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5 mo. ago

  • There is absolutely no way any starter will see that page and not be intimidated. I am a well seasoned selfhoster and even I saw that and went "Wow that's a lotta words and images on a single page."

    Even arch wiki has sensible ToC with pages divided into what the current topic is.

  • True - but it really depends what you're measuring with BME280/680s though (680280). As a combination temp/humidity/pressure they're excellent, but for humidity alone I think SHT gives better "expected" readings than BME.

    Someone nerded it out on arduino forums about five years ago:

  • SHT31/41 are better than DHT22 tbf. DHT would have a variance of about 2-5%. It also takes a while for it to stabilize.

  • I have about $150 worth of Ali parts and components coming just this month for whole house monitoring for this kinda thing - temp, humidity, CO2, VOCs, pressure, light sensors etc. Would be glad to ping y'all once that writeup is done :)

  • Hygrometers are only as good as their components. Buying a DHT11/22 or SHT31 from AliExpress ($1-2) alongside an ESP8266/32 and you'd have much better results than buying these "are my cigars dry" pucks.

  • Fwiw, LinuxServer still maintains a resilio-sync docker image for 3.0.0. They are fairly trustworthy.