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Greetings fellow Lemmings! What was the stupidest thing you ever did?

I’ll start: My first GF and I didn’t use protection. We used the pull out technique. FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR! I was 19 and could have ruined my life then and there.

  • I failed to objectively reason and logically assess the fundamental religious extremism I was raised with for the first 30 years of my life.

  • Grew up in Florida on a lake filled with alligators. Swam in it for years. 🤦‍♀️

  • Drugs. A few times my harm reduction practices were shaky at best, though overall I was pretty good, but still. I wouldn't trade it for the world, but dumb nonetheless and life changing absolutely.

    If only I could have the wisdom that comes from trauma without actually having to deal with trauma and it's circumstances...oh I guess life would be kinda dull that way though.

  • I started a camp fire in a dry grass field. Needless to say the field quickly caught fire. I was maybe 10 years old at the time. Should not have been playing with fire.

  • When I was in the Army, one time we built a racetrack, complete with jumps, for the bulldozers. One person drove, the rest of us just hung on with our bare hands, with the moving treads a few feet below us, no seatbelts, no safety harness, nothing. The motor pool Sergeant said we could do it as long as we all wore our kevlar (helmet) (he was also nuts and didn't care about shit). That no one fell off and got crushed under the treads is a miracle. God, we were so dumb. Helluva ride, though.