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What are some good games that have a bad reputation due to unreasonable expectations?

For consistency sake, let's say that any game that's >or=7/10 at what it's trying to do while having a popular perception of being a <5/10 game in general would count. Want to specify that this is more about the perception of the game compared to, say, a game just being really niche.

My personal Go-to for this would probably be the Callisto Protocol, because while it certainly did have some troubles at launch they were massively overblown. IMO most of the hate for it comes down to people expecting it to be Dead Space 4 with a new name, ignoring the devs the multitude of times they said that it's something else before release, and then getting mad when it released and wasn't dead space 4 under a new name.

  • I'll throw my hat into this ring with Monster Hunter Rise. I often spend my time browsing monster hunter content and almost every time Rise gets brought up it's just to talk about how much worse it is than World. I'll say it now, yes I also prefer World to Rise, but holy fuck do I still love Rise.

    To start with, let's compare the two. Monster Hunter is developed by 2 teams who take turns making games. World was developed by the mainline team who are known for more grounded and polished games. Rise was developed by the portable team who are known for flashier and more experimental games. Most players started the Monster Hunter series with World (it's Capcom's #1 best selling game of all time after all) and so going from the high detail immersive World to the action packed fast paced Rise was extremely jarring. A massive portion of the hate just comes from the fact that it was different.

    Also, as you can probably guess from the name, the portable team makes games for portable systems, such as the Switch, which immediately gives them less power to work with system-wise. Couple this with the fact that Rise was developed during the pandemic, and Rise was really dealt a rough hand. Graphically it's a massive downgrade from World, and it even ended up releasing without an ending or any non-scripted elder dragon fights.

    In spite of all this, even though Rise lacks a ton of the personality and charm of World, it's still an absolute blast to play! The combat is stellar, and while it may not have the weight World had, its fluidity and high adrenaline action makes it some of the best in the series. The sunbreak expansion especially really improved the game in every single way, fixing a ton of the issues people had with the base game. I feel that most players already moved on after base Rise and so didn't get to experience that improvement unfortunately.

    TL;DR play Monster Hunter Rise. It's really good. Just don't go in expecting the same experience as World.

  • Maybe a bit unpopular but... Cyberpunk 2077. I followed this game intensely since it was first announced with nothing more than a short animatic sequence. It went through all kinds of changes, and many of those were publicly documented before the launch of the game and still had people complaining that they were not in the final game.

    It did kind of start with pretty pie in the sky promises, but over thirteen years those promises were tempered. The hacking stuff most people point to is technically all there. Just not as presented in that extremely obvious pre-rendering. Many of the other disappointing things like cops not chasing you should have been expected. They were adamant about it not being like GTA and the cops wouldn't give chase the same way.

    Somehow, everyone got hyped to shit about a lot of stuff with this game only ever mentioned way early into production while they were still brainstorming ideas they wanted to do while I was watching every single thing CDPR put out about it and ended up getting exactly what I expected. My biggest disappointment with the game is the overhype and overreaction leading to them cancelling a lot of planned additions and likely even completely changing the scope of the DLC.

    That isn't to say I think it's a flawless masterpiece; I expected The Witcher 3 but sci-fi, and I feel that's what I got. Great story, well done dialogue, cool world, and fun combat. I see a lot of bad decisions and unfinished pieces, but as a long time gamer I can't say I don't expect that kind of shit from pretty much every game. Even the best games have those parts where you can clearly see the budget dropped off or management pulled some bullshit.

    • I'm on my 3rd play through. It's still janky and buggy in some regards, but my god the theme, the characterisation, the stories, the plot. It's how you put together an open world game, where immersion relies on the art of story telling.

      Someone tell Todd Howard. Maybe the next Bethesda game won't be so incredibly bland.

      • The v2.0 changes were actually pretty good, made me want to start another playthrough. I really like the new metro system even though it's such a small thing considering everything else they changed, but it's fun to be able to hop onto a metro to get somewhere. The game is already pretty immersive and that small detail just adds to it

    • I just did a replay recently and it was a lot of fun. They really nailed environments, sound, really the whole look and feel of the thing. Gameplay too; I did a monowire netrunner build this time and it was wild. Unlike anything I've played before, really. But I did have to cheat a bit to get there.

      There used to be a monowire you could go grab out of a box right from the start, but they took it out and locked access to any monowire behind street smarts. I added a console to give myself one and added some cyberware while I'm at it, because why not chrome up?

      This was, in fact, totally fine. The locking out doesn't seem to have anything at all to do with balance.

      I did have to spawn myself a bunch of these new shards to increase my cyberware limit, though, because they decided to cap them out and add an item to unlock them. Again, my going crazy with it really didn't disrupt balance at all.

      So why? Because someone in some department somewhere sees game mechanics as a commodity, and they're treating them like dlc. I get an infinite sea of generic weapons, but try to do the cyberpunk things and the game wags its finger.

      Aside from treating game mechanics as a commodity and meting out little scraps, it really doesn't seem to have any concern for player autonomy when it comes to a lot of the quests. At one point they shoved me into a hideous green snake skin pantsuit and I stopped playing for a week. The game repeatedly forced me to use a pistol, turning what would have been fun quests into obnoxious slogs while I waited to be allowed to play the game again.

      Hell, even a pivotal moment in the DLC literally forces a gun into my hands and glitches out if I try to do anything it doesn't expect. I had a character literally glitch its hands through its head to shoot at me when I tried to run behind it. That's not even mentioning the numerous points where going off the rails just immediately kills you and forces you to reload. Not because of anything actually dangerous or bad, but just because you're not supposed to go that way. Rather than making some obstacle, they literally just pick you up and put you back on the path. Could have invented literally anything to explain it away, maybe a security shield or something that kills anyone with a head computer who tries to leave the area, but they just didn't bother. Telling the player 'no' is enough for them. Cool. Fun.

      It's a fun game overall, but it could have been a way better game with a little more inter-departmental communication, a few less money people, and a little more respect for player agency.

    • The launch was a disaster on consoles. But on PC, while still having bugs, wasn't anywhere near as bad. The game is fantastic.

    • How do you get 13 years? It's been 11 years since the pre-rendered teaser trailer, and it was less than that between announcement and release. They also were open about not being full force on development for the game until Witcher 3 finished, and the announcement trailer served as a recruitment tool, something that most studios don't do anymore.

  • Definitely No Man's Sky

    It was bad at launch, sure, but the expectations of the game were way outta proportion to what a game could deliver on

    • The problem I had with no man's sky is that a large amount of the out of proportion expectations were a direct result of the developers over promising, rather than consumers just being over hyped.

  • The new Lords of the Fallen game. It was a pretty enjoyable game. There were many issues regarding online play and such, but I've had a great time as a soulsbourne fan.

  • Fallout 76.

    Got a bad reputation at launch because it was so buggy, the main "quest" was lackluster and the world felt empty due to a lack of NPCs. It was genuinely in a bad state.

    They've made loads of improvements and the game is really fun now. After the Wastelanders update, which brought NPCs and a new main quest, it started to shake off some of the negativity but I think many people are still turned off due to the launch stigma