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Sigh, why do people use these hygrometers?

These have to be the least accurate things I have ever seen.

The rectangular one is accurate or accurate enough and has been what I used but I noticed files all had cutouts for these round hygrometers...

Well from my 6 pack 1 is within a margin of error to even be useful.

I get they aren't expensive but seems like a waste of money for this bad.

  • I would not be at all surprised to learn that both the commodity round and rectangular units use the exact same components inside. These surely must be made from jellybean off the shelf parts, and at similar price points to each other neither could possibly be assembled with much care or attention to detail.

    I have a six pack of the rectangular ones from Jeff Bezos' Knockoff Whitebox Emporium. Even all sealed in the same container with each other, they all disagree by a spread of about 15%. I have no idea which of the six, if any, are actually producing an accurate number.

  • Do you have a recommendation for a more accurate unit?

    • Working on it. Waiting for some packages.

      The rectangular ones are slightly more reliable from personal experience but likely just as possible to be low quality. From working with them the design layout leaves less space to get obvious flaws such as the RH sensor being installed facing the board which seems to be true for most of the round ones, they also have a separate and dedicated temp sensor unlike the round ones and use a double battery setup since voltage can also affect the accuracy of the reading.

      But the RH sensor between the units seem to be identical as is the inability to calibrate.

      Personally the paper strips are very reliable if just looking for a binary answer of if it's gotten past a threshold and are incredibly cheap.

      Abe recommended an electronic daughter board sensor that was cheap but requires skills I don't have.

      And I have found medical grade ones that can be purchased cheap "used" as they are often single use for shipping purposes to make sure the item was kept in specific conditions. But that brings me back to waiting for the. To arrive and test.


      These cheap electric square or circle ones are both luck based with some preference to the square. But cheap paper humidity sensors can be gotten if you just want to toss them in a bag to make sure they haven't gotten water damaged as a binary identifier.

      For reliable accuracy look elsewhere.