I think they mean that this shouldn't even be needed and instead were wasting time going through all of this for something that shouldn't even be happening in modern society.
Information access is important. What is and isn't available in our schools and libraries shapes society. Republicans have a vision that merges education and religion while reducing critical thought. This is a step that protects us from that.
I can't wait for the headline "Trump Administration Bans Banning Banning Books in Schools and Libraries". But I'm wondering if it'll be the last layer or we can go even deeper?
You can tell this isn't a conservative "protect muh childrens freedoms and values"-signing, because they didn't even bother to force any dead-eyed token children to attend the photo-op.
My extremely left leaning city did this “law to prevent banning books” then immediately banned all “right wing” books for “safety to the community” concerns. So they don’t ban books just prevent everyone from reading “dangerous ideas” like Jordan Peterson or Douglas Murray. Is a sham on both sides.