The one time I resorted to violence, it 100% solved my problem. I slapped my bully in class so hard people's ears rang. We ended up becoming friends later on lol.
I honestly don't know if Americans have what it takes to change the path we're headed down. I haven't really got much faith left in our society. We're pretty pathetic.
That looks like something that could have been written on here or reddit a week ago and would have been met with at least modest approval in regards to the oligarchy.
I've always said this but got chased out of the room (downvoted to hell), peaceful protest is a bunch of bullshit and won't do shit. It never will. It's always just ignored. Rioting and violence IS the only option when protesting peacefully is ignored. I mean look at the George Floyd protests and how they actually made change. Look at the French and their protests.....etc. Peaceful protesting is quite literally a bunch of people kidding themselves.
Except the problem is that humans are cognitively advanced than other animals. We should be able to find some way to reason out our differences, otherwise we’re always going to be stuck in a dark cave of our own making. What’s the fucking point of humanity then?
The problem is that there aren’t effective ways to curtail sociopathic behaviors which come to the surface because of our current economic tool of choice. Tbh, it will not matter what economic tool we use because the greed problem and self-preservation problem will remain. It always does!
We should be working towards developing safeguards and mechanisms to protect humanitarian ideals, and to curtail sociopathic behaviors. I think a big part of this is that people should elect better leaders. If you’re forced to choose “lesser of two evils”, then there should be a mechanism to organize an effective write-in choice.
If someone then comes to kill you for making democratic choices, as happens in autocratic regimes, then self-defense is valid and justified.
So if you read into Kaczynski a bit, in a way he's kinda history's first incel too. He went off into the woods because he was upset about getting rejected by a girl and went super nice guy™ on not just her but life too. He blamed technology on his inability to read into a woman and he was too insecure to learn from it.
This guy is doing something else, he attacked the elite not because of technology and their relationship but because of their wealth and direct actions.
This guy gets a free pass on wierd beliefs to me. Sucks that the first ceo assasin was caught though. He really showed how possible it could have been to get away with it though.
I’ve scouered his Goodreads, Instagram, Twitter accounts.
He looks like he’s a tech bro who went to University of Pennsylvania. He had some cool somewhat anti-capitalistic takes, and criticised Elon Musk. But was also following and reposting a couple alt-right accounts like RFK Jr and Joe Rogan. He seems to have been a big consumer of the capitalistic self-improvement type industry.
In a democracy you need your conviction to reach the masses. But it seems the masses clearly chose the side that is gonna make most people with low income more miserable, that will cut down benefits and any social safety still left and support the cooperations. I kid you not, the masses have chosen this.
Peaceful movements have solved quite a lot actually. Martin Luther King Jr. would have never shown the hypocrisy of the segregation they lived in then if he could possibly be branded as violent and destructive. Which force was fighting for the right cause and held their moral high grounds was undisputed. It was a long and hard fight but they won.
I think the actual coward is the one who shoots another man in the back, who is a cog of the system in the back and pretends he is the one self-righteous who gets to decide justice. We are no animals, and while we need to preserve our future and the kids we also need to preserve civility and the rule of law. If the will of the masses is strong enough the political parties will buckle to the demands. This is a democracy, no dictatorship.
Violence is sometimes needed to counter violence, but this act of violence changes nothing. Violence is needed when a dictatorship suppresses the freedom and dreams of the public and tortures people. Violence is needed when when a different country attacks and tries to invade your country against the will of the people and causes mass destruction and death. Diplomacy takes time but an open approach always needs to be there to resolve violent conflict in the end. Wars usually end in a peace conference. The US is a democracy and the world has plenty of examples where the healthcare system works for everyone and people with low income aren't left out. How does chaos in a democracy solve anything when reform is an option? Go protest, participate as an activist, talk with others about the issue, spread awareness and vote accordingly. Talk to your representative.
My point is in a democracy change is hard but it can come from a grassroots movement, without causing more harm, more death and more suffering.
I don't disagree with a lot of what the Unabomber wrote. I don't disagree with this person's hatred of the healthcare system.
But you cannot assassinate your way out of capitalism.
It just does not work that way. You cannot assassinate corporations into putting people over profits when they are legally required to do the opposite and you cannot assassinate your way into a law being changed.