Caption this.
Caption this.
Caption this.
"I hope this medal makes up for 2024 being the year of highest oil production in US history. Which happened in defiance of all the climate science you've been trying to tell us about. You know, as part of the years of science education this award honors."
This is just depressing..
I hope this medal makes up for 2024 being the year of highest oil production in US history.
i'm actually curious to know how it compares to global production. With the war in ukraine and what not, kicked a HUGE export market right off a cliff.
I really wonder what industry y'all work in that you think the entire energy grid and vehicle fleet can be remade in 4 years.
Don't worry protest voters, we may be able to start from scratch again in another 4 years.
I see Lemmy's famous misreading is happening. I want environmental policy. But I know things take time. People that think everything can be remade in 4 years don't know how big industry is and how much work it takes.
4 years? Climate scientists have been warning the world about climate change for about half a century, and urgently for a few decades. Bill Nye specifically has videos going back at least 13 years.
Don't just blame the 2017-2021 Trump presidency either for the current high, if that is what you mean by your "reworking the energy grid/vehicles in 4 years" argument. Oil production was at its lowest since the 50's under Bush Jr. then climbed again dramatically through Obama's 2 terms. Then the Biden presidency started after a year of "low" production (that was actually higher than anything pre-2017) before climbing again steeply during the last 4 years. This is a problem of both parties, and the worst of it has happened in the last 13 years of which 9 were under a Dem president.
you and me both my friend, you and me both.
People, throughout all of the cool things they have done throughout history, are also the single stupidest organism to ever fucking exist and i cannot express my rage over how stupid people can be without being banned.
So, please, random lemmy users reading this, reactionary engagement is bad, use critical thinking, and don't use quippy retorts. They don't actually do anything.
People just want to watch the world burn, and so do i, not because i think my version of the world is better, but because it brings me enjoyment when i get to see people suffer the results of their choices. I will do nothing to stop you, and laugh all the way down. The world is in your hands my friend, choose wisely.
I was Biden my time, but the time is Nye.
And one day, when they feel you've paid enough, they'll give you a medal and serve you salmon and potato salad as well
Oppenheimer quote?
That's the one!
They'll pat you on the back – tell you all is forgiven. Just remember, it won't be for you...
It will be for them.
"Necromancer of the year being awarded to Bill Nye, delivered by the achievement that earned this medal: the animated corpse of Joseph Biden."
“I used to watch you when you were a kid”
"I'm taking this off you, Bill, and giving it to some CEO who said AI will fix climate change"
Good work in school young man.
Biden hands our award for worst Netflix show ever.
I do love Bill. His newer show was just awful though.
"Maybe after I choke him with this that God damn song will finally get out of my head..."
It's even better in Chinese
Bill Nye graciously accepts the Power Bottom Lifetime Achievement award.
Biden wispers in his ear, "inertia is a property of matter"
On behalf of Raytheon, I thank you Jack. We need them kids studying STEM to keep the bombs flowin'. The name's Gill the Math Guy, right? That's what I had engraved on the medal.
Bill Nye smirking defiantly after declining the medal of freedom, while a disappointed Biden removes it from his neck.
(The ghost of Mitt Romney chuckles to itself in the background)
What ever happened to Beakman?
He became the devil.
Wait, what?
Hail Beakman!
Still hanging out with the rat
Last I saw him, he was hanging out with Captain Disillusion.
"Did you fart, or was that me?"
"I'm... not sure."
This image makes me feel old
"Did you fart?"
"You're God damn right I did."
Biden thinking: "Think fast. How do I seamlessly thread this ribbon under the iconic Bowtie of Science? All without losing my balance."
Why is the frontman of talking heads being given a medal by the dude from Bram Stokers Dracula?
“Im gonna pretend I got this medal for debating Ken Ham”
I farted. He farted.
Animorphs cover art is coming along well.
I told you I'd get you Nye!
The Presidential Medal of Freedom OF SCIENCE!
Okay everybody, im done with the proudest moment of my life now. Someone please wake him up.
Relax. Like you're trying to fart.
T - minus seven seconds
"Man his hair smells good"
I'm a comedian not a scientist
Is that bill nye?
Got you now Nye! 💀
"Here's your medal but I have to admit I am a little disappointed that you didn't do your Julia Child impression."
What, you wanna ball
with the kid
Watch your step
you might fall
Tryin ta do what I did
Mama-unh mama-unh mama
come closa'
In the middle of the club with the rubba duck
Up the bum corner. Viz
mr. president what are you doing?
"Come'on Jack! You know ; The Thing."
Sex Junk
Way to go Bill!
Bill Nye is a national treasure.
"Cringe Bling from the Genocidal Planet-Destroyer to the Complicit"