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Looking for a music solution

Hi peoples!

I’m on Apple Music but I want to expand my setup with music hosting but I have no idea how to approach it. Right now I have nothing and know nothing haha. So if you had a guide or would like to share your setup that would be awesome :)

Everything from a player, through downloader, to organiser and whatever else is needed. I heard that lidarr works in Albums, which I usually don’t use. I’m a “I hear a song, I like it, I save it, forget the author or album” kind of person 😅

Or maybe it’s not worth it at all I don’t know haha

Thanks :)

  • Plex with Plexamp works really well. Downloading you’ll have to figure out your source for that. There’s many. Ripping straight from Deezer was best when I was doing it. (Deemix when I was going this route).

    • Meh, Plex is a shady company and there's tons of good, open source options available

      • Yes, but it works and has support on most devices. I don’t need tons of opensource, I need one that works and that normal people can use.

      • Yep everyone making money is shady.

  • Organization: Lidarr
    Playback: Jellyfin. Android: Finamp/Gelli, Windows: Jellyfin media player
    Aquiring: Bandcamp, CDs (either from seller or discogs), SLSK and other sources.

  • My music is stored on my real-debrid account, and I use Lidarr and Debrid Media Manager to manage it. For a player/streaming server I'm currently using Jellyfin, but I've used Navidrome and Plex in the past and found them to work great.

    All my local music is stored on a NAS which Jellyfin also has access to.

    edit: For the lazy there's always SpotifyX for Desktop, and XManager for Android.

  • I have Jellyfin installed on my homeserver, works great for listening to music in my opinion. I sometimes use Bandcamp to find and buy/download music, which I then upload to Jellyfin.

  • I have a Squeezebox Classic, so I started with Logitech Media Server. It'snnow slimserver (open source), so I use that. However, it's pretty end of live, so I'm lookingbfora replacement as well for my player. (Love the device)

  • I too am going from Apple Music to self-hosted.

    Personally I run Navidrome on my server. It has a web player for computers and play:Sub has been my mobile player of choice. Also supports offline downloading to your device. Super lightweight as well.

    • For acquiring music either I use Freyr-js (which finds the highest quality copy from Youtube/Youtube Music), Nicotine+ (frontend for soulseek) or check against Bandcamp and Soundcloud to see if your artists have uploaded there. Of course always support your favorite artists if you can, if not then 🤷‍♀️.

    If the tags for the music files are incorrect, I use Kid3 to correct them.

  • I use Roon right now. Its great if you want to tinker around. I also have Plex which is more plain for music but works well enough.