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  • I got that beat mercilessly as a little girl masking version of ADHD where my sink is never not empty but even if I didn't, I understand it and I understand depression which is so often comorbid with untreated ADHD and we deserve to celebrate every success like this.

    Now if I could go home after work today and sweep and mop my damn downstairs, that would be the kind of success that I can only dream of. We need ADHD collectives where I'll come do your dishes (as long as you have gloves and a fresh sponge that doesn't stink) and you can come do my stupid floor.

    • I've always been of the mindset that we ought to clean each others places just because it's so much easier to help a friend out than work for myself.

  • How is it clean if you didn't soak it in soapy water for 3 months?

  • I clean as I cook, food goes straight into a container, and no eating until all the pots and pans are clean. I had to make this the default behaviour because otherwise my kitchen would quickly become a biohazard.

  • I like dishes-- although sometimes I'll let them go for a day or two. But it's such a straightforward task that doesn't take long to complete and when you're done you know exactly where to put everything. Then stuff is clean and I feel like I accomplished at least something.

    Compare that to random stuff I've got lying around that I haven't found a place for and keep getting side tracked because it's not very linear and requires decisions and more effort.

  • Man I can't relate to this one because my kitchen is always clean. In fact I can't stand it when anything's out of place lol it really bothers me when someone goes and places things elsewhere. Just leave it out so I can put it away. That's how I remember where everything is!

  • I read somewhere that interpreting things like a clean sink or a clean room as a sign of success is actually counterproductive. You might think by thinking this way, that you're motivating yourself to clean, but you're actually just shaming yourself for not cleaning. It's easy to think "cleaning is so simple, it should always be done" when in reality it should be "cleaning is such an optional task it's okay if things build up a bit."

    By shaming ourselves for not cleaning, we're really shaming ourselves for having a hard day at work, or going through a hard time, or being depressed. And let me tell you, more shame is not going to make any of those scenarios any better.

  • not sure if it helps you, but i find it easiest to clean when there are few items in the sink.

    a mug and a spoon? heck yeah, i'm cleaning that shit. three plates, six bowls, six pairs of chopsticks, two knives, two pans, and a cutting board? fuck that shit i'm gonna go watch a movie.

    sure it's less efficient, but if you clean one or two things in between tasks while you cook, you'll be surprised at how much washing up you get done during your usual "waiting time" by the time you're finished making dinner.