All My Thoughts After 40 Hours in the Vision Pro — Wait But Why
All My Thoughts After 40 Hours in the Vision Pro — Wait But Why
Welcome to the 2030s.
![All My Thoughts After 40 Hours in the Vision Pro — Wait But Why](
All My Thoughts After 40 Hours in the Vision Pro — Wait But Why
Welcome to the 2030s.
This author writes like an insufferable teenage cryptobro that got a little older and got a degree, but never actually grew up. I guess he's after a very specific audience though.
Still though, slogging through that prose is slightly more annoying than a feisty chihuahua. Which itself is irritating, because I kinda want to know his actual opinions without having to dig them out of something full of endless paragraphs of his pointless bullshit fluff.
Ugh. Kids, if you write like that, you're literally what Shakespeare was making fun of like, a bunch of centuries ago, with that whole "brevity is the soul of wit" char. He was viciously mocking you, a dozen-plus generations ago. Just get your point out.
Woah there Webster, that is like the Dictionary calling the thesaurus thicc
At least their rant is fun to read
It's like the thesaurus calling the dictionary voluptuous, curvaceous, buxom.
I thought this was a parody of the article and the article would be wordy and edgy.
The article wasn't just wordy. I had to scroll back up to see if I was still scrolling through the same
I had a friend who would say “to make a long, drawn-out, wordy, and boring story a little less long, drawn-out, wordy, and boring…”
Where is that tldr bot when you actually need it?
(Personal annotations between parentheses. Edit: I know this is a long TL;DR, but it is an outrageously long article, especially considering its substance)
[^1]: I personally hate touch centric interfaces with a passion. IMHO, no one in their right mind, who understands the prevalence of muscle memory/spatial memory, and the consequential importance of haptic feedback, of absolute coordinate systems, and of explicit information presentation, would ever even think touch-centric interfaces for sustained use are a good idea.
Good human.
and the person decides this is a life defining moment.
Yeah the moment where $3500 were spent for a toy gadget will surely be remebered for a lifetime..
And.. iris scan? I still have to decide if using my fingerprint to unlock my phone is worth it and secure, and they want my IRIS?
I know this is a long TL;DR, but it is an outrageously long article, especially considering its substance)
Sidenote: the Wait but Why guy writes extremely long-form content.
If you're looking for a quick opinion on something, it's not him. He goes on mega tangents. I find it entertaining personally.
I happily shelled out $600 for the first iPhone. But $3,500? For a V1 product that will get way better (and cheaper) in the next few years?
Cheaper? When has the next gen Apple product ever become cheaper?
Apple will certainly have cheaper VR headsets coming. It's just that they'll likely also retain the expensive "Pro" line as well.
It's all on software, if the software gets better than it will do quite well but right now the software isn't good enough to justify the hardware price. If they don't improve that quickly it's going to die on the vine.
iPhone 3gs. 3rd gen tough, not second.
This is Apple Vision Pro so supposedly there's going to be a non-pro version coming aswell. Would be odd if that wasn't cheaper.
And an air version.
Well the iPhone se is cheaper than $600 today and that's even with inflation.
scale. they could only make 200,000 or so of these this batch because of Sony's displays. When they can make tens of millions of them, the incredible fixed costs dither away. the first one costs billions. the billionth one costs
even apple isn't usually 600% as expensive as its competition.
i skipped the first 50% lookin for the review, and it was still a slog getting through this.
hes got nothing new to say everyone else hasnt already said; 'cool', 'useless'.
He has mix feelings about it...that's it
It’s about mixed reality after all
Ba dum tss lmao
The tech itself is cool I can't lie. That is what is in all the sci fi of modern day. Nobody will use it regularly until what you have to wear is indistinguishable from regular accessories.
Same thought. I don't really care much about the AR aspects of VR googles. I feel like I can see why people might game in them, etc, but for AR stuff I don't really get the appeal. I did recently see a walkthrough of how to use and the features of the Apple Vision Pro and I can't deny, the tech itself is really cool, I was pretty excited seeing the walkthrough. I just don't really care about the applications of that tech yet.
Here AR is a push to normalize VR in different settings where you need to pay attention to what's outside your googles. Even in social ones - that's why they tried these eyes on the surface. I'm sceptical some would wear them daily while doing chores, but I was also sceptical about people casually talking to their BT airpods on the street.
and millions will agree with that at first.
if you're young and sexually available, then yes thats a big factor. if you're settled down, in a comitted relationship, thats way down the list. i'd rather look nerdy while in a monet lazy river of wizard productivity than looking hawt while left behind in gotham.
This is the "buncha bullshit before the recipe" of tech reviews, except the review also has a buncha bullshit mixed in so you cant find the "recipe" of it at a glance. Pass.
I scrolled through almost a fourth of it before I found the meat. He literally started the review by saying his story of buying a vision pro started in the 90s. My eyes couldn't roll any harder. At least he admits he's an apple simp. This is a review for apple simps by an apple simp
My eyes couldn’t roll any harder.
But if they were actually just eyes displayed on a screen over your face, then, with the right app, they could.
Another hardware that Apple will try to screw with their walled garden software approach.