?

Is there one that took a lot of time to get? Did you have a good time with friends? Was it an achievement you struggled to get on other platforms when you were younger?

Regardless I'd be interested to hear about it.

  • Probably 'To Live Forever' in No Man's Sky. Once you get to a certain point, it's almost impossible to die to normal circumstances, but up until that point random crap would kill you pretty easy. Also bugs. Especially with the Space Anomaly.

    I ended up doing the 3 hardest achievements all at once in that game. (After double checking it was just the 2 permadeath and survival ones I did together but ended up using my permadeath save to do the "The Sentinel" achievement.)

    Also, if you plan to do this this achievement. It's the easiest to just do the main storyline.

  • Little Rocket Man from Half Life 2 ep2.

    The whole achievement is just so damn stupid lol, I love it! Closing the hatch on that fucker was WAY more satisfying than it had any right to be.

    • I remember that achievement at times being such a pain but it was so worth it just to send the damn thing in to space!

  • Maybe this one. Many many hours. So much grinding. Like 100 blitzball wins in a row. Sphere grid completely filled in 7 times. Completely unnecessary, I don't recommend pursuing this achievement.

  • Defiant - Hit the trashcan cop with the can in Half-Life 2. Fuck the system.

    Other than that Resident Evil 2 Remake had achievements for not using the item chest, taking 14000 steps or fewer, and completing it in hardcore mode,.and with Clarie. I unlocked all of this at once in my second playthrough. I LOVED that game. I did that by exploring A LOT with Leon and really took my time with it, then started it again immediately after completion knowing what to take, what I need and best & fastest way to get it

  • Doing "CQC FTW" and "Don't Stop Running" at the same time from Resident Evil 1. Also "Ink is for Squids" after failing(and falling) at Lisa fight a run before.

    "The Impossible Dream" from Steam World Dig 2 also got my dopamine high.