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Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • That's what I'm worried about; reform would be a dream. But right now Iran is especially vulnerable to western collusion in their election. It would be an absolute nightmare if that were to happen again.

    I want reform but like I know there's a chance that the west is trying to start another color revolution.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • I'm wondering how this will play out, especially since war is about to kick off.

    Tbh I don't know if it's a good idea to have a reformist around during this time. How lenient are they going to be on the west? I think America might be shaping up to invade Iran this time around, instead of doing anything about Taiwan

  • The terror against homeless will continue as scheduled
  • What the fuck do they mean homeless people aren't protected from cruel and unusual punishments?

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • Nobody likes a traitor, I don't feel bad for compradors facing the full effect of the racism and violence they tried to enable onto their own people.

    They're the only people I WON'T defend against racism, and I say this as a poc

  • This AI generated meme cooked
  • Never let bro cook again

  • Uncritical support to miHoYo for taking gacha g*mer's money to build a Tokamak reactor
  • Thanks for the context, this was definitely a weird way to word this

  • China's commercial 'artificial sun' achieves first discharge
  • Highest amount of bullshit I've ever read, American scientists can be such jokes sometimes.

    It all went downhill when we started accepting "celebrity scientists"

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 17th to June 23rd, 2024 - Macron's Gambit - COTW: France
  • transferred to mainland France for pre-trial detention

    Certified 1802 classic

  • How do we stop AI?

    Pic unrelated bc I didn't know what to add for this

    I'm going to be honest, I'm not confident in the future of AI and think it would've been ultimately better if it weren't invented to begin with.

    I know that it can have genuinely incredible applications that would benefit humanity as a whole, namely healthcare, accident prevention (like with airplanes, ships, shuttles, workplace related, etc.), and weather/natural disaster predictions. I'd love if that were all that it could do.

    But I've also seen AI in warfare, surveillance, and policing used to seriously harm innocent people. Employers are already using AI to unfairly filter people out of jobs, and I believe black rock also uses AI to buy up properties. Not to mention that jobs like illustrators, writers, musicians, etc will all inevitably be replaced by their employers looking to consolidate workplace power from unions and increase profit margins.

    Boycotting AI art is one way to slow down its growth that I can think of, but what else can be done?

    It needs to be regulated and curbed before it's too late.

    When Palestine is liberated, would you accept Israeli "refugees" in your country?

    Firstly: !isntrael !idf-cool

    Okay now for the post.

    When Palestine is liberated, I think the vast majority of settlers will either be [redacted] or forced out of the region. There is no way that any Arab in the region will accept having a settler in their land, and the settlers know this. The plan will have to be a mass exodus for the west, both for their safety and livelihood (I can see many going into ghoul industries like defense, tech, and police training).

    That being said, how would you react if your country decides to accept settlers? Would you support the move? If they were going to live in your community/ neighborhoods how would you feel?

    How tf does one become ultraleft?

    I'm almost convinced that people don't become ultraleft; they end up ultraleft. What type of confusion, abuse, bigotry, whatever- it doesn't matter- turns someone into an ultraleft?

    I'm at my wits end, are they just neoliberals that haven't accepted that fact?

    Why can't we live underground, or carve our homes on the sides of mountains?

    What's stopping us? Not all of us have to, obviously, but at least some of us can live that way.

    If our antiquated predecessors could sometimes manage it, I'm sure we can too. Maybe even better.

    TikTok videos about raw milk and raw carnivore

    Image unrelated. Just a short list of TikToks that melted my mind.

    Please enjoy 😊

    Why are landlords like this? How do you even rehabilitate these people??? SOMIPODS: Sleeping Capsules

    We are helping Landlords like you thrive in this new Gig Economy. Split up your spare room with high end Japanese-style hotel capsules in order to improve the quality of your tenants and increase monthly revenue.

    SOMIPODS: Sleeping Capsules

    I saw these and I thought they were so cute, like I genuinely wanted one for myself because it looked like something out of Subnautica. Then I go to the website and lo- it's made for fucking landlords.

    They even have a calculator that calculates rent for the pods.

    They'll never regulate this shit, you'll have an absolute !frothingfash putting like 10 in a house and charging every head full rent.

    He was right !mao-aggro-shining

    France prepared to deploy troops in Ukraine- Russia’s top spy France preparing to deploy troops to Ukraine – Russia’s top spy

    Paris is planning to send 2,000 French soldiers to Ukraine, the Russian foreign intelligence service has said

    France preparing to deploy troops to Ukraine – Russia’s top spy

    >French President Emmanuel Macron said last month that he “cannot exclude” the possibility of Western soldiers being sent to aid Kiev in its fight against Moscow, branding Russia an “adversary” while denying Paris was “waging war” against it.

    >Russia’s military and top officials have repeatedly pointed to the presence of French mercenaries already fighting for Kiev on the ground.

    >In the statement on Tuesday, the SVR chief said the French Armed Forces had become “concerned” about the rising number of French nationals dying in Ukraine.

    >The casualty level has supposedly surpassed a “psychological threshold” and could trigger protests, the statement said, adding that Macron’s government was concealing this information and “delaying” the moment it would have to be revealed.

    >The claims come as the chief of staff of the French Army, Gen. Pierre Schill, said in an interview on Tuesday that France is prepared to take part in the “toughest engagements” militarily, and is ready to face any international developments. He added that Paris could assemble a division of 20,000 troops within 30 days and an army of 60,000 by joining with divisions from other NATO allies.

    >Russian President Vladimir Putin has also claimed this week that Western mercenaries, including French nationals, are dying in Ukraine “in large numbers.” Commenting on a potential NATO deployment to Ukraine, the president also warned that this would be “one step shy of a full-scale World War III.”

    Cross posted this from lemmygrad

    Hypothetically speaking would it be possible to have two national currencies used by the same country?

    What I'm imagining is one currency ("foreign currency", let's call it) is used mainly for other countries to buy goods from the 2-currency country; this one would be "cheap" relative to other countries in order to encourage trade. That currency would be similar to an export country's currency (like China).

    So let's say our hypothetical country wants to trade lumber, they'll price the lumber according to the foreign currency for other countries to buy.

    The other currency ("domestic currency") is earned and used by the citizens of said country to be able to purchase goods (domestic and imported). This currency would be "strong" and could allow citizens to sustain a quality of life that allows them to comfortably afford a home, education, groceries, etc.

    So the hypothetical exchange rate of "domestic currency" (DC$) for the "foreign currency" (FC$) would look something like this:

    1DC$ = 100FC$

    Another condition: Domestic goods for domestic purchase are not priced according to the domestic currency, they're priced at the foreign currency and can be bought using the domestic currency (by citizens).

    So going back to the lumber example: a citizen wants to buy lumber. That citizen will purchase lumbar using the domestic currency, but the price of the lumber will be set according to the foreign currency (which is it's price during trade).
