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  • I dunno.

    But I work in contract security. When the Super Bowl came to Minneapolis, it was one of the worst nights of My working-life.

    I was walking through a bar to touch bases with their management (the bar was tenants of my client,) and a philly fan broke a bottle off and tried to shank me. That was the night before. All I did to provoke it? Walk behind him.

    Another incident the night before, 3 guys were kicking the shit out of an oldish guy while two howling wives egged them on.

    They were late twenties early thirties, their victim was a late-50’s black guy.

    Their only “reason”? He was wearing a Vikings cap.

    Over all, the only night that we had more arrests happen was when the city decided to set up a soft checkpoint for a trump rally with a day’s notice to my client next door.

    When ever I start listing incidents other Philly fans are quick to say “no we’re just passionate!”

    Green Bay is passionate. They dress up in their cosplay and drink all the beer then go home. (Though, probably some of the best tailgating you’ve ever seen…) they don’t beat the shit out of people.

  • I personally can't say why I would because I don't but I can tell you why my friends do. Its because they drink a fuck ton of alcohol, bet way more money than they can afford and get caught up in the mob mentality.

  • When I was a kid I would get emotionally invested in the game, hoping my team would win and gritting my teeth because they might not.

    I really cannot relate to this at all anymore. I might wish for my home team to win but if they don’t play well then that’s on them, and I am not going to lose sleep either way.

    I can only guess that I got caught up in the games as a kid because my whole family was into them, rooting and clapping and groaning and swearing at the refs. I was small and my brain wasn’t fully formed and I just got caught up in that culture.

    It looks patently ridiculous from the outside. But I guess some people’s entire society is so into sports that they reach adulthood with this tribalism intact. It is after all a form of entertainment and people crave excitement and something to care about.

    I got sick of my emotions being caught up in an arbitrary thing that might go either way. It’s the same reason I hate holding stocks. When you wake up each day and see that you gained or lost money based on arbitrary forces you can’t control, it’s like having your emotions manipulated by RNG.

    Gamers know that when a game is entirely driven by RNG its bullshit not worth playing.

  • You should see what happens when political tribalism takes place in the United States. 

    Strong emotions and financial strain with the working class at an all-time high, disdain towards other groups, and fights break out.

    Assassination attempts and murder of activists and politicians due to disagreements.

    I think it goes back to dividing the working class and keeping us entertained so we don't pay attention to the status quo.

  • The easiest, but not necessarily the most applicable answer, is that it is possible to wager money on the outcome of sports games. Very large sums of money. Ruinous, life-altering sums.

    The more common answer is that this is a sense of personality for some people. They identify with a certain sports team and spend a lot of their time cheering them on and building up the belief that they are the best team, undefeatable under any fair circumstance. When that team loses, they then take it personally. After all, if their team lost, could it mean they're not actually the best team? Did I choose wrong?

    No. Impossible. It's those damn referees, blind as they are, missing the most obvious fouls and treating my team unfairly, punishing my team's players more harshly for the tiniest infractions. Nay, not even that; my team didn't break the rules; it's that other team's fault!

    &c., &c., until you get bored.

    It isn't reasoning driving these decisions. It's emotion. And before any of us get too haughty about it, it's also a very human reaction. Humans were not designed to reason, we were designed to feel. And yes, everyone has a set of circumstances that will cause their logical processing to shut off and allow emotion to take control. It just might not be sports.