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UK state pension age will soon need to rise to 71, say experts

  • Neoliberal dogshit economics. Disgusting that Guardian reporting on this is like Daily Mail.

    No wonder UK is in decline. In many ways worse than the US. Even Trump is pro-Social Security ffs.

    All societies should aim to provide first class healthcare and viable pension systems, which combine to produce high real standards of living for all citizens. The capacity to achieve those aims depends on the availability of goods and services rather than an erroneous concern about whether the currency-issuing government can afford to purchase them if available. Ensuring the availability of goods and services depends on maintaining high levels of employment and productivity as the dependency ratio rises and adopting environmentally sustainable methods of production and consumption.


    increasing pension age is class warfare. the capitalists want to enure that a. there is sufficient surplus labor available to keep wages down by employing older people b. hoard more resources that could've been used for pensions.

    fun fact: one of the many wonderful things Pinochet did was raise retirement age.

    • Trump isn't pro-anything but Trump. He would agree to anything if it would get him what he wants. He has no values, or morals, it is 100% about HIM in everything that comes out of his mouth.