Discovery will be the first Star Trek show in half a century to end without a single Jonathan Frakes appearance
Discovery will be the first Star Trek show in half a century to end without a single Jonathan Frakes appearance
Discovery will be the first Star Trek show in half a century to end without a single Jonathan Frakes appearance
It should end with Riker and Deanna on the holodeck
I'd actually be ok with this.
And Picard.
Retcon them both.
Am I alone in liking that ending?
I like it too! I would say there are literally dozens of us but you're the first I've ever encountered in the wild.
Well, I don’t necessarily need Riker, but then I never thought Disco was really Star Trek. It could stand on its own feet perfectly fine but shoehorning it into TOS killed it for me. VOY and DS9 were great and showed that you could do different and still fit well.
I always felt like they stretched a Star Trek skin over another IPs pilot in season 1
It reminded me a lot of Stargate Universe, a complete tonal whiplash that was clearly imitating other popular shows rather than a continuation of the franchise. I was pretty kind to it in the beginning because SGU got pretty good after I got over it not being Stargate as well, but Discovery S2 completely killed any hope I had.
didn't he play grudge
I am so sorry but I cannot give you the point. You forgot to say "umm...actually".
well I'll be
I'm sorry but... I'm particularly offended by you pointing out numbers here. 50 years? Fuck you. Just.. fuck you.
TNG aired in 1987, so it's only 37 years. Whomever it was that wrote that headline stretched a bit to generate some extra clicks. Yeah, TAS ended in 1974, but there's still 13 years in between where there was no Star Trek, which is apparently getting lumped into the Star-Trek-that-Riker-has-shown-up-in bundle.
Meh. Looking forward to this show dying and making way for the good, new Trek shows, like LD, SNW, and Picard's Season 3 (sorta).
So tired of Michael Burnham and her stupid "Magical Burnham Problem Solving Mary-su Solution Express". Really too bad, because Saru, Tilly, Georgiuo, Staments, Adira, and basically all of the other characters are REALLY interesting in this show. Unfortunately, they didn't relegate Burnham's character for being a "get out of writer's block free card" to the background and that basically doomed it.
Prodigy too, first season was fantastic.
You’ve described precisely how I feel about Disco, Trek is supposed to be about the whole team solving problems but somehow in any century…the destiny of the universe is all about her. Remove deus ex Burnham from the show and it could be so much better. Saru, Stamets and all are great, they’re just background to the Michael story.
I like Discovery, but I have to agree. So many of the narrative problems could have been solved by simply giving the line(s) of dialogue in which Burnham solves a problem to someone else on the bridge. Easy peasy. Mix it up.
Yeah the show would be so much better if they didn't rely on Burnham as the "solver of all things". Literally the first thing they do with her when she walks into Starfleet Command after the time jump is go "YO HAVE YOU TRIED THIS SOLUTION TO THE PRIONS?". It's like the writers can't help themselves.
I wouldn't be surprised if she has a stupid, uninspired speech that is a "These are the voyages" rip off at the end of the finale episode right before they inexplicably promote her to the Admiralty. It would be a fitting f*** you to end the show right in line with what the writers have done so far.
In my head Discovery will always be ST:MBS - The Michael Burnham Show.
Tilly? Seriously?
What beef you got with Tilly?
when i was a kid, i used to watch tng with my dad every saturday when i went to his house. the only bad thing about picard and discovery is that i wasn't able to watch it with my dad.
Thats good. That it ends that is.
I like Frakes.
That said, in also like pretty much all Trek. I'm not a big fan of some of the series, but I don't hate them, nor am I going to go around saying they're "not trek" because reasons.
I'm looking forward to seeing more from the franchise, and I feel a bit alone in my universal enjoyment of Trek. There's so many people hating on disco or Picard or whatever... I enjoy all of it.
I also enjoy Star wars and Orville, and Stargate, and pretty much most sci-fi.... The only stuff, that's popular, that I have no opinion on is Babylon 5, mainly because I have not watched any of it. Between that, the og BSG and some of the star wars properties (like the animated shows), I've watched almost all of the mainstream sci-fi, and honestly, it's all pretty damn good.
I really liked how they forced the issue about time travel in disco, where the time machine suit thing wouldn't go unless she went back to all the points she needed to in order to bring this circumstance to happen. I thought that was spot on. I try to ignore the multitude of time paradoxes in voy, and there are many, but it's probably my least favorite part of that specific show, too much time shit, and it's all done very poorly.
The only stuff, that's popular, that I have no opinion on is Babylon 5, mainly because I have not watched any of it
I highly recommend you watch it. Just keep in mind the first season (esp the first half) is tough, some bad dialog and acting. But it has important character and setting development.
The end of season 1 things get better, and by the first few episodes of season 2 you'll be hooked.
At the end of the day, I bet you'll acknowledge that B5 has BOTH some of the worst writing/acting you'll see in a TV show, AND some of the best writing/acting you'll ever see anywhere.
I don't mind people not liking discovery, such is the nature of these things.
People who claim Discovery isn't Trek then swoon over Picard in the same comment can eat my whole ass though 😂
The show that was rewritten because it was too Trek? I really wanted to love Picard, but you're right.
Yeah I don't want to be friends with someone who believes their headcanon can change reality.
Not this time. Pure fiction. We got you. It never happened.
Homie I'm 37 not 50.
Riker probably wouldn't be able to hear Burnham whisper yelling at him, anyway.
I was going to mention "you could've also said 'first Star Trek since Enterprise to end'" but then I realized I forgot about Picard.
I was going to ask "But what about Prodigy" but that hasn't actually aired its second season yet.
So yeah, first Star Trek show since The Animated Series to end without having Two Takes Frakes, even though I feel that having him on the director's chair should count.
What? TNG is only 35 years old, so what’s with the 50 years claim?
This hurts my head
Relying on cultural hot topics rather than real character building killed this show. The spore drive was also kinda "out there" though interesting. I wish the best for the cast.
The show has one non-binary character and a gay couple and suddenly they're relying on "cultural hot topics".
Disco had a lot of flaws, and most of them were the same flaws we saw in Picard: the writers just couldn't write full season plot arcs that were satisfying and believable. This is made worse because each season had to raise the stakes, to the point where it just got kinda exhausting. Meanwhile the show just took itself way too seriously, without really earning my emotional investment.
I agree with the original post. It's what also killed it for me. Felt like the writers went for the lowest hanging fruit.
I mean it's Star Trek, skin color, gender, sexual orientation, nobody cares about that. Be whoever you want to be, you will be accepted. To me that's what Star Trek has always been about, you will always be included.
Don’t even remember when I stopped watching it, I tried a few episodes each season and I just gave up. Burnham has such a great smile but in all episodes she has a nervous breakdown and is always sad. At least that's how I remember the series in my head. Everybody's depressed. Don't remember anything else.
Disco had a lot of flaws, and most of them were the same flaws we saw in Picard: the writers just couldn’t write full season plot arcs that were satisfying and believable. This is made worse because each season had to raise the stakes, to the point where it just got kinda exhausting. Meanwhile the show just took itself way too seriously, without really earning my emotional investment.
Some of the were exacerbated by the production issues that happened in the early seasons of the show, too.
They went through a bunch of different showrunners/producers in that time, and it shows. Much of Seasons 1 and 2 of Discovery felt like four different shows all overlapping with each other, which did not help in the slightest. It started to find its footing in Season 3, but after that was also when CBS took it off of Netflix, which also made it harder to watch, unless you were willing to subscribe to another service (that might not even be available in your country) for the one show.
It might have been more interesting if it had stabilised itself and found its footing early on, but alas. On the other hand, it being what was basically an experimental testing-ground for a bunch of different concept gave us the short treks, Strange New Worlds, and a few other shows besides, so can't fault it that badly.
Relying on cultural hot topics
I might regret asking this, but what "cultural" topics are you saying Discovery "relied on"?
Pretty mean thing to say about Jonathan Frakes...
That has been a disturbing trend