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  • "because I smell something burning"

  • Tumblr: If you refuse to support the person carrying out a genocide of millions of people, "you have an incredible amount of privilege" and actually DON'T care about Palestine. Here's a helpful chart!
  • The thing which drives me up the wall about FPTP and "lesser evil" moralizing is that, given the FPTP voting system, the onus is on the party to put forward a candidate who can win a majority. Don't blame the voters for the party's failure. The democrats are putting up a shit candidate, so if they lose, it's their fault. Not the people. A real tail-wagging-the-dog situation.

    If you believe in democracy, then you must believe that power comes from the people, not that power whips the people into line.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • He's in pretty bad health is he not? Is this just letting him free due to illness?

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • That's been on my mind too lately, history is filled with intense events that were the entire world for the people experiencing it. Current events are just history being made, but rather than being locked into a track as when we read history, we can directly affect the course. Though, history is also full of completely forgotten stories of people like us and not like us, fighting for things which are motivated by things almost completely irrelevant now. And they would go on being forgotten events and people of the past, except that we can retrospectively analyze them as tools for our present. Interesting to think about when it comes to the legacy we're collectively leaving to the world's children.

    also it's kinda wild realizing how old people are still pretty young in a cosmic sense, we're all just someone else's kids that inherited the fucked up world handed down to us. Like how stories get passed down through generations, except only the ones told by the oppressing classes are remembered.

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • The link to last week's post in the description is outdated, here's the last week post

  • Hollo is a federated single-user microblogging software
  • It's the same concept as running a mastodon server but turning off registration. No more or less secure.

  • Dirt cheap """cloud hosting""" provider?
  • ngrok is free for development if you only need to serve HTTP, haven't used it personally but I think it basically acts like a reverse proxy

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 17th to June 23rd, 2024 - Macron's Gambit - COTW: France
  • #Tradle #840 5/6


    That's a lot of car parts, are they part of the supply chain for Volkswagen Automotive Group? The electric batteries threw me off so I was thinking South Korea first.

  • I want to show yall my favorite band: Neutral Milk Hotel
  • Oh yeah this album works so well to sing along to. I also recommend checking out other albums like On Avery Island or Ferris Wheel on Fire

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 17th to June 23rd, 2024 - Macron's Gambit - COTW: France
  • Following a racially-motivated stabbing of a 12 year old girl at a shopping center in Oulu, Finland last week, a teenage boy stabbed a "foreign-looking" man at the same shopping center in a copy-cat attack. The injuries are not life-threatening, and the boy can be tried criminally since he is over the age of 15.

  • We are one and the same
  • Yeah I'm only a beginner in learning Russian but I haven't seen the verb пожирать before, I figured it was something more descriptive like "consume"

    Maybe пожарить also works - to fry 😂

  • We are one and the same

    >> In Russian they don't say "I love you" they say "пожирать плоть капиталистов" which means "we are one and the same" and I think that's beautiful > > [Screenshot of google translate] > > Query: Пожирать плоть капиталистов > Result: Eat the flesh of the capitalists

    Nato in talks to put nuclear weapons on standby
  • Epic bacon quoting the Jorjor Wells book! You win the internet for today.

  • How can I easily and conveniently transfer files wirelessly between my linux computer and android phone?
  • There are some browser based solutions like and I haven't had the latter work for me though, not sure if it's still functional. They work through WebRTC to discover local candidates for receiving files, the same way that video calling typically finds the best connection.


    ShareDrop uses a secure and encrypted peer-to-peer connection to transfer information about the file (its name and size) and file data itself. This means that this data is never transfered through any intermediate server but directly between the sender and recipient devices. To achieve this, ShareDrop uses a technology called WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication), which is provided natively by browsers. You can read more about WebRTC security here.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 10th to June 16th, 2024 - Havana Derangement Syndrome - COTW: Cuba
  • large parts of the world stand behind Ukraine in the war against Russia

    But not as many large parts as those who don't fall in line behind the NATO line.

    while Russia today looks even more isolated

    8 billion minus 1 golden billion nets you into negative support, this is peak westerner arithmetic

    The purpose of the summit was to begin a proper peace process where all participating nations could present ideas on how to work towards a lasting peace in Ukraine.

    Didn't these business major failsons learn in their first semester that a meeting is pointless without all the necessary stakeholders?

  • CNN reports on American Run Concentration Camps in Syria
  • I have to ask, why is this article posted? It's a top journalist at CNN. Why did the state dept allow access to the camp? Why now during an election year?

  • Reposting this because I saw one person have a take I disagreed with
  • I used to live next a mostly abandoned public university building. The building changed hands to some private association which would rent the building out for private events on weekends. So this meant on Friday and Saturday nights, people would rent out this big space and put a DJ blasting deep bass all night, usually through 4am. There's a quiet law in the city after 10pm!

    It was literally driving me insane, the bass wasn't audible outside but shook the foundation of the building and piped directly into my fucking room. Impossible to sleep when a 90 BPM beat is playing for hours, your heart just doesn't relax. I emailed the association every time it happened saying it's affecting my sleep. They answered once or twice saying they "asked the guests to turn it down next time" but nothing changed. Shame on them, making money from leasing a space not designed with sound isolation in mind in the middle of several apartment blocks. I eventually moved out because of it but goddamn, so enraging

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 10th to June 16th, 2024 - Havana Derangement Syndrome - COTW: Cuba
  • studentsforpalestinefinland
    The University of Helsinki is planning to evict us tomorrow under the pretext of a greenwashing conference. They have given us until noon to leave.
    Join us at 10.00 at the encampment for a briefing on how the demonstration will proceed and to show your support for Palestine and the global student movement!

  • What was your first operating system or Linux Distribution?
  • For Linux I started with Wubi to install Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron. It installed Linux as a program in Windows and added some kind of hacky boot entry to boot into Ubuntu from your windows partition. Pretty cool, and I'm still pretty nostalgic for the GNOME 2 aesthetic with compiz effects from that time.

  • Russian folk tune "Batyushka" - Курский наигрыш "Батюшка"

    No clue what they're saying but I'm enjoying the instrument selection and dance

    Do you use a mesh VPN?

    Recently I've been reading a lot about the topic of mesh VPNs (tinc, Nebula, Tailscale, ZeroTier, Netmaker, Netbird, etc) and find them pretty interesting. Is anyone here using these in some capacity at home or maybe at work?

    My problem so far is that many of the options seem to be aimed at corporate use, understandably, so the developers can earn enough to keep doing it. This means the focus is on a centralized control plane, one server which knows everything about the entire network and manages firewall rules for all of it.

    This is why I'm leaning towards Nebula, since I think the decentralized design just makes more sense. There is some centralization for issuing certs though. How do I go about setting up PKI? Is there some open source solution for managing certificates and automatically renewing them?

    There's also the option of using vanilla WireGuard. This is my current setup, but I really like the idea of meshing, since it means I don't need to care if my devices are physically on the same network or not, the best connection will be used. Basically the layer of abstraction is a nice convenience that lets me think about hosts or services independently of the physical network topology.

    I'm interested to hear your thoughts on this topic! What's your setup like and what do you use it for?


    Original comic


    Some keywords:

    • adventurism
    • restraint
    • whatever shortcode is used for that guy with tape around his mouth