Harris should definitely do it
Harris should definitely do it
Harris should definitely do it
Trump is against releasing the Epstein files?
There is so much wealth backing up the incentive to never disclose the contents of the known files that someone like Trump can literally just babble about being uncomfortable disclosing the contents in the most guilt-steeped, incriminating way imaginable (as he did) and even face backlash for it by millions, and STILL the news cycle will bury it, nobody will be allowed to question him on it, it will disappear like everything else that could potentially harm the wealthy.
It's wild how many people on the right are still locked into a fantasy world belief about rings of powerful cultists kidnapping children to perform rituals and drain their essences like some kind of Indiana Jones movie... meanwhile they are sending money to the very people who sponsor the world's most elite and expensive child-sex-trafficking operations.
They rather the darkness of the world be packaged into some kind of fantasy-scape Hollywood narrative so that it's easier to dismiss and not actually worry about, something that can be set down and walked away from the way you would a bad movie. This preserves the emotions and assuages the fears and guilt.
too bad biden doesnt have the balls to do it
Honest question, can the POTUS unilaterally declassify something like that?
Assuming this is in reference to Epstein's testimony to the Grand Jury, that was never classified. Those records were sealed under State (Florida) Law. And were also unsealed in July by a special (also State) law. But, to answer the question you are asking "could the President unseal such documents?" No, the President could not. Especially considering that the documents were sealed by State Law, over which the President has zero say. The President could apply political pressure and ask the State nicely to do it. But, the President cannot unilaterally override State Law.
Yes. A President can declassify documents, but there's a process to it.
It's part of the whole debate about the Trump classified docs case. He essentially claimed he secretly declassified them, which is of course stupid and not a thing.
The President has plenary authority to declassify any materials.
Dishonest answer: WITH THEIR MINDS
President can declassify most state secrets. For example, when Trump decided to display a satellite photo to the media, that counted as an on the spot declassification.
The big exception is restricted data, which is technical know how to produce nuclear weapons.
Now that POTUS is a king (kotus?) sure. As long as it's "official"
Also are there actual files we don't have info on
Not the time yet. Wait for October.
I'm going to hold you to that.
She should. She won't, but she should.
Nobody ever will. It will implicate people at every station of power in the US and other countries, it will show just how many sick fucks are running our world, it will make a large number of wealthy or famous figures who have ever railed against child abuse or social issues into a potential criminal rapist.
And this is one person, one island, one set of files and documents.
The world is vast, and the several hundreds or thousands of people involved in this case are just a fraction of what really happens all day, every day, both in and out of US culture.
Wait did Kammala actually say she'd do it?
Probably not, a lot of people are projecting stuff on her that she won't ever do.
Wishful thinking. Hopefully the female prosecutor seeks justice against the rich men who abused children.
That's why the title says should
If I was her I would say that I would. I'd say something like "The Epstein files? Oh yeah, I read them, I will be releasing them so America knows who, and what these sick bastards have done"
Why are the Epstein files classified?
Because it full of billionaires names on it.
Oh okay
Because of ongoing investigations into the people allegedly involved in the cases that may have come to light. It could take many years before the entirety of the files are declassified. (At least the ones we actually have.)
Also, rich people and money. But we're not supposed to say that out loud.
How about Biden should do it.
Well done
Huh? Is it loss?
ew gross is she laughing how weird of her
This is like an awful boomer meme I'd expect on Twitter or Facebook. This is giving me cringe by association and is just humor for dumb people.
What a refreshingly civilized take on humor and public discourse. Thank you Mr. Cum
I like it.
Yeah this is embarrassing..... Prime content for right wing trolls to show how lame the "woke libs" are...